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 〃No; Mr。 Marlowe。 Navy。 Destroyers。 I was at the Battle of the Coral Sea in '42; then at Midway; sub…lieutenant; later at Guadalcanal。 I was sunk twice but lucky。 Yes; I was lucky; apparently more lucky than you。〃
 〃We're both alive; both in one piece; more or less。〃
 〃More or less; Mr。 Marlowe。 I agree。 War is a curious way of life。〃 Toda puffed his cigarette。 〃Sometime; if it would please you and not hurt; I would like to talk about your Changi; about its lessons and our wars。 Please?〃
 〃I'm here for a few days;〃 Toda said。 〃At the Mandarin; back next week。 A lunch; or dinner perhaps?〃
 〃Thank you。 I'll call。 If not this time perhaps next。 One day I'll be in Tokyo。〃
 After a pause the Japanese said; 〃We need not discuss your Changi; if you wish。 I would like to know you better。 England and Japan have much in mon。 Now if you'll excuse me; I think I should place my bet。〃 He bowed politely and walked off。 Casey sipped her coffee。
 〃Was that very hard for you? Being polite?〃
 〃Oh no; Casey。 No; it wasn't; not at all。 Now we're equal; he and I; any Japanese。 The Japanese … and Koreans … I hated were the ones with bayonets and bullets when I had none。〃 She saw him wipe the sweat off; noticing his twisted smile。 〃 'Mahlu; I wasn't ready to meet one here。〃
 〃 'Mahlu? What's that; Cantonese?〃
 〃Malayan。 It means 'ashamed。' 〃 He smiled to himself。 It was a contraction of puki mahlu。 Mahlu ashamed; puki a Golden Gulley。 Malays grant feelings to that part of a woman: hunger; sadness; kindness; rapaciousness; hesitancy; shame; anger … anything and everything。
 〃No need to be ashamed; Peter;〃 she said; not understanding。 〃I'm astonished you'd talk to any of them after all that POW horror。 Oh I really liked the book。 Isn't it marvelous that he'd read it too?〃
 〃Yes。 That threw me。〃
 〃May I ask you one question?〃
 〃You said Changi was genesis。 What did you mean?〃
 He sighed。 〃Changi changed everyone; changed values permanently。 For instance; it gave you a dullness about death … we saw too much of it to have the same sort of meaning to outsiders; to normal people。 We're a generation of dinosaurs; we the few who survived。 I suppose anyone who goes to war; any war; sees life with different eyes if they end up in one piece。〃
 〃What do you see?〃
 〃A lot of bull that's worshipped as the be…all and end…all of existence。 So much of 'normal; civilized' life is bull that you can't imagine it。 For us ex…Changi…ites … we're lucky; we're cleansed; we know what life is really all about。 What frightens you; doesn't frighten me; what frightens me; you'd laugh at。〃
 〃Like what?〃
 He grinned at her。 〃That's enough about me and my karma。 I've a hot tip for th… 〃 He stopped and stared off。 〃Good sweet Christ who's that?〃
 Casey laughed。 〃Riko Gresserhoff。 She's Japanese。〃
 〃Which one's Mr。 Gresserhoff?〃
 〃She's a widow。〃
 〃Hallelujah!〃 They watched her go across the room; out onto the terrace。
 〃Don't you dare; Peter!〃
 His voice became Olympian。 〃I'm a writer! It's a matter of research!〃
 〃You're right。〃
 〃Peter; they say all first novels are autobiographical。 Who were you in the book?〃
 〃The hero of course。〃
 〃The King? The American trader?〃
 〃Oh no。 Not him。 And that's quite enough of my past。 Let's talk about you。 You sure you're all right?〃 His eyes held hers; willing the truth out of her。
 〃There was a rumor that you were in tears last night。〃
 She looked back at him; knowing he saw inside of her。 〃Of course。 I'm fine。〃 A hesitation。 〃Sometime; sometime I might need a favor。〃
 〃Oh?〃 He frowned。 〃I'm in McBride's box; two down the hall。 It's quite okay to visit if you want。〃 He glanced off at Riko。 His pleasure faded。 Now she was talking to Robin Grey and Julian Broadhurst; the Labour MPs。 〃Guess it's not my day;〃 he muttered。 〃I'll be back later; got to bet。 See you; Casey。〃
 〃What's your hot tip?〃
 〃Number seven; Winner's Delight。〃
 Winner's Delight; an outsider; won handily by half a length over the favorite; Excellent Day。 Hugely pleased with herself; Casey joined the line in front of the winner's pay window clutching her winning tickets; well aware of the envious stares of others who walked along the corridor outside the boxes。 Agonized betters were already putting down their money at other windows for the second race that was the first leg of the double quinella。 To win a quinella they had to forecast the first and second runners in any order。 The double quinella put the second race together with the fifth that was today's big race。 The double quinella payout would be huge; the odds against forecasting four horses immense。 The minimum bet was 5 HK。 There was no maximum。 〃Why's that; Linc?〃 she had asked just before the race; craning over the balcony watching the horses in the gate; all Hong Kong yan with their binoculars focused。
 〃Look at the tote。〃 The electronic numbers were flashing and changing as money went onto different horses; narrowing the odds; to freeze just before the off。 〃Look at the total money invested on this race; Casey! It's better than three and a half million Hong Kong。 That's almost a dollar for every man woman and child in Hong Kong and it's only the first race。 This's gotta be the richest track in the world! These guys are gambling crazy。〃
 A vast roar went up as the starters' gate opened。 She had looked at him and smiled。 〃You okay?〃
 〃Sure。 You?〃
 〃Oh yes。〃
 Yes I am; she thought again; waiting her turn to collect her money。 I'm a winner! She laughed out loud。
 〃Oh hello; Casey! Ah; you won too?〃
 〃Oh! Oh hello; Quillan; yes I did。〃 She moved out of her place back to Gornt; the others in the line all strangers to her。 〃I only had 10 on her but yes I won。〃
 〃The amount doesn't matter; it's the winning。〃 Gornt smiled。 〃I like your hat。〃
 〃Thank you。〃 Curious; she thought; both Quillan and Ian had mentioned it immediately。 Damn Linc!
