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hen you're being set up; or betrayed; or being sold for something or someone more valuable。 You always need secrets to barter with; the more important the secrets the safer you are; because you never know when you or an underling or overling will make the mistake that leaves you as naked and as helpless as a spiked butterfly。 Like Voranski。 Like Metkin。 Like Dunross with his phony files。 Like Rosemont with his naive idealism。 Like Gregor Suslev; his fingerprints from the glass now on record with the CIA and so in a trap of my own choosing。
 Crosse laughed aloud。 He let in the clutch; easing out into the traffic。 Switching sides and playing them all off against each other makes life exciting; he told himself。 Yes; secrets really do make life very exciting indeed。
 9:45 P。M。:
 Pok Liu Chau was a small island southwest of Aberdeen; and dinner the best Chinese food Bartlett had ever had。 They were on their eighth course; small bowls of rice。 Traditionally rice was the last dish at a banquet。
 〃You're not really supposed to eat any; Linc!〃 Orlanda laughed。 〃That sort of dramatizes to your host that you're full to bursting!〃
 〃You can say that again; Orlanda! Quillan; it's been fantastic!〃
 〃Yes; yes it was; Quillan;〃 she echoed。 〃You chose beautifully。〃
 The restaurant was beside a small wharf near a fishing village … drab and lit with bare bulbs and furnished with oilcloth on the tables and bad chairs and broken tiles on the floor。 Behind it was an alley of fish tanks where the daily catch of the island was kept for sale。 Under the proprietor's direction they chose from what was swimming in the tanks: prawns; squid; shrimps; lobster; small crabs and fish of all kinds of shapes and sizes。
 Gornt had argued with the proprietor over the menu; settling with what fish they could agree on。 Both were experts and Gornt a valued customer。 Later they had sat down at a table on the patio。 It was cool and they drank beer; happy together; the three of them。 All knew that at least during dinner there was a truce and no need for guards。
 In moments the first dish had arrived … mounds of succulent quick…fried shrimps; sea…sweet and as delicious as any in the world。 Then tiny octopus with garlic and ginger and chili and all the condiments of the East。 Then some chicken wings deep fried which they ate with sea salt; then the great fish steamed with soy and slivers of fresh green onions and ginger and laid on a platter; the cheek; the delicacy of the fish; given to Bartlett as the honored guest。 〃Jesus; when I saw this dump; sorry; this place; I figured you were putting me on。〃
 〃Ah; my dear fellow;〃 Gornt said; 〃you have to know the Chinese。 They aren't concerned with the surroundings; just the food。 They'd be very suspicious of any eating place that wasted money on decoration or tablecloths or candles。 They want to see what they eat … hence the harsh light。 Chinese are at their best eating。 They're like Italians。 They love to laugh and eat and drink and belch。 。。。〃
 They all drank beer。 〃That goes best with Chinese food though Chinese tea's better … it's more digestive and breaks down all the oil。〃
 〃Why the smile; Linc?〃 Orlanda asked。 She was sitting between them。
 〃No reason。 It's just that you really know how to eat here。 Say; what's this?〃
 She peered at the dish of fried rice mixed with various kinds of fish。 〃Squid。〃
 The others laughed and Gornt said; 〃The Chinese say if its back faces heaven it's edible。 Shall we go?〃
 As soon as they were back on board and out to sea; away from the wharf; there was coffee and brandy。 Gornt said; 〃Will you excuse me for a while? I've got some paper work to do。 If you're cold; use the forward stateroom。〃 He went below。
 Thoughtfully Bartlett sipped his brandy。 Orlanda was across from him and they were lounging in the deck chairs on the aft deck。 Suddenly he wished that this was his boat and they were alone。 Her eyes were on him。 Without being asked; she moved closer and put her hand on the back of his neck; kneading the muscles gently and expertly。
 〃That feels great;〃 he said; wanting her。
 〃Ah;〃 she replied; very pleased; 〃I'm very good at massage; Linc。 I took lessons from a Japanese。 Do you have a regular massage?〃
 〃You should。 It's very important for your body; very important to keep every muscle tuned。 You tune your aircraft; don't you? So why not your body? Tomorrow I'll arrange it for you。〃 Her nails dug into his neck mischievously。 〃She's a woman; but not to be touched; heya?〃
 〃e on; Orlanda!〃
