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; two with a double bunk; two with bunks one over the other。 Neat and shipshape and inviting。 〃Aft's Quillan's master stateroom and the master suite。 It's luxurious。〃 She smiled thoughtfully。 〃He enjoys the best。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Bartlett said。 He kissed her and she responded; fully responded。 His desire made her limp and liquid and she let herself go into his desire; matching his passion; certain that he would stop and that she would not have to stop him。
 The game had been planned that way。
 She felt his strength。 At once her loins pressed closer; moving slightly。 His hands roved her and hers responded。 It was glorious in his arms; better than she had ever known with Quillan who was always teacher; always in control; always unsharable。 They were on the bunk when Bartlett backed off。 Her body cried out for his; but still she exulted。
 〃Let's go back on deck;〃 she heard him say; his voice throaty。
 Gornt crossed the fine stateroom and went into the master suite and locked the door behind him。 The girl was sweetly asleep in the huge bed under the light blanket。 He stood at the foot of the bed; enjoying the sight of her before he touched her。 She came out of sleep slowly。 〃Ayeeyah; I slept so well; Honored Sir。 Your bed is so inviting;〃 she said in Shanghainese with a smile and a yawn and stretched gloriously as a kitten would stretch。 〃Did you eat well?〃
 〃Excellently;〃 he replied in the same language。 〃Was yours equally fine?〃
 〃Oh yes; delicious!〃 she said politely。 〃Boat Steward Cho brought the same dishes you had。 I particularly liked the octopus with black bean and garlic sauce。〃 She sat up in the bed and leaned against the silk pillows; quite naked。 〃Should I get dressed and e on deck now?〃
 〃No; Little Kitten; not yet。〃 Gornt sat on the bed and reached out and touched her breasts and felt a little shiver run through her。 Her Chinese hostess name was Beauty of the Snow and he had hired her for the evening from the Happy Hostess Night Club。 He had considered bringing Mona Leung; his present girl friend instead; but she would be far too independent to remain below happily and only e on deck at his whim。
 He had chosen Beauty of the Snow very carefully。 Her beauty was extraordinary; in face and body and the texture of her skin。 She was eighteen; and had been in Hong Kong barely a month。 A friend in Taiwan had told him about her rarity and said that she was about to join the Happy Hostess Night Club from the sister club in Taiwan。 Two weeks ago he had gone there and made an arrangement that had proved profitable to both of them。 Tonight when Orlanda had told him she was dining with Bartlett and he had invited them aboard; at once he had called the Happy Hostess and bought Beauty of the Snow out of the club for the night and hurried her aboard。
 〃I'm playing a game on a friend tonight;〃 he had told her。 〃I want you to stay here in this cabin; in this place; until I bring you on deck。 It may be an hour or two but you are to stay here; quiet as a mouse; until I fetch you。〃
 〃Ayeeyah; in this floating palace; I am prepared to stay a week without charge。 Just my food and more of the champagne 。。。 though pillowing would be extra。 May I sleep in the bed if I wish?〃
 〃Certainly; but please shower first。〃
 〃A shower? Bless all gods! Hot and cold water? That will be paradise … this water shortage is very unhygienic。〃
 Gornt had brought her tonight to taunt Orlanda if he decided he wanted to taunt her。 Beauty of the Snow was much younger; prettier; and he knew that the sight of her wearing one of the elegant robes that once Orlanda had worn would send her into a spasm。 All through dinner; he had chortled to himself; wondering when he should produce her for maximum effect: to excite Bartlett and to remind Orlanda that she was already old by Hong Kong standards; and that without his active help she would never get Bartlett; not the way she wanted。
 Do I want her married to Bartlett? he asked himself; bemused。
 No。 And yet; if Orlanda were Bartlett's wife he would always be in my power because she is and ever will be。 So far she hasn't forgotten that。 So far she's been obedient and filial。 And frightened。
 He laughed。 Oh revenge will be sweet when I lower the boom on you; my dear。 As I will; one day。 Oh yes; my dear; I haven't forgotten the snickers of all those smug bastards … Pug; Plumm; Havergill or Ian bloody Dunross … when they heard that you couldn't wait to leap into bed with a stud half my age。
 Should I tell you now that you're my mui jai?
