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e not married though they pretended and I pretended。 When he died there was no money; or just a little money。 Hans Gresserhoff was an acquaintance of this man; my; my stepfather。 His name was Simeon Tzerak。 He was a displaced person; tai…pan; a stateless person from Hungary who had taken up residence in Switzerland。 Before the war he was an accountant; he said; in Budapest。 My mother arranged my marriage to Hans Gresserhoff。〃 Now she looked up from the carpet at him。 〃It was 。。。 it was a good marriage; tai…pan; at least I tried very hard to be whatever my husband wanted and my mother wanted。 My giri; my duty was to obey my mother; neh?〃
 〃Yes;〃 he said kindly; understanding duty and giri; that most Japanese of words; most important of words that sums up a heritage and a way of life。 〃You have performed your giri perfectly; I'm sure。 What does your mother say is your giri now?〃
 〃My mother is dead; tai…pan。 When my stepfather died she did not wish to live。 The moment I was married she went up the mountain and skied into a crevasse。〃
 〃Oh no; tai…pan; very good。 She died as she wished to die; at a time and place of her choosing。 Her man was dead; I was safe; what more was there for her to do?〃
 〃Nothing;〃 he told her; hearing the softness of her voice; the sincerity; and the calm。 The Japanese word wa came to his mind: harmony。 That's what this girl has; he thought。 Harmony。 Perhaps that's what's so beautiful about her。 Ayeeyah that I could acquire such wa!
 One of his phones sounded。 〃Yes; Claudia?〃
 〃It's Alexi Travkin; tai…pan。 Sorry; he said it was important。〃
 〃Thank you。〃 To the girl he said; 〃Excuse me a moment。 Yes; Alexi?〃
 〃Sorry to interrupt; tai…pan; but Johnny Moore's sick and he won't be able to ride。〃 Johnny Moore was their chief jockey。
 Dunross's voice sharpened。 〃He seemed all right this morning。〃
 〃He's running 103…degree temperature; the doctor said it might be food poisoning。〃
 〃You mean he's been tampered with; Alexi?〃
 〃I don't know; tai…pan。 I only know he's no good for us today。〃
 Dunross hesitated。 He knew he was better than the rest of his jockeys though the extra weight Noble Star would have to carry would load the deck against the horse。 Should I or shouldn't I? 〃Alexi; schedule Tom Wong。 We'll decide before the race。〃
 〃Yes。 Thank you。〃
 Dunross replaced the phone。 〃Anjin's a curious name;〃 he said。 〃It means pilot; just pilot; or navigator; doesn't it?〃
 〃The legend in my family is that one of our forebears was an Englishman who became a samurai and advisor to the Shogun Yoshi Toranaga; oh very many years ago; long long ago。 We have many stories but they say first he had a fief in Hemi; near Yokohama; then went with his family to Nagasaki as inspector general of all foreigners。〃 Again the smile and the shrug and the tip of her tongue moistened her lips。 〃It is just legend; tai…pan。 He is supposed to have married a highborn lady called Riko。〃 Her chuckle filled the room。 〃You know Japanese! A gai…jin; a foreigner; marrying a highborn lady … how could that be possible? But anyway; it is a pleasing story and an explanation of a name; neh?〃 She got up and he got up。 〃I should go now。 Yes?〃
 No; he wanted to say。
 The black Daimler pulled up outside the V and A; the Struan arms discreetly on the doors。 Casey and Bartlett waited at the top of the stairs; Casey wearing a green dress; self…conscious in a pert green pillbox hat and white gloves; Bartlett broad…shouldered; wearing a blue tie to match his well…cut suit。 Both were set…faced。
 The chauffeur approached them。 〃Mr。 Bartlett?〃
 〃Yes。〃 They came down the steps to meet him。 〃You our limo?〃
 〃Yes sir。 Excuse me sir; but do you both have your badge tickets; and the invitation card?〃
 〃Yes; here they are;〃 Casey said。
 〃Ah; good。 Sorry but without them 。。。 My name's Lim。 The; er; the custom is for the gentlemen to tie both badges through the hole in their lapels and the ladies usually have a pin。〃
 〃Whatever you say;〃 Bartlett said。 Casey got in the back and he followed。 They sat far apart。 Silently they began to fix the small; individually numbered badges。
 Blandly Lim closed the door; noticing the frigidity; and chortled inwardly。 He closed the electric glass partition window and switched on his inter mike。 〃If you want to talk to me; sir; just use the microphone above you。〃 Through his rear mirror he saw Bartlett use the switch momentarily。
 〃Sure; thank you; Lim。〃
 Once Lim was in the traffic he reached under the dash and touched a hidden switch。 At once Bartlett's voice came through the speaker。
 〃。。。 going to rain?〃
