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 〃Just to frighten all the KGB aboard; to frighten them enough to flush out Sevrin。 Pressure。 Same as the order for Suslev and the new missar to appear at HQ on Sunday。 It was just to frighten。〃
 〃Suslev's frightened all right。〃 A sardonic smile flickered over Plumm's handsome face。 〃His sphincter's out of joint for ten years at least。 They'll all have some explaining to do。 When Armstrong 'happened' to bust open the radio room; Red One operated and they dutifully and unnecessarily wrecked all their scramble and decoding equipment; along with their classified radar scanners。〃
 Crosse shrugged。 〃The Ivanov's leaving and they've got plenty to replace them with。 It wasn't Suslev's fault; or ours。 We can send a report telling Center what happened。 If we want。〃
 Plumm's eyes narrowed。 〃If?〃
 〃Rosemont and his CIA thugs picked up a glass in their raid on Sinclair Towers。 Suslev's prints are all over it。〃
 Plumm went white。 〃Christ! Now he's on file?〃
 〃Has to be。 He's in our files as you know; not as KGB; and I think I've the only copies of his fingerprints existing。 I removed them from his dossier years ago。 I'd say it's only a matter of time before the CIA are on to him; so the sooner he leaves Hong Kong the better。〃
 〃You think we should tell Center?〃 Plumm asked uneasily。 〃They'll throw their book at him for being so careless。〃
 〃We can decide over the weekend。 We knew Voranski over a number of years; knew he was to be trusted。 But this man?〃 Crosse left the word hanging; keeping up the pretense that his contact with Suslev was recent; the same as Plumm's。 〃After all; isn't he only a minor KGB officer; a jumped…up courier。 He's not even Voranski's official replacement and we've ourselves to think of。〃
 〃True!〃 Plumm hardened。 〃Maybe he's a real berk。 I know I wasn't followed to Sinclair Towers。 And as to the decoded cable … God stone the crows!〃
 〃The decoded cable … the one he dropped and Armstrong picked off the Ivanov's deck。 We've got to decide about that。〃
 Crosse turned away to hide his shock and fought for control; appalled that neither Armstrong nor Sinders had mentioned any cable。 He pretended to stifle a yawn to cover。 〃Sorry; I was up most of the night;〃 he said; making a major effort to keep his voice matter…of…fact。 〃Did he tell you what was in it?〃
 〃Of course。 I insisted。〃
 Crosse saw Plumm watching him。 〃Exactly what did he tell you was in it?〃
 〃Oh? You mean he might be lying?〃 Plumm's anxiety showed。 〃It went something like: 'Inform Arthur that following his request for a Priority One on the traitor Metkin an immediate intercept was ordered for Bombay。 Second; the meeting with the American is brought forward to Sunday。 Third and final: The AMG files continue to be Priority One。 Maximum effort must be made by Sevrin to achieve success。 Center。' 〃 Plumm licked his lips; 〃Is it correct?〃
 〃Yes;〃 Crosse said; gambling; almost wet with relief。 He began weighing odds on Armstrong and Sinders。 Now why; deliberately; why didn't they tell me that?
 〃Terrible; eh?〃 Plumm said。
 〃Yes; but not serious。〃
 〃I don't agree;〃 Plumm said irritably。 〃It absolutely ties the KGB to Sevrin; absolutely confirms Arthur's existence and Sevrin's existence。〃
 〃Yes; but the AMG files have already done that。 Calm down; Jason; we're quite safe。〃
 〃Are we? There've been too many leaks for my liking。 Far too many。 Perhaps we should close down for a time。〃
 〃We are closed down。 It's only those bloody AMG files that are causing us any grief。〃
 〃Yes。 At least that bugger Grant wasn't pletely accurate。〃
 〃You mean about Banastasio?〃
 〃Yes。 I still wonder where the hell he fits in。〃
 〃Yes。〃 In AMG's intercepted file Banastasio had been named erroneously as Sevrin's American connection。 It was only after the file that Crosse had learned from Rosemont who Banastasio actually was。
 〃The fellow who met him was Vee Cee Ng;〃 Crosse said。
 Plumm's eyebrows soared。 〃Photographer Ng? How does he connect?〃
 〃I don't know。 Shipping; ships; smuggling。 He's into all kinds of shady deals。〃 Crosse shrugged。
 〃Could that writer fellow's theory work? What's his name? Marlowe。 Could the KGB be doing an op in our territory without telling us?〃
 〃Possible。 Or it could be an utterly different department; perhaps GRU; instigated in America by the KGB or GRU there。 Or just a coincidence。〃 Crosse was back in control now; the fright of the cable wearing off。 He was thinking much clearer。 〃What's Suslev want that's so urgent?〃
 〃Our cooperation。 Koronski arrives by the afternoon plane。〃
 Crosse whistled。 〃Center?〃