 When Orlanda was thirteen her Shanghainese mother had e to see him。 〃Times are very hard; Lord; our debts to the pany are huge and your patience and kindness overwhelm us。〃
 〃Times are bad for everyone;〃 he had told her。
 〃Unfortunately; since last week; my husband's department no longer exists。 At the end of the month he is to leave; after seventeen years of service; and we cannot pay our debts to you。〃
 〃Eduardo Ramos is a good man and will easily find a new and better position。〃
 〃Yin ksiao shih ta;〃 she had said: We lose much because of a small thing。
 〃Joss;〃 he had said; hoping the trap was sprung and all the seeds he had sown would; at long last; bear fruit。
 〃Joss;〃 she had agreed。 〃But there is Orlanda。〃
 〃What about Orlanda?〃
 〃Perhaps she could be a mui jai。〃 A mui jai was a daughter given by a debtor to a creditor forever; in settlement for debts that could not otherwise be paid … to be brought up as the creditor wished; or used or given away as the creditor wished。 It was an ancient Chinese custom; and quite legal。
 Gornt remembered the glow he had felt。 The negotiations had taken several weeks。 Gornt agreed to cancel Ramos's debts … the debts that Gornt had so carefully encouraged; agreed to reinstate Ramos; giving the man a modest guaranteed pension and help in setting up in Portugal; and to pay for Orlanda's schooling in America。 In return the Ramoses guaranteed to provide Orlanda to him; virgin and suitably enamored; on or before her eighteenth birthday。 There would be no refusal。 〃This; by all the gods; will be a perpetual secret between us。 I think; too; it would be equally better to keep it secret from her; Lord; forever。 But we know and she will know where her rice bowl lies。〃
 Gornt beamed。 The good years were worth all the patience and planning and the little money involved。 Everyone gained; he told himself; and there is enjoyment yet to e。
 Yes; he thought and concentrated on Beauty of the Snow。 〃Life is very good;〃 he said; fondling her。
 〃I am happy you're happy; Honored Sir。 I am happy too。 Your shower was a gift of the gods。 I washed my hair; everything。〃 She smiled。 〃If you don't want me to play the prank yet on your friends; would you care to pillow?〃
 〃Yes;〃 he said; delighted as always by the forthrightness of a Chinese pillow partner。 His father had explained it early: 〃You give them money; they give you their youth; the Clouds and the Rain and entertain you。 In Asia it's a fair and honorable exchange。 The more their youth; the more the laughter and gratification; the more you must pay。 That's the bargain; but don't expect romance or real tears … that's not part of their mitment。 Just temporary entertainment and pillowing。 Don't abuse the fairness!〃
 Happily Gornt took off his clothes and lay beside her。 She ran her hands over his chest; the hair dark; muscles sleek; and began。 Soon she was making the small noises of passion; encouraging him。 And though she had been told by the mama…san that this quai loh was different and there was no need to pretend; instinctively she was remembering the first rule of being a pillow partner to strangers: 〃Never let your body bee involved with a customer for then you cannot perform with taste or daring。 Never forget; when with a quai loh; you must always pretend to enjoy him greatly; always pretend to achieve the Clouds and the Rain; otherwise he'll consider that somehow it's an affront to his masculinity。 Quai loh are uncivilized and will never understand that the yin cannot be bought and that your gift of coupling is for the customer's enjoyment solely。〃
 When Gornt was finished and his heart had slowed; Beauty of the Snow got out of bed and went to the bathroom and showered again; singing happily。 In euphoria he rested and put his hands under his head。 Soon she came back with a towel。 〃Thank you;〃 he said and dried himself and she slid in beside him once more。 〃Oh I feel so clean and marvelous。 Shall we pillow again?〃
 〃Not now; Beauty of the Snow。 Now you can rest and I will let my mind wander。 You have settled the yang very favorably。 I will inform the mama…san。〃
 〃Thank you;〃 she said politely。 〃I would like you as my special customer。〃
 He nodded; pleasured by her and her warmth and sensuousness。 When would it be best for her to e on deck? he asked himself again; quite confident that Bartlett and Orlanda would be there now and not in bed as a civilized person would be。
 A chuckle went through him。
 There was a porthole beside the bed and he could see the lights of Kowloon in the distance; Kowloon and the dockyard of Kowloon。 The engines throbbed sweetly; and in a moment he got out of the bed and went to the cupboard。 In it were some very expensive nightdresses
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