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 〃Quick;〃 Casey said; 〃go put your bundle on the quinella。 One and seven。 Quick while you've time。〃
 〃Which are they?〃
 〃Never mind。 You've no time。〃 She gave him a little shove and he rushed off。 She collected herself; picked up a cup of tea and joined Bartlett and all the others crowding the balcony。
 〃Here's your tea; Linc。〃
 〃Thanks。 What did you tell him to bet?〃
 〃One and seven。〃
 〃I did one and eight。〃
 Another huge roar distracted them。 The horses were cantering past and beginning to mill around the gate。 They saw Pilot Fish skeetering and weaving; his jockey well up; knees tight; holding on firmly; guiding him to his post position。 But the stallion wasn't ready yet and tossed his mane and neighed。 At once the mare and the two fillies; Golden Lady and Noble Star; shivered; nostrils flaring and whinnied back。 Pilot Fish brayed stridently; reared and pawed the air and everyone gasped。 His jockey; Bluey White; cursed softly; dug his steel…strong hands into his mane; hanging on。 〃C'mon; sport;〃 he called out with a curse; gentling him。 〃Let the sheilas have a look at your dingledangle!〃
 Travkin on Noble Star was nearby。 The filly had got the stallion's scent and it had unsettled her。 Before Travkin could prevent it she twisted and backed and shoved her rump carelessly into Pilot Fish who swerved; startled; to bump the outsider Winning Billy; a bay gelding moving up to his gate。 The gelding skeetered; shook his head angrily and whirled away for a few paces; almost trampling Lochinvar; another brown gelding。
 〃Get that bugger under control; Alexi; for chrissake!〃
 〃Just stay out of my way; ublyudok;〃 Travkin muttered; his knees conscious of the untoward tremors racing through Noble Star。 He sat very high; part of his mount; stirrups short; and he wondered; cursing; if Pilot Fish's trainer had smeared some of the stallion's musk onto his chest and flanks to agitate the mare and fillies。 It's an old trick; he thought; very old。
 〃e on!〃 the starter called out; his voice stentorian。 〃Gentlemen; get your mounts into their stalls!〃
 Several were already there; Butterscotch Lass; the brown mare still heavily the favorite; was pawing the ground; nostrils flared; excitement of the ing race and the nearness of the stallion sending shiver after shiver through her。 She had stall eight from the rails; Pilot Fish now entering the stall in post position one。 Winning Billy had stall three between Street Vendor and Golden Lady; and the smell of them and the stallion's brazen challenge tore the gelding's mind。 Before the gate could close behind him he backed out and; once free; fought the bit and reins; shaking his head violently from side to side; twirling like a dancer on the slippery turf; almost colliding with Noble Star who swerved deftly out of the way。
 〃Alexi; e along!〃 the starter called out。 〃Hurry it up!〃
 〃Yes; certainly;〃 Travkin called back but he was not hurried。 He knew Noble Star and he walked the trembling; big brown filly well away from the stallion; letting her prance; the wind under her tail。 〃Gently; my darling;〃 he crooned in Russian; wanting to delay; wanting to keep the others off balance; now the only one not in the gate。 A flash of lightning lit the eastern sky but he paid it no attention; or the ominous roll of thunder。 The drizzle became stronger。
 His whole being was concentrated。 Just after the weigh…in; one of the other jockeys had sidled up to him。 〃Mr。 Travkin;〃 he had said softly; 〃you're not to win。〃
 〃Oh? Who says?〃
 The jockey shrugged。
 〃Who's the winner?〃
 Again the jockey shrugged。
 〃If the trainers and jockeys have a fix then let them know I'm not part of it。 I never have been; not in Hong Kong。〃
 〃You'n the tai…pan won with Buccaneer; that should satisfy you。〃
 〃It satisfies me but in this race I'm a trier。〃
 〃Fair enough; sport。 I'll tell them。〃
 〃Who's them?〃
 The jockey had gone away; the crowded changing room noisy and sweat…filled。 Travkin was well aware who the ring was; some of them; who fixed races now and then; but he had never been a participant。 He knew it was not because he was more honest than the others。 Or less dishonest。 It was only that his needs were few; a sure thing did not excite him and the touch of money did not please him。
 The starter was being impatient。 〃e along; Alexi! Hurry it up!〃
 Obediently he jabbed the spurs and walked Noble Star forward into her stall。 The gate clanged behind her。 A moment's hush。 Now the racers were under starter's orders。
 4:00 P。M。:
 In their stalls; jockeys dug their fingers into the horses' manes; all of them nervous; those in the know ready to crowd Noble Star。 Then the doors flew open and in a mad instant the eight runners were galloping; packed together along a short part of the straight; now past the winning post; now racing into the first bend。 The riders were all crouched high up; side by side; almost touching; some touching; the horses getting their pace; hurtling through the first part of the bend that would take them a quarter of the course into the far straight。 Already Pilot Fish was half a length ahead on the rails; Butterscotch Lass in fine position not flat out yet; Winning Billy alongside; back a little from Noble Star on the outside; crowding the others for a better place in the pack; all jockeys knowing that all binoculars were trained on them so any pulling or interference better be clever and cautious。 They had all been warned that millions would be won or lost and it would cost each one of them their future to foul up。
 They pounded through the turn; mud splattering those behind; the going bad。 As they came out of the turn into the straight still together; shoving for position; they lengthened their strides; the sweat…smell and the speed exciting horses and riders alike。 Winning Billy took the bit and closed up alongside Butterscotch Lass; now half a length behind Pilot Fish; going well; the rest bunched; all waiting to make their run。 Now Butterscotch Lass felt the spurs and she leapt forward and passed Pilot Fish; fell back a little and passed him again; Pilot Fish still hugging the rails carefully。
 Travkin was holding the filly well; lying back in the pack; still outside; then he gave her the spurs and she increased speed and he cut closer to the leaders; herding the others; almost bumping Lochinvar。 The rain increased。 The sting of it was in his eyes; his knees and legs tight and already hurting。 There was not a length between them as they galloped out of the stretch into the corner。 Going into the far turn they were all packed close to take advantage of the corner when a whip came from nowhere and lashed across Travkin's wrists。 The suddenness and pain unlocked his grip an instant and almost unbalanced him。 A split second later he was in control again。 Where the blow came from he did not know; or care; for they were well into the corner; the going dreadful。 Abruptly; the gray outsider Kingplay on the rails just behind Pilot Fish slipped and stumbled; his jockey felt the earth twist and they went down smashing into the rails; pulling two horses with them。 Everyone in the stadium was on their feet。
 〃Christ who's down 。。。〃
 〃Is it 。。。 it's Noble Star 。。。〃
 〃No; no it isn't 。。。 Winning Bill … 〃
 〃No he's lying third 。。。〃
 〃e on for Christ's sweet sake 。。。〃
 In the uproar in the stewards' room Dunross; whose binoculars were rock steady; called out; 〃It was Kingplay who fell 。。。 Kingplay; Street Vendor and Golden Lady 。。。 Golden Lady's on her feet but Christ the jockey's hurt 。。。 Kingplay won't get up 。。。 he's hurt 。。。〃
 〃What's the order; what's the order?〃
 〃Butterscotch Lass by a nose; then Pilot Fish on the rails; Winning Billy; Noble Star; nothing to choose amongst them。 Now they're going into the last turn; the Lass's ahead by a neck; the others hacking at her 。。。〃 Dunross watched the horses; his heart almost stopped; excitement possessing him。 〃e on; Alexi 。。。〃 His shout added to those of others; Casey as excited; but Bartlett watching; uninvolved; his mind below。
 Gornt in the Blacs box had his glasses focused as steadily as the tai…pan; his excitement as controlled。 〃e on;〃 he muttered; watching Bluey White give Pilot Fish the whip in the turn; Noble Star well placed on the outside; Winning Billy alongside the Lass who was a neck in front; the angle of the turn making it difficult to see。
 Again Travkin felt the lash on his hands but he dismissed it and eased a little closer in the bend; the remaining five horses inches apart; Butterscotch Lass crowding the rails。
 Bluey White on Pilot Fish knew it would soon be time to make his dash。 Ten yards; five; four three two now! They were ing out of the turn and he gave Pilot Fish the whip。 The stallion shot forward; inches from the rails; flat out now as Butterscotch Lass got the spurs and whip an instant later; for all the jockeys knew it was now or never。
 Travkin; stretched out parallel to Noble Star's neck; leaned forward and let out a cossack scream near Noble Star's ear and the filly took the primeval call and lengthened her stride; nostrils flared; foam on her mouth。 Now the five runners were pounding the stretch; Noble Star on the outside; Winning Billy inching ahead of the 
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