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Ma and uncle are getting on。 I'm educated and good and better than most in business。 The world's changing; everything's changing; Ian。〃
 〃I said before; not here thank God!〃
 Casey remembered how she had readied to return measure for measure; but had bitten back the old Casey and said instead; 〃Ian; what about the Hag? How did she do it? What was her secret? How did she bee more equal than anyone?〃
 〃She kept her hands on the purse strings。 Absolutely。 Oh she conceded outward position and face to Culum and following tai…pans but she kept the books; she hired and fired through him … she was the strength of that family。 When Culum was dying; it was easy to persuade him to make her tai…pan。 He gave her the Struan chop; family chop and all the reins and all the secrets。 But; wisely; she kept it all very secret and after Culum she only appointed those she could control; and never once gave any one of them the purse strings; or real power; not until she herself was dying。〃
 〃But ruling through others; is that enough?〃
 〃Power is power and I don't think it matters so long as you rule。 For a woman … after a certain age … power only es with control of the purse。 But you're right about drop dead money。 Hong Kong's the only place on earth you can get it to keep it。 With money; real money; you can be more equal than anyone。 Even Linc Bartlett。 I like him; by the way。 I like him very much。〃
 〃I love him。 Our partnership's worked; Ian。 I think it's been good for Linc … oh how I hope so。 He's our tai…pan and I'm not trying to bee one。 I just want to succeed as a woman。 He's helped me tremendously; of course he has。 Without him I'd never have made it。 So we're in business together; until my birthday。 November 25 this year。 That's D Day。 That's when we both decide。〃
 〃I don't know。 I honestly don't know。 Oh I love Linc; more than ever; but we're not lovers。〃
 Later; ing back on the ferry; she had been sorely tempted to ask him about Orlanda。 She had decided not to。 〃Perhaps I should have;〃 she muttered out loud。
 〃Oh!〃 She came out of her reverie; finding herself in the limo on the car ferry en route to Hong Kong。 〃Sorry; Linc; I was daydreaming。〃
 She looked at him and saw that he was as handsome as ever; even though now he stared back coldly。 You're more attractive to me than either Ian or Quillan; she thought。 And yet; right now; I'd prefer to pillow with either of them than with you。 Because you're a bastard。
 〃Do you want to have at it?〃 he said。 〃You want to vote your shares against mine?〃
 Casey stared back at him; enraged。 Tell him to go screw; the devil half of her screamed; he needs you more than you need him; you've got the reins of Par…Con; you know where the bodies are buried; you can take apart what you helped to create。 But the other half of her urged caution。 She remembered what the tai…pan had said about this man's world; and about power。 And about the Hag。
 So she dropped her gaze a moment and allowed tears to seep。 At once she saw the change in him。
 〃Jesus; Casey; don't cry; I'm sorry 。。。〃 he was saying and his arms reached out for her。 〃Jesus; you've never cried before 。。。 Listen; we've been through the mill a dozen times; hell; fifty times; there's no need to get so uptight。 We've got Struan's and Gornt locked into battle。 There's no difference in the end。 We'll still be the Noble House; but up front; up front Gornt's better; I know I'm right。〃
 Oh no; you're not; she thought contentedly; warm in his embrace。
 12:32 P。M。:
 Brian Kwok was screaming and beyond terror。 He knew he was in prison and in hell and it had gone on forever。 His whole insane world was an instant of never…ending blinding light; everything blood…colored; the cell walls floor ceiling blood…colored; no doors or windows; and the floor awash with blood; but everything twisted and all upside down for somehow he was lying on the ceiling; his whole being in torment; frantically trying to claw his way down to normality; each time falling back into the mess of his own vomit; then the next instant once more in the blackness; grinding pulsating voices laughing; drowning out his friend; drowning out Robert who pleaded with the devils to stop stop for the love of God stop; then once more the eye…tearing head…exploding bloodlight; seeing the blood waters that would not fall; groping desperately; stretching down for the chairs and table that sat in the blood water but falling back; always falling back; floor meeting ceiling everything wrong upside sideways madness madness the devil's invention 。。。
 Bloodlight and darkness and laughter and stench and blood again; on and on and on 。。。
