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 〃Oh e on e on e on Crossfire 。。。 oh he's won; he's won!〃
 Bartlett laughed in the pandemonium as Orlanda's glee burst out and she hugged him。 〃Oh Linc; how wonderful!〃
 In a moment there was another roar as the winning numbers were flashed up on the tote board; confirming their order。 Now everyone waited for the final odds。 Another great cheer。 Crossfire paid 5 to 2。
 〃That's not much;〃 he said。
 〃Oh but it is it is it is!〃 Orlanda had never looked prettier to him; her hat cute; much better than Casey's … he'd noticed it at once and plimented her on it。 She moved forward and leaned on the railing and looked down at the winner's circle。 〃There's the owner; Vee Cee Ng; he's one of our Shanghainese trader…shipping millionaires。 My father knew him quite well。〃 She gave him the glasses。
 Bartlett focused。 The man leading the garlanded horse into the winner's circle was expensively dressed; a beaming; well…set Chinese in his fifties。 Then Bartlett recognized Havergill leading in his Winwell Stag; second; defeated by a nose。 In the paddock he saw Gornt; Plumm; Pugmire and many of the stewards。 Dunross was near the rails talking to a smaller man。 The governor was walking from group to group with his wife and aide。 Bartlett watched them; envying them a little; the owners standing there with their caps and raincoats and shooting sticks and expensive women and girl friends; greeting one another; all members of the inner club; the powerhouse of Hong Kong; there and in the boxes above。 All very British; he thought; all very clever。 Will I fit in better than Biltzmann? Sure。 Unless they want me out as much as they wanted him out。 I'll be a voting member easy。 Ian said as much。 Would Orlanda fit there? Of course。 As wife or girl friend; it's all the same。
 〃Who's that?〃 he asked。 〃The man talking to Ian?〃
 〃Oh that's Alexi Travkin; he's the tai…pan's trainer。 。。。〃 She stopped as Robert Armstrong came up to them。
 〃Afternoon; Mr。 Bartlett;〃 he said politely。 〃Did you back the winner too?〃
 〃No; no I lost this one。 May I introduce Miss Ramos; Orlanda Ramos; Superintendent Robert Armstrong; CID。〃
 〃Hello。〃 She smiled back at Armstrong; and he saw her immediate caution。 Why are they all frightened of us; the innocent as well as the guilty? he asked himself; when all we do is try to enforce their laws; try to protect them from villains and the ungodly。 It's because everyone breaks some law; even a little one; every day; most days; because a lot of laws are stupid … like our betting laws here。 So everyone's guilty; even you; pretty lady with the oh so sensual walk and oh so promising smile。 For Bartlett。 What crime have you mitted today; to snare this poor innocent? Sardonically he smiled to himself。 Not so innocent in most things。 But against someone trained by Quillan Gornt? A beautiful; hungry Eurasian girl with no place to go but down? Ayeeyah! But oh how I'd like to swap places! Yes; you with your guns; money; birds like Casey and this one and meetings with the offal of the world like Banastasio; oh yes … I'd give ten years of my life; more; because today I swear to God I loathe what I have to do; what only I can do for good old England。
 〃Did you back the favorite too?〃 she was asking。
 〃No; no unfortunately。〃
 〃This's her second winner;〃 Bartlett said proudly。 〃Ah; if you're on a winning streak; who do you fancy in the fifth?〃
 〃I've been trying to decide; Superintendent。 I've no tips … it's wide open。 What's yours?〃
 〃Winning Billy's tipped; I hear。 I can't make up my mind either。 Well; good luck。〃 Armstrong left them; heading for the betting windows。 He had put 500 on the third…placed horse; covering his other bets。 He always chose a main bet and then hedged it with others; hoping to e out ahead。 Most times he did。 This afternoon he was a little behind; but he still hadn't touched the 40;000。
 In the corridor he hesitated。 The Snake; Chief Inspector Donald C。 C。 Smyth; was turning away from one of the crowded winning windows; a roll of money in his hand。 〃Hello; Robert。 How're you doing?〃
 〃So…so。 You're in the big time again?〃
 〃I try。〃 The Snake bent closer。 〃How is everything?〃
 〃Proceeding。〃 Once more Armstrong felt nauseated at the thought of more of the Red Room; then sitting there; letting Brian Kwok's mind spill out his most secret secrets; working against the clock that was ticking away … all of them aware that the governor was asking London for permission to trade。
 〃You're not looking so good; Robert。〃
 〃I don't feel so good。 Who's going to win the fifth?〃
 〃I leaned on your friend Clubfoot at the Para。 The word is Pilot Fish。 He did tip Buccaneer in the first; though with this going anything could happen。〃
