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 〃No;〃 Dunross said。
 〃I'll see what I can find out。 I'm sure it's nothing to do with us; Ian。 Are you still ing Sunday?〃
 〃Good。 I'll see what I can find out。 Drinks at 6:00 p。m。?〃
 〃How about eight o'clock? Have you seen Tsu…yan yet?〃
 〃I thought he wasn't due until the weekend。 Isn't he making up our foursome on Monday with the American?〃
 〃Yes。 I heard he caught an early flight today。〃 Dunross kept his voice matter…of…fact。
 〃He's sure to call … do you want him to phone?〃
 〃Yes。 Anytime。 It's nothing important。 See you Sunday at eight。〃
 〃Yes; and thanks for the information。 If I get anything I'll phone at once。 'Bye。〃
 Dunross put the phone down。 He had been listening very carefully to the tone of Jen's voice but he had heard nothing untoward。 Where the hell's Tsu…yan?
 A knock。
 〃e in。〃 He got up and went to meet Bartlett。 〃Hello。〃 He smiled and held out his hand。 〃I'm Ian Dunross。〃
 〃Linc Bartlett。〃 They shook hands firmly。 〃Am I too early?〃
 〃You're dead on time。 You must know I like punctuality。〃 Dunross laughed。 〃I heard the meeting went well。〃
 〃Good;〃 Bartlett replied; wondering if Dunross meant the Gornt meeting。 〃Casey knows her facts and figures。〃
 〃My fellows were most impressed … she said she could finalize things herself。 Can she; Mr。 Bartlett?〃
 〃She can negotiate and settle up to 20 million。 Why?〃
 〃Nothing。 Just wanted to find out your form。 Please sit down … we've a few minutes yet。 Lunch won't begin till 12:40。 It sounds as though we may have a profitable enterprise in front of us。〃
 〃I hope so。 As soon as I've checked with Casey; perhaps you and I can get together?〃
 Dunross looked at his calendar。 〃Tomorrow at ten。 Here?〃
 〃You're on。〃
 〃No thanks。 I quit a few years back。〃
 〃So did I … still want a cigarette though。〃 Dunross leaned back in his chair。 〃Before we go to lunch; Mr。 Bartlett; there're a couple of minor points。 I'm going to Taipei on Sunday afternoon; will be back Tuesday in time for dinner; and I'd like you to e along。 There're a couple of people I'd like you to meet; a golf match you might enjoy。 We could chat leisurely; you could see the potential plant sites。 It could be important。 I've made all the arrangements; but it's not possible to take Miss Tcholok。〃
 Bartlett frowned; wondering if Tuesday was just a coincidence。 〃According to Superintendent Armstrong I can't leave Hong Kong。〃
 〃I'm sure that could be changed。〃
 〃Then you know about the guns too?〃 Bartlett said and cursed himself for the slip。 He managed to keep his eyes steady。
 〃Oh yes。 Someone else's been bothering you about them?〃 Dunross asked; watching him。
 〃The police even chased Casey! Jesus! My airplane's seized; we're all suspect; and I don't know a goddamn thing about any guns。〃
 〃Well; there's no need to worry; Mr。 Bartlett。 Our police are very good。〃
 〃I'm not worried; just teed off。〃
 〃That's understandable;〃 Dunross said; glad the Armstrong meeting was confidential。 Very glad。
 Christ; he thought queasily; if John Chen and Tsu…yan are involved somehow; Bartlett's going to be very teed off indeed; and we'll lose the deal and he'll throw in with Gornt and then 。。。
 〃How did you hear about the guns?〃
 〃We were informed by our office at Kai Tak this morning。〃
 〃Nothing like this ever happened before?〃
 〃Yes。〃 Dunross added lightly; 〃But there's no harm in smuggling or even a little gun…running … actually they're both very honorable professions … of course we do them elsewhere。〃
 〃Wherever Her Majesty's Government desires。〃 Dunross laughed。 〃We're all pirates here; Mr。 Bartlett; at least we are to outsiders。〃 He paused。 〃Presuming I can make arrangements with the police; you're on for Taipei?〃
 Bartlett said; 〃Casey's very close…mouthed。〃
 〃I'm not suggesting she's not to be trusted。〃
 〃She's just not invited?〃
 〃Certain of our customs here are a little different from yours; Mr。 Bartlett。 Most times she'll be wele … but sometimes; well; it would save a lot of embarrassment if she were excluded。〃
 〃Casey doesn't embarrass easily。〃
 〃I wasn't thinking of her embarrassment。 Sorry to be blunt but perhaps it's wiser in the long run。〃
 〃And if I can't 'conform'?〃
 〃It will probably mean you cannot take advantage of a unique opportunity; which would be a very great pity … particularly if you intend a long…term association with Asia。〃
 〃I'll think about that。〃
 〃Sorry; but I have to have a yes or no now。〃
 〃You do?〃
 〃Then go screw!〃
 Dunross grinned。 〃I won't。 Meanwhile; finally: yes or no。〃
 Bartlett broke out laughing。 〃Since you put it that way; I'm on for Taipei。〃