 〃It's very lucky to pick the first winner; first time at the track。〃
 〃Oh I didn't。 It was a tip。 Peter gave it to me。 Peter Marlowe。〃
 〃Ah yes。 Marlowe。〃 She saw his eyes change slightly。 〃You're still on for tomorrow?〃
 〃Oh。 Oh yes。 Is it weather permitting?〃
 〃Even if it's raining。 Lunch anyway。〃
 〃Great。 The dock at ten sharp。 Which's your box?〃 She noticed an instant change which he tried to hide。
 〃I don't have one。 I'm not a steward。 Yet。 I'm a fairly permanent guest at the Blacs box and from time to time I borrow the whole place for a party。 It's down the corridor。 Would you care to e by? Blacs is an excellent bank an… 〃
 〃Ah but not as good as the Vic;〃 Johnjohn called out good…naturedly as he passed。 〃Don't believe a word he says; Casey。 Congratulations! Good joss to get the first。 See you both later。〃
 Casey watched him thoughtfully。 Then she said; 〃What about all the bank runs; Quillan? No one seems to care … it's as though they're not happening; the stock market's not crashing; and there's no pending doom。〃
 Gornt laughed; conscious of the ears that were tuned to their conversation。 〃Today is race day; a rarity; and tomorrow will take care of tomorrow。 Joss! The stock market opens 10:00 a。m。 Monday and next week will decide a lot of fates。 Meanwhile every Chinese who could get his money out; has it in his fist; here today。 Casey; it's your turn。〃
 She collected her money。 15 to one。 150 HK。 〃Hallelujah!〃 Gornt collected a vast bundle of red notes; 15;000。 〃Hey; fantastic!〃
 〃Worst race I've ever seen;〃 a sour American voice said。 〃Hell; it was fantastic they didn't bust the jockey and disallow the win。〃
 〃Oh hello; Mr。 Biltzmann; Mr。 Pugmire。〃 Casey remembered them from the night of the fire。 〃Bust who?〃
 Biltzmann stood in the place line。 〃Stateside there'd be an objection a mile wide。 ing into the straight out of the last bend you could see Excellent Day's jockey pull the bejesus out of her。 It was a fix … he wasn't trying。〃
 Those in the know; the very few; smiled to themselves。 The whisper in the jockeys' rooms and trainers' rooms had been that Excellent Day wasn't to win but Winner's Delight would。
 〃e now; Mr。 Biltzmann;〃 Dunross said。 Unnoticed; he'd heard the exchange as he was passing and had stopped。 〃If the jockey wasn't trying; or if there was any tampering; the stewards would be on to it at once。〃
 〃Maybe it's okay for amateurs; Ian; and this little track but on any professional track at home; Excellent Day's jockey'd be banned for the rest of his life。 I had my glasses on him all the time。〃 Biltzmann sourly collected his place winnings and stomped off。
 Dunross said quietly; 〃Pug; did you see the jockey do anything untoward? I didn't watch the race myself。〃
 〃No; no I didn't。〃
 〃Anyone?〃 Those nearby shook their heads。
 〃Seemed all right to me;〃 someone said。 〃Nothing out of the ordinary。〃
 〃None of the stewards queried anything。〃 Then Dunross noticed the large roll of notes in Gornt's hand。 He looked up at him。 〃Quillan?〃
 〃No。 But I must tell you frankly I find that berk's manner appalling。 I hardly think he'd be a proper addition to the Turf Club。〃 Just then he saw Robin Grey go past to place a bet and smiled at a sudden thought。 〃Excuse me; will you?〃 He nodded politely a
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