 〃Yes。 Anything on the Werewolves?〃
 〃Nothing。 It's a dead end。 I'm having the whole area bed but with this rain it's almost hopeless。 I did interview Dianne Chen this morning … and John Chen's wife Barbara。 They gave me sweet talk。 I'd lay a fiver to a bent hatpin they know more than they're telling。 I had a brief talk with Phillip Chen but he was equally uncooperative。 Poor bugger's pretty shook。〃 The Snake looked up at him。 〃By chance did Mary have any clue about John?〃
 Armstrong looked back at him。 〃I haven't had a chance to ask her。 Tonight … if they give me any peace。〃
 〃They won't。〃 Smyth's face crinkled with a twisted smile。 〃Put your 40 on Pilot Fish。〃
 〃What 40?〃
 〃A dickie bird twittered that a certain golden nest egg has flown your coop … to mix metaphors。〃 The smaller man shrugged。 〃Don't worry; Robert; have a flutter。 There's plenty more where that came from。 Good luck。〃 He went away。 Armstrong stared after him; hating him。
 The bugger's right though; he thought; his chest hurting。 There's plenty more but once you take the first; what about the second and though you give nothing; admit nothing; guarantee nothing; there will e a time。 As sure as God made little apples there's always a return payment。
 Mary。 She needs that holiday; needs it so much and there's the stockbroker's bill and all the other bills and oh Christ; with this market gone crazy I'm almost wiped out。 God curse money … or the lack of it。
 40 on a winning quinella'd solve everything。 Or do I put it all on Pilot Fish? All or half or none。 If it's all; there's plenty of time to place bets at other windows。
 His feet took him to one of the betting lines。 Many recognized him and those who did; feeling their instant internal fear; wished the police had their own box and own windows and did not mix with honest citizens。 Four Finger Wu was one of these。 Hastily he put 50;000 on a quinella of Pilot Fish and Butterscotch Lass and fled back to the members' room; gratefully to sip his brandy and soda。 Dirty dogmeat police to frighten honest citizens; he thought; waiting for Venus Poon to return。 Eeeee; he chortled; her Golden Gulley's worth every carat of the diamond I promised her last night。 Two Clouds and Rain before dawn and a promise of another bout on Sunday when the yang recovers his ju… 
 A sudden roar from outside diverted his mind。 At once he shoved his way through the crowds packing the balcony。 The names of the fifth racehorses and their jockeys were ing up on the board; one by one。 Pilot Fish; number one; got a full…bellied cheer; then Street Vendor; an outsider; two; Golden Lady; three and a ripple of excitement went through her many backers。 When Noble Star; seven; flashed up there was a great roar and when the last; number eight; the favorite; Butterscotch Lass; there was an even greater roar。
 Down by the rail Dunross and Travkin were grimly inspecting the turf。 It was torn and slippery。 The nearer the rail; the worse it was。 Above; the sky was blacker and lowering。 A sprinkle started and a nervous groan slipped from fifty thousand throats。
 〃It's rotten; tai…pan;〃 Travkin said; 〃the going's rotten。〃
 〃It's the same for everyone。〃 Dunross let his mind reestimate the odds a last time。 If I ride and win; the omen will be immense。 If I ride and lose; the omen will be very bad。 To be beaten by Pilot Fish would be even worse。 I could be hurt easily。 I can't afford 。。。 the Noble House can't afford to be headless today; tomorrow or Monday。 If Travkin rides and loses or finishes behind Pilot Fish that would be bad but not as bad。 That would be joss。
 But I won't get hurt。 I'll win。 I want this race more than anything in the world。 I won't fail。 I'm not sure about Alexi。 I can win … if the gods are with me。 Yes but how much are you prepared to gamble on the gods?
 〃Eeee; young Ian;〃 Old Chen…chen had told him many times; 〃beware of expecting help from the gods; however much you petition them with gold or promises。 Gods are gods and gods go out to lunch and sleep and get bored and turn their eyes away。 Gods are the same as people: good and bad; lazy and strong; sweet and sour; stupid and wise! Why else are they gods; heya?〃
 Dunross could feel his heart thumping and could smell the warm; acrid; sweet…sour horse sweat; could sense the mind…blinding; spirit…curdling motioning; hands gripping the whip; bunched in the corner; now into the far straight; now into the last corner; the aching; grand sweet terror of speed; wielding the whip; jamming your heels in; outstretched now; carefull
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