 〃Good。 Of course I'll have my wife look after Miss Tcholok while we're away。 There'll be no loss of face for her。〃
 〃Thank you。 But you needn't worry about Casey。 How are you going to fix Armstrong?〃
 〃I'm not going to fix him; just ask the assistant missioner to let me be responsible for you; there and back。〃
 〃Parole me in your custody?〃
 〃How do you know I won't just leave town? Maybe I was gun…running。〃
 Dunross watched him。 〃Maybe you are。 Maybe you'll try … but I can deliver you back dead or alive; as they say in the movies。 Hong Kong and Taipei are within my fief。〃
 〃Dead or alive; eh?〃
 〃Hypothetically; of course。〃
 〃How many men have you killed in your lifetime?〃
 The mood in the room changed and both men felt the change deeply。
 It's not dangerous yet between him and me; Dunross thought; not yet。
 〃Twelve;〃 he replied; his senses poised; though the question had surprised him。 〃Twelve that I'm sure of。 I was a fighter pilot during the war。 Spitfires。 I got two single…seat fighters; a Stuka; and two bombers … they were Dornier 17's and they'd have a crew of four each。 All the planes burned as they went down。 Twelve that I'm sure of; Mr。 Bartlett。 Of course we shot up a lot of trains; convoys; troop concentrations。 Why?〃
 〃I'd heard you were a flier。 I don't think I've killed anyone。 I was building camps; bases in the Pacific; that sort of thing。 Never shot a gun in anger。〃
 〃But you like hunting?〃
 〃Yes。 I went on a safari in '59 in Kenya。 Got an elephant and a great kudu bull and lots of game for the pot。〃
 Dunross said after a pause; 〃I think I prefer to kill planes and trains and boats。 Men; in war; are incidental。 Aren't they?〃
 〃Once the general's been put into the field by the ruler; sure。 That's a fact of war。〃
 〃Have you read Sun Tzu's The Art of War?〃
 〃The best book on war I've ever read;〃 Bartlett said enthusiastically。 〃Better'n Clausewitz or Liddell Hart; even though it was written in 500 B。C。〃
 〃Oh?〃 Dunross leaned back; glad to get away from the killings。 I haven't remembered the killing for years; he thought。 That's not fair to those men; is it?
 〃Did you know Sun Tzu's book was published in French in 1782? I've a theory Napoleon had a copy。〃
 〃It's certainly in Russian … and Mao always carried a copy that was dog…eared with use;〃 Dunross said。
 〃You've read it?〃
 〃My father beat it into me。 I had to read the original in characters … in Chinese。 And then he'd question me on it; very seriously。〃
 A fly began to batter itself irritatingly against the windowpane。 〃Your dad wanted you to be a soldier?〃
 〃No。 Sun Tzu; like Machiavelli; wrote about life more than death … and about survival more than war。 。。。〃 Dunross glanced at the window then got up and went over to it and obliterated the fly with a controlled savagery that sent warning signals through Bartlett。
 Dunross returned to his desk。 〃My father thought I should know about survival and how to handle large bodies of men。 He wanted me to be worthy to bee tai…pan one day; though he never thought I'd amount to much。〃 He smiled。
 〃He was tai…pan too?〃
 〃Yes。 He was very good。 At first。〃
 〃What happened?〃
 Dunross laughed sardonically。 〃Ah; skeletons so early; Mr。 Bartlett? Well; briefly; we had a rather tedious; long…drawn…out difference of opinion。 Eventually he handed over to Alastair Struan; my predecessor。〃
 〃He's still alive?〃
 〃Does your British understatement mean you went to war with him?〃
 〃Sun Tzu's very specific about going to war; Mr。 Bartlett。 Very bad to go to war he says; unless you need to。 Quote: 'Supreme excellence of generalship consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting。' 〃
 〃You broke him?〃
 〃He removed himself from the field; Mr。 Bartlett; like the wise man he was。〃
 Dunross's face had hardened。 Bartlett studied him。 Both men knew they were drawing battle lines in spite of themselves。
 〃I'm glad I came to Hong Kong;〃 the American said。 〃I'm glad to meet you。〃
 〃Thank you。 Perhaps one day you won't be。〃
 Bartlett shrugged。 〃Maybe。 Meanwhile we've got a deal cooking … good for you; good for us。〃 He grinned abruptly; thinking about Gornt and the cooking knife。 〃Yes。 I'm glad I came to Hong Kong。〃
 〃Would you and Casey care to be my guests this evening? I'm having a modest bash; a party; at 8:30 odd。〃
 〃Just dinner jacket … is that all right?〃
 〃Fine。 Casey said you like the tux and black tie bit。〃 Then Bartlett noticed the painting on the wall: an old oil of a pretty Chinese boat girl carrying a little Eng
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