 He knew he had begun raving years ago; begging them to stop; begging them to let him go; swearing he would do anything but let him go; that he was not the one they sought; not due for hell 。。。 It's a mistake; it's all a mistake; no it's not a mistake I was the enemy who was the enemy what enemy? Oh please let the world turn right side up and let me lie where I should be lying up there; down there; where oh Jesus Christ Robert Christ help; help meeeeee 。。。
 〃All right; Brian。 I'm here。 I'm putting everything right。 I am。 I'm putting everything right!〃 He heard the passionate words e soaring out of the maelstrom; drowning the laughter。 The enveloping blood went away。 He felt his friend's hand; cool and gentle; and he clutched it; terrified lest it was another dream within a dream within a dream; oh Christ Robert don't leave me。 。。。
 Oh Jesus it's impossible! Look there! The ceiling's there where it should be and I'm here; I'm lying on the bed where I should be and the room's dim but soft where it should be; everything's clean; flowers; blinds drawn but flowers and the water properly in the vase and I'm right side up; I'm right side up。 〃Oh Christ; Robert 。。。〃
 〃Hello; chum;〃 Robert Armstrong said gently。
 〃Oh Jesus Robert thank you thank you; I'm right side up oh thank you thank you 。。。〃
 It was hard to talk and he felt weak; his strength gone; but it was glorious just to be here; out of the nightmare; his friend's face misted but real。 And smoking; am I smoking? Oh yes。 Yes I think I remember Robert left me a packet of cigarettes though those devils came and found them and took them away last week 。。。 thank God for smoke 。。。 When was it; last month; last week; when? I remember yes but Robert came back again and gave me a secret drag last month; was it last month? 〃Oh that tastes so good; so good and the peace; no nightmare; Robert; not seeing blood up there; the ceiling awash; not lying up there but down here not in hell oh thank you thank you 。。。〃
 〃I must go now。〃
 〃Oh Christ don't go they may e back no don't go sit and stay please stay。 Look; we'll talk; yes; that's it; talk; you wanted to talk 。。。 don't leave。 Please talk 。。。〃
 〃All right; old friend; then talk。 I won't go while we talk。 What do you want to tell me; eh? Certainly I'll stay while you talk。 Tell me about Ning…tok and your father。 Didn't you go back to see him?〃
 〃Oh yes; I went back to see him once; yes; just before he died; my friends helped me; they helped me it only took a day; my friends helped me 。。。 that; that was so long ago。 。。。〃
 〃Did Ian go with you?〃
 〃Ian? No it 。。。 was it Ian? I can't remember 。。。 Ian; the tai…pan? Someone went with me。 Was it you; Robert? Ah; with me in Ning…tok? No it wasn't you or Ian it was John Chancellor from Ottawa。 He hates the Soviets too; Robert; they're the great enemy。 Even in school; and devil Chiang Kai…shek and his assassins Fong…fong and 。。。 and 。。。 Oh I'm so tired and so pleased to see you。 。。。〃
 'Tell me about Fong…fong。〃
 〃Oh him。 He was a bad man; Robert; him and all his spy group they were against us; the PRC; and pro…Chiang; I know; don't worry as soon as I read the 。。。 What are you asking me; eh? What?〃
 〃It was that rotten Grant; eh?〃
 〃Yes; yes it was and I almost fainted when he knew I was 。。。 I 。。。 where was I oh yes but I stopped Fong…fong at once。 。。。 Oh yes。〃
 〃Who did you tell?〃
 〃Tsu…yan。 I whispered it to Tsu…yan。 He's back in Peking now 。。。 Oh he was very high up; though he didn't know who I really was; Robert; I was all very hush…hush。 。。。 Yes then it was in school; my father sent me after old Sh'in was murdered 。。。 thugs came and flogged him to death in the village square because he was one of us; one of the people; one of Chairman Mao's people; and when I was in Hong Kong I stayed with 。。。 with Uncle 。。。 I went to school 。。。 and he schooled me at night。 。。。 Can I sleep now?〃
 〃Who was your uncle; Kar…shun; and where did he live?〃
 〃I don't 。。。 don't remember。 。。。〃
 〃Then I must go。 Next week I'll e ba… 〃
 〃No wait; Robert; wait; it was Wu Tsa…fing; on 。。。 on Fourth Alley in Aberdeen 。。。 number 8; lucky 8; fifth floor。 There; I can remember! Don't go!〃
 〃Very good; old chum。 Very good。 Were you at school long in Hong Kong?〃 Robert Armstrong kept his voice soft and kind and his heart went out to his friend that once was。 He was astonished that Brian had broken so easily; so quickly。
 The client's mind was open now; ready for him to take apart。 He kept his eyes on the shell of the man who lay on the bed; encouraging him to remember so that the others who
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