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 〃What's th… 〃 Peter Marlowe began; then he saw them too。 〃Oh! Not to worry。〃
 After a pause she took her eyes away。 〃Peter; that favor。 May I ask for that favor; now?〃
 〃What do you want as a favor?〃
 〃I want to know about Orlanda。〃
 〃To destroy her?〃
 〃For protection。 Protection for Linc against her。〃
 〃Perhaps he doesn't want to be protected; Casey。〃
 〃I swear I'll never use it unless I honest to God feel it's necessary。〃
 The tall man sighed。 〃Sorry;〃 he said with great passion; 〃but nothing I could tell you about her would give you or Linc protection。 Nothing to destroy her or make her lose face。 Even if I could I wouldn't; Casey。 That really wouldn't be cricket。 Would it?〃
 〃No; but I'm still asking。〃 She stared back at him; forcing the issue。 〃You said a favor。 I came when you needed a hand。 I need a hand now。 Please。〃
 He watched her a long time。 〃What do you know about her?〃 She told him what she had learned … about Gornt supporting Orlanda; Macao; about the child。
 〃Then you know everything I know; except perhaps that you should be sorry for her。〃
 〃Because she's Eurasian; alone; Gornt her only support and that's as precarious as anything in the world。 She's living on a knife edge。 She's young; beautiful and deserves a future。 Here there's none for her。〃
 〃Except Linc?〃
 〃Except Linc or someone like him。〃 Peter Marlowe's eyes were slate color。 〃Perhaps that wouldn't be so bad from his point of view。〃
 〃Because she's Asian and I'm not?〃
 Again the curious smile。 〃Because she's a woman and so are you but you hold all the cards; and the only real thing you have to decide is if you really want that war。〃
 〃Level with me; Peter; please。 I'm asking。 What's your advice? I'm running scared … there; I'll admit it to you。 Please?〃
 〃All right; but this isn't the favor I owe you;〃 he said。 〃Rumor has it you and Linc are not lovers though you obviously love him。 Rumor has it you've been together for six or seven years in close proximity but with no 。。。 no formal contact。 He's a terrific fellow; you're a terrific lady and you'd make a great couple。 The key word is couple; Casey。 Maybe you want money and power and Par…Con more than you do him。 That's your problem。 I don't think you can have both。〃
 〃Why not?〃
 〃It seems to me you choose Par…Con and power and riches and no Bartlett; other than as a friend … or you bee Mrs。 Linc Bartlett and behave and love and be the kind of woman there's no doubt in hell Orlanda would be。 Either way you have to be a hundred percent … you and Linc are both too strong and probably have tested each other too many times to be fooled。 He's been divorced once; so he's on guard。 You're over the age of a Juliet blindness so you're equally on guard。〃
 〃Are you a psychiatrist too?〃
 He laughed。 〃No; nor a father…confessor; though I like to know about people and like to listen but not to lecture and never to give advice … that's the most thankless task in the world。〃
 〃So there's no promise?〃
 〃I don't think so; but then I'm not you。 You have your own karma。 Irrespective of Orlanda … if it's not her it'll be another woman; better or worse; prettier though maybe not; because win; lose or draw; Orlanda's quality and has what it takes to make a man content; happy; alive as a man。 Sorry; I don't mean to be chauvinistic; but since you asked; I'd advise you to make up your mind quickly。〃
 Gavallan hurried into Shitee T'Chung's box and joined the tai…pan。 〃Afternoon;〃 he said politely to the old couple。 〃Sorry; tai…pan; Crosse and the other fellow you wanted had already left。〃
 〃Blast!〃 Dunross thought a second; then excused himself and walked out with Gavallan。 〃You're ing to the cocktail party?〃
 〃Yes; if you want me there … afraid I'm not very good pany。〃
 〃Let's go in here a second。〃 Dunross led the way into his private room。 Tea was laid out and a bottle of Dom Pérignon in an ice bucket。
 〃Celebration?〃 Gavallan asked。
 〃Yes。 Three things: the General Stores takeover; the Ho…Pak rescue and the dawn of the new era。〃
 〃Yes。〃 Dunross began to open the bottle。 〃For instance you: I want you to leave for London Monday evening with the children。〃 Gavallan's eyes widened but he said nothing。 〃I want you to check on Kathy; see her specialist; then take her and the kids to Castle Avisyard。 I want you to take over Avisyard for six months; perhaps a year or two。 Six months certain … take over the whole of the east wing。〃 Gavallan gasped。 〃You're going to head up a new division; very secret; secret from Alastair; my father; every member of the family including David。 Secret from everyone except me。〃