 〃I don't know; Linc。 The radio said it would but everyone's praying。〃 A hesitation; then coldly; 〃I still think you're wrong。〃
 Lim settled back happily。 His trusted older brother Lim Chu; majordomo to the tai…pans of the Noble House; had arranged for another younger brother; an expert radio mechanic; to install this bypass switch so that he could overhear his passengers。 It had been done at great cost to protect the tai…pan and older brother Lim had ordered it was never to be used when the tai…pan was in the car。 Never never never。 It never had been。 Yet。 Lim felt queasy at the thought of being caught but their wish to know … of course to protect … overcame their anxiety。 Oh oh oh; he chortled; Golden Pubics is certainly in a rage! Casey was seething。
 〃Let's quit this; Linc; huh?〃 she said。 〃Since our breakfast meeting you've been like a bear with a sore ass!〃
 〃And what about you?〃 Bartlett glared at her。 〃We're going with Gornt … the way I want it。〃
 〃This's my deal; you've said that fifty times; you promised; you've always listened before。 Jesus; we're on the same side。 I'm only trying to protect you。 I know you're wrong。〃
 〃You think I'm wrong。 And it's all because of Orlanda!〃
 〃That's a crock! I went through my reasons fifty times。 If Ian gets out of the trap then we're better off to go with him than Gornt。〃
 Bartlett's face was cold。 〃We've never had a bust before; Casey; but if you want to vote your shares; I'll vote mine and your ass'll be in a vise before you can count to ten!〃
 Casey's heart was thumping。 Ever since their breakfast meeting with Seymour Steigler; the day had been heavy going。 Bartlett was adamant that their best course lay with Gornt and nothing she could say would dissuade him。 After an hour of trying she had closed the meeting and gone off to deal with a pile of overnight telexes; then; remembering suddenly at the last moment; had rushed out in a panic and bought her hat。
 When she had met Bartlett in the foyer with great trepidation; wanting the hat to please him; she had begun to make peace but he had interrupted her。 〃Forget it;〃 he had said。 〃So we disagree。 So what?〃
 She had waited and waited but he hadn't even noticed。 〃What do you think?〃
 〃I told you。 Gornt's best for us。〃
 〃I meant my hat。〃 She had seen his blank stare。
 〃Oh that's what's different! Hey; it's okay。〃
 She had felt like tearing it off and hurling it at him。 〃It's Parisian;〃 she had said half…heartedly。 〃It says hats and gloves on the invitation; remember? It's a crock but Ian said that la… 〃
 〃What makes you think he can get out of the trap?〃
 〃He's clever。 And the tai…pan。〃
 〃Gornt's got him on the run。〃
 〃It looks that way。 So let's forget it for now。 Maybe we'd better wait outside。 The car's ing at noon promptly。〃
 〃Just a minute; Casey。 What have you got cooking?〃
 〃What do you mean?〃
 〃I know you better than anyone。 What do you have on the burner?〃
 Casey hesitated; unsure of herself; wondering if she should reveal the First Central ploy。 But there's no reason to; she reassured herself。 If Ian gets the credit and squeezes out; I'll be the first to know。 Ian promised。 Then Linc can cover his 2 million with Gornt and they can buy back in to cover their selling short and make a huge profit。 At the same time Ian; Linc and I get in at the bottom of the market and make our own killing。 I'll be the first to know after Murtagh and Ian。 Ian promised。 Yes; yes he did。 But can I trust him?
 A wave of nausea went through her。 Can you trust anyone in business here; or anywhere? Man or woman?
 At dinner last night she had trusted him。 Influenced by the wine and food she had told him about her relationship with Linc; and about the bargain they had made。
 〃That's a bit rough; isn't it? On both of you?〃
 〃Yes; yes and no。 We were both over twenty…one; Ian; and I wanted so much more than being just Mrs。 Linc Bartlett; a mother…mistress…servant…dishwasher…diaperwasher…slave and a left…at…home。 That's the thing that kills off any woman。 You're always left。 At home。 So home bees a prison in the end; and it drives you mad; being trapped until death do us part! I've seen it too many times。〃
 〃Someone has to look after the home and the children。 It's the man's job to make the money。 It's the wife's j… 〃
 〃Yes。 Most times。 But not for me。 I'm not prepared to accept that and I don't think it's wrong to want a different sort of life。 I'm the wage earner for my family。 My sister's husband died so there's my sister and her kids; and my Ma and uncle are getting on。 I'm educated and good and better than most in business。 The world's cha
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