 〃Yes。 There was a message this morning。 Now that the Ivanov's equipment is wrecked I'm the go…between。〃
 〃Good。 What's his cover name?〃
 〃Hans Meikker; West German。 He's to stay at the Seven Dragons。〃 Plumm's anxiety increased。 〃Listen; Suslev said Center's ordered us to prepare to snatch Ian an… 〃
 〃They've gone mad!〃 Crosse exploded。
 〃I agree but Suslev says it's the only way to find out quickly if the files are counterfeit or not; and if so; where they're hidden。 He claims Koronski can do it。 In a chemical debriefing; well; Ian's memory can be 。。。 can be emptied。〃
 〃That's madness;〃 Crosse said。 〃We're not even sure if the files are counterfeit。 That's a plete supposition for God's sake!〃
 〃Suslev says Center told him we can blame it on the Werewolves … those buggers snatched John Chen so why wouldn't they go after the big money; the tai…pan?〃
 〃No。 Too dangerous。〃
 Plumm wiped his hands。 〃To snatch Ian now'd put the tai…pans and Hong Kong into a furor。 It could be a perfect time; Roger。〃
 〃The Noble House would be in total disarray and with all the bank runs and the stock market disaster; Hong Kong'd be down the sewer and that'd send all China into shock。 We'd jump the Cause forward ten years and immeasurably assist international munism and the workers of the world。 Christ; Roger; aren't you sick of just sitting and being a messenger? Now we can fulfill Sevrin with hardly any risk。 Then we close everything down for a time。〃
 Crosse lit a cigarette。 He had heard the tension in Plumm's voice。 〃I'll think about it;〃 he said at length。 〃Leave it for the moment。 I'll call you tonight。 Did Suslev say who the American in the cable was?〃
 〃No。 He just said it wasn't anything to do with us。〃
 Crosse's voice hardened。 〃Everything here's to do with us。〃
 〃I agree。〃 Plumm watched him。 〃It could also be a code word; a code for anyone。〃
 〃I have a wild one for you。 Banastasio。〃
 〃Why him?〃 Crosse asked; having jumped to the same conclusion。
 〃I don't know why; but I'll bet that whole scam; if it is a scam; has to be KGB inspired; or assisted。 It's classic Sun Tzu: using the enemy's strength against himself … both enemies; the U。S。 and China。 A strong unified Vietnam's guaranteed militantly anti…Chinese。 Eh?〃
 〃Possible。 Yes; it all fits;〃 Crosse agreed。 Except one thing; he thought: Vee Cee Ng。 Until Brian Kwok had blurted out; 〃Vee Cee's one of us;〃 he had had no inkling that the man was anything other than a swinging photographer and trader…shipping capitalist。 〃If Banastasio's the American; we'll know。〃 He finished his cigarette。 〃Was there anything else?〃
 〃No。 Roger; consider Dunross。 Please。 The Werewolves make it possible。〃
 〃It's considered。〃
 〃This weekend would be perfect; Roger。〃
 〃I know。〃
 Orlanda was watching the horses through her high…powered binoculars as they broke out of the starting gate for the fourth race。 She stood in a corner of the members' balcony; Bartlett happily beside her; everyone watching the horses except him。 He was watching her; the curve of her breasts under the silk; the angle of her cheekbones and the intensity of her excitement。 〃e on; Crossfire;〃 she muttered; 〃e on! He's lying fifth; Linc; oh e on; you beauty; e on 。。。〃
 He chuckled; Orlanda oblivious。 They had arranged to meet here between the third and fourth race。 〃Are you a voting member?〃 he had asked her last night。
 〃Oh no; my darling; I'm just going with friends。 Old friends of my family。 Another drink?〃
 〃No; no thanks … I'd better go。〃
 They had kissed and again he had felt her overpowering wele。 It had kept him unsettled and on edge all the way back across the harbor home and most of the night。 Much as he tried; he found the wanting of her difficult to contain and to keep in perspective。
 You're hooked; old buddy; he told himself; watching her; the tip of her tongue touching her lips; her eyes concentrating; everything forgotten but her 50 on the nose of the big gray; the favorite。
 〃e on 。。。 e 。。。 oh he's moving up; Linc 。。。 oh he's second。 。。。〃
 Bartlett looked at the pack galloping now into the last stretch: Crossfire; the big gray well placed to Western Scot; a brown gelding who was slightly in the lead; the going very slow … one horse had fallen in the third race。 Now a contender made his dash; Winwell Stag; a gelding belonging to Havergill that Peter Marlowe had tipped to win; and he was ing up strong on the outside with Crossfire and Western Scot neck and neck just ahead; all whips out now in the gathering roar。
 〃Oh e on e on e on Crossfire 。。。 oh he's won; he's won!〃
 Bartlett laughed in the pandemonium as
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