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 The client's mind was open now; ready for him to take apart。 He kept his eyes on the shell of the man who lay on the bed; encouraging him to remember so that the others who listened secretly could record all the facts and figures and names and places; the undercover truths and half…truths that were spilling out and would continue to spill out until Brian Kar…shun Kwok was a husk。 And he knew that he would continue to probe; to cajole or threaten or bee impatient or angry or pretend to want to leave or curse the jailer away who would interrupt; if necessary。 With Crosse and Sinders monitoring the in…depth debriefing; he was just a tool like Brian Kwok had been a tool for others who had used his mind and talents for their own purposes。 His job was just to be the medium; to keep the client talking; to bring him back when he rambled or became incoherent; to be his sole friend and his sole prop in this unreal universe; the one who brought the truth forth … like John Chancellor of Ottawa; who's he? Where does he fit? I don't know yet。
 We'll get everything the client has now; he thought。 We'll get all his contacts; his mentors; enemies and friends。 Poor old Fong…fong and the lads。 We'll never see them again … unless they turn up as agents of the other side。 What a rotten filthy business this is; selling out your friends; working with the enemy who; everyone knows; wants you enslaved。
 〃。。。 in Vancouver it was wonderful; wonderful; Robert。 There was a girl there who 。。。 Yes and I almost married her but Sensible Tok; Sensible was my 489; he lived 。。。 he lived on 。。。 oh yes it was Pedder Street in Chinatown and he owned the Hoho…tok Restaurant 。。。 yes Sensible Tok said I should honor Chairman Mao before any quai loh。 。。。 Oh how I loved her but he said it was the quai lohs who raped China for centuries。 。。。 You know that's true that's true。 。。。〃
 〃Yes that's true;〃 he said; humoring him。 〃Sensible Tok was your only friend in Canada?〃
 〃Oh no Robert I have dozens。 。。。〃
 Armstrong listened; astounded by the wealth of information about the inner workings of the Canadian Mounted Police; and the extent of Chinese munist infiltration throughout the Americas and Europe and particularly on the Western seaboard … Vancouver; Seattle; San Francisco; Los Angeles; San Diego … wherever a Chinese restaurant or shop or business existed there was the potential of pressure; of funds and most of all of knowledge。 〃。。。 and the Wo Tuk on Gerrard Street in London's the Center where I 。。。 when I was 。。。 Oh my head aches I'm so thirsty。 。。。〃
 Armstrong gave him the water that contained stimulant。 When he or Crosse considered the moment correct; the client would be given the thirst…quenching; delicately flavored Chinese tea that was his favorite。 This contained the soporific。
 Then it was up to Crosse and Sinders what happened; whether it was more of the same; more of the Red Room or the end of the exercise and then; carefully; the gradual bringing back of the client to reality; with great care; so that no permanent damage was done。
 It's up to them; he thought。 Sinders was right to put on the pressure while we've time。 The client knows too much。 He's too well trained; and if we'd had to give him back without knowing what he knows; well that would have been irresponsible。 We've got to keep ahead。
 Armstrong lit two cigarettes and inhaled his own deeply。 I'll give up smoking for Christmas。 I can't now; not with all this horror。 It was Brian Kwok's wailing screams so soon; barely twenty minutes after being put into the room for the second time that had shattered him。 He had been watching through spyholes with Crosse and Sinders; watching the insanity of trying to reach the ceiling that was the floor that was the ceiling; astonished that someone so strong; so well trained as Brian Kwok would break so quickly。 〃It's impossible;〃 he had muttered。
 〃He may be faking;〃 Sinders said。
 〃No;〃 Crosse had said。 〃No。 It's real; for him。 I know。〃
 〃I don't believe he'd break so easily。〃
 〃You will; Robert。〃 And then when Brian Kwok had been carried out to be brought to this room; clean and nice and the Red Room had been mopped clean; Roger Crosse had said; 〃All right; Robert; try it; then you'll see。〃
 〃No; no thanks。 It's like something out of The Cabinet of Dr。 Caligari;〃 he had muttered; 〃No thanks!〃
 〃Please try it; just for a minute。 It's an important experience for you。 You may be caught by them; the other side; some day。 You should be prepared。 One minute might save your sanity。 Test it; for your own safety。〃