 〃What division?〃 Gavallan's excitement and happiness showed。
 〃There's a fellow I want you to get close to tonight; Andrew。 Jamie Kirk。 His wife's a bit of a bore but invite them to Avisyard。 I want you to slide into Scotland; particularly Aberdeen。 I want you to buy property; but very quietly: factory areas; wharfage; potential airfields; heliports near the docks。 Are there docks there?〃
 〃Christ; tai…pan; I don't know。 I've never been there。〃
 〃Nor have I。〃
 Dunross laughed at the look on Gavallan's face。 〃Not to worry。 Your initial budget is a million pounds sterling。〃
 〃Christ; where the hell's a million ing fr… 〃
 〃Never mind!〃 Dunross twisted the cork and held it; deadening the explosion neatly。 He poured the pale; oh so dry wine。 〃You've a million sterling to mit in the next six months。 A further 5 million sterling over the next two years。〃
 Gavallan was gaping at him openly。
 〃In that time I want the Noble House; oh so quietly; to bee the power in Aberdeen; with the best land; best influence on the town councils。 I want you laird of Aberdeen … and as far west as Inverness and south to Dundee。 In two years。 All right?〃
 〃Yes but 。。。〃 Gavallan stopped helplessly。 All his life he had wanted to quit Asia。 Kathy and the children too; but it had never been possible or even considered。 Now Dunross had given him Utopia and he could not take it all in。 〃But why?〃
 〃Talk to Kirk; beguile his wife; and remember; laddie; a closed mouth。〃 Dunross gave him a glass and took one for himself。 〃Here's to Scotland; the new era and our new fief。〃 Then he added in his most secret heart; And here's to the North Sea! All gods bear witness: The Noble House is implementing Contingency Plan One。
 5:50 P。M。:
 The stands were empty now but for the cleaners; most of the boxes dark。 Rain cascaded from the sky; a solid sheet of water。 It was near twilight。 Traffic was snarled all around the racecourse。 The thousands plodded homeward; sodden but light of heart。 Next Saturday was another race day and another fifth race and oh oh oh; another challenge and this time the tai…pan will surely ride Noble Star and perhaps Black Beard will ride Pilot Fish and those two devil quai loh will kill themselves for our amusement。
 A Rolls going out of the members' entrance splashed some of the pedestrians and they shouted a barrage of obscenities but none of the Chinese really minded。 One day I'll have one of those; everyone thought。 All I need's just a little fornicating joss。 Just a little joss next Saturday and I'll have enough to buy some land or an apartment to rent out; to barter against a piece of a high rise; to mortgage against an acre of Central。 Eeee; how I'll enjoy riding in my Rolls with a lucky number plate like that one! Did you see who it was? Taximan Tok who seven years ago drove a bo…pi; an illegal taxi; and found 10;000 HK on his backseat one day and hid it for five years till the statute of limitations had passed; then invested it in the stock market in the boom of three years ago to immense profit then took the profit and bought apartments。 Eeee; the boom! Remember what Old Blind Tung wrote in his column about the ing boom! But what about the stock market crash and all the bank runs?
 Ayeeyah; that's all over! Didn't you hear the astounding news? Great Bank is taking over the Ho…Pak and standing good for all Banker Kwang's debts。 Did you hear about the Noble House buying General Stores? Both such good pieces of news announced on race day。 That's never happened before! It's odd! Very odd! You don't think 。。。 Fornicate all Gods! Is it all a foul ploy of those dirty foreign devils to manipulate the market to steal our rightful profits? Oh oh oh; I agree! Yes; it must be a foul plot! It's too much fornicating coincidence! Oh those cunning awful barbarians! Thank all gods I realized it so I can prepare! Now what should I do 。。。
 As they all headed for home their minds were consumed with growing excitement。 Most were poorer than when they came to the track; but a few were much richer。 Spectacles Wu; the police constable from the East Aberdeen Police station; was one of those。 Crosse had allowed him to go to the races though he had to be back by 6:15 p。m。 when the client was due to be interviewed again; Spectacles Wu there as interpreter for the Ning…tok dialect。 The young man shivered and his Secret Sack chilled at the thought of how quickly the great Brian Kwok had babbled his innermost secrets。
 Ayeeyah; he thought; filled with superstitious dread。 These pink barbarians are truly devils who can twist us civilized people
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