 〃I was teasing; silly;〃 she told him at once; brightly; taking away the sudden tension easily。 〃This woman's blind。 In olden days in China and even today in Taiwan; blind people are given a monopoly on the art and business of massage; their fingers being their eyes。 Oh yes。 Of course there are lots of quacks and charlatans who pretend to have knowledge but don't; not really。 In Hong Kong you soon know who's real and who isn't。 This is a very tiny village。〃 She leaned forward and brushed her lips against his neck。 〃That's because you're beautiful。〃
 He laughed。 〃I'm supposed to say that。〃 He put his arm around her; bewitched; and gave her a little hug; very conscious of the captain at the helm ten feet away。
 〃Would you like to go forward and see the rest of the ship?〃 she asked。
 He stared at her。 〃You a mind reader too?〃
 She laughed; her lovely face a mirror of joy。 〃Isn't it the girl's part to notice if her 。。。 if her date's happy or sad or wanting to be alone or whatever? I was taught to use my eyes and senses; Linc。 Certainly I try to read your mind but if I'm wrong you must tell me so that I can get better。 But if I'm correct 。。。 doesn't that make it grander for you?〃 And so much easier to ensnare you beyond escape。 To control you on a line you can so easily break if you wish; my art being to make the too thin line like a steel mesh。
 Oh but that was not easy to learn! Quillan was a cruel teacher; oh so cruel。 Much of my education was done in anger; Quillan cursing me; 〃For chrissake can't you ever learn to use your bloody eyes? It should have been crystal clear when I came here that I was feeling rotten and had a rotten day! Why the hell didn't you get me a drink at once; touch me gently at once and then keep your bloody mouth shut for ten minutes while I recoup … just tender and understanding for ten bloody minutes and then I'd be fine again!〃
 〃But Quillan;〃 she had whimpered through her tears; frightened by his rage; 〃you came in so angrily you upset me and th… 〃
 〃I've told you fifty times not to be upset just because I'm bloody upset! It's your job to take the tension out of me! Use your bloody eyes and ears and sixth sense! All I need's ten minutes and I'm docile again and putty。 For chrissake; don't I watch over you all the time? Don't I use my bloody eyes and try to defuse you? Every month at the same time you're always edgy; eh? Don't I take care to be as calm as possible then and keep you calmed? Eh?〃
 〃Yes but d… 〃
 〃To hell with but! By God; now I'm in a worse temper than when I came in! It's your bloody fault because you're stupid; unwomanly; and you of all people should know better!〃
 Orlanda remembered how he had slammed out of the apartment and she had burst into tears; the birthday dinner she had cooked ruined and the evening wrecked。 Later; he had e back; calm now; and had taken her into his arms and held her tenderly as she wept; sorry for the row that she agreed was unnecessary and her fault。 〃Listen; Orlanda;〃 he had said so gently。 〃I'm not the only man you'll have to control in this life; not the only one on whom you'll depend … it's a basic fact that women depend on some man; however rotten and evil and difficult。 It's so easy for a woman to be in control。 Oh so easy if you use your eyes; understand that men are children and; from time to time … most of the time … stupid; petulant and awful。 But they supply the money and it's hard to do that; very hard。 It's very hard to keep supplying the money day after day whoever you are。 Moh ching moh meng 。。。 no money no life。 In return the woman's got to supply the harmony … the man can't; not all the time。 But the woman can always cheer her man if she wants to; can always take the poison out of him。 Always。 Just by being calm and loving and tender and understanding for such a short time。 I'll teach you the game of life。 You'll have a Ph。D。 in survival; as a woman; but you've got to work 。。。〃
 Oh how I worked; Orlanda thought grimly; remembering all her tears。 But now I know。 Now I can do instinctively what I forced myself to learn。 〃e on; let me show you the forward part of the ship。〃 She got up; conscious of the captain's eyes; and led the way confidently。
 As they walked she slipped her arm momentarily in Linc's; then took the railing of the gangway and went below。 The stateroom was big; with fortable chaises and sofas and deep chairs fixed to the deck。 The cocktail cabinet was well stocked。 〃The galley's forward in the fo'c'sle with the crew quarters;〃 she said。 〃They're cramped but good for Hong Kong。〃 A small corridor led forward。 Four cabins; two with a double bunk; two with bunks one over the other。 Neat and shipshape and inviting。 〃Aft's
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