 So he had agreed。 They had closed the door。 The room was totally scarlet; small but everything tilted; the lines all wrong; angles all wrong; the floor meeting the ceiling in one corner; perspectives all wrong; no angles ordinary。 The tilted ceiling far above was a sheer sheet of scarlet glass。 Above the glass; water washed down to be recycled and e down again。 Attached to this tilted glass ceiling surface were scarlet chairs and a table and pens and paper casually on the table; scarlet cushions on the chairs; making it seem the floor; a false door nearby; almost ajar 。。。
 Sudden blackness。 Then the blinding strobe and the stunning impact of the scarlet。 Blackness; scarlet; blackness; scarlet。 Involuntarily he groped for the reality of the table and chairs and the floor and door and stumbled and fell; unable to get his bearings; water above; the glass vanished; just insane scarlet water on the floor above。 Blackness and now voices pounding and again blood…colored hell。 His stomach told him that he was upside down though his mind said it was just a trick and to close your eyes it's a trick it's a trick it's a trick 。。。
 After an eternity; when at length normal lights came on and the real door opened; he was lying on the real floor; retching。 〃You bastard;〃 he had snarled at Crosse; barely able to talk。 〃You said a minute; you lying bastard!〃 His chest heaved and he fought to his feet; reeling; barely able to stand or to stop vomiting。
 〃Sorry; but it was only a minute; Robert;〃 Crosse said。
 〃I don't believe it。 。。。〃
 〃Honestly; it was;〃 Sinders said。 〃I timed it myself。 Really! Extraordinary。 Most effective。〃
 Again Armstrong felt his chest heave at the thought of the water above and the table and chairs。 He put those thoughts away and concentrated on Brian Kwok; feeling that he had let the client ramble enough and it was now time to bring him back。 〃You were saying? You passed over our dossiers to your friend Bucktooth Lo?〃
 〃Well no; it wasn't 。。。 I'm tired; Robert; tired 。。。 what ar… 〃
 〃If you're tired I'll leave!〃 He got up and saw the client blanch。 〃Next month I'll se… 〃
 〃No 。。。 no 。。。 please don't go 。。。 they 。。。 no; don't go。 Pleassssssse!〃
 So he sat back; continuing the game; knowing it to be unfair; and that with the client so totally disoriented he could be made to sign anything; say anything at whim。 〃I'll stay while you talk; old friend。 You were saying about Bucktooth Lo … the man in Princes Building? He was the go…between?〃
 〃No 。。。 not 。。。 yes in a way 。。。 Dr。 Meng 。。。 Dr。 Meng would pick up any package that I left 。。。 Meng never knew that I 。。。 that it was me 。。。 the arrangements were by phone or by letter 。。。 he would take them to Lo who was paid 。。。 Bucktooth Lo was paid to give them to another man; I don't know who 。。。 I don't know 。。。〃
 〃Oh I think you do; Brian; I don't believe you want me to stay。〃
 〃Oh Christ I do 。。。 I swear it 。。。 Bucktooth 。。。 Bucktooth would know 。。。 or perhaps Ng; Vee Cee Ng; Photographer Ng; he's on our side; he's on our side Robert 。。。 Ask him; he'll know 。。。 he was with Tsu…yan importing thoriums 。。。〃
 〃What're thoriums?〃
 〃Rare earths for 。。。 for atomics; for our atomics 。。。 oh yes we'll have our own A…bombs and H…bombs in a few months。 。。。〃 Brian Kwok went into a paroxysm of laughter。 〃The first in a few weeks 。。。 our first explosion in just a few weeks now oh of course not perfect but the first and soon an H…bomb; dozens; Robert; soon we'll have ours to defend against those hegemonists who threaten to wipe us out; in a few weeks! Christ; Robert; think of that! Chairman Mao's done it; he has; he's done it 。。。 yes and then next year H…bombs and then Joe; yes we'll get back our lands; oh yes; with atomics we cancel out theirs 。。。 we will; Joe's going to help; Joe Yu's going to 。。。 Oh we'll stop them now; stop them we'll stop them and take our lands back。〃 His hand reached out and he held Robert Armstrong's arm but his grip was weak。 〃Listen; we're at war already; us and the Soviets; Chung Li told me; he's my emergency 。。。 em; em contact 。。。 there's a war; a shooting war going on right now。 In the north; divisions; not patrols near the Amur they're they're killing more Chinese and stealing more land but 。。。 but not for long。〃 He lay back weakly and began to mumble; his mind wandering。
 〃Atomics? Next year? I don't believe it;〃 Armstrong said; pretending to scoff; his mind blown as he listened to the continued outpouring that was giving chapter and verse and names。 Christ; A…bombs in a few months? A few months? The world's been told that's ten years away。 China with A… and H…bombs?
 Carefully he let Brian Kwok peter out and then he said casually; 〃Who's Joe?
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