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 three months we should know if young Kevin has any value … I think you'll be very impressed; tai…pan; in fact I guarantee it。 In three months we'll know what young George Trussler feels about Rhodesia and South Africa。 When he has that office set up we could send him to New York。 Or we could perhaps tempt your other cousin; the Virginian; Mason Kern; out of Cooper…Tillman and put him in charge of our New York office。 After six months Kevin should go to Salisbury and Johannesburg … I have a great feeling that the thorium and precious metal trade will go from strength to strength。〃
 〃Meanwhile; we still have our immediate problems。 Bartlett; Gornt and the run on our stock?〃
 〃To ensure Bartlett's silence we have to split him totally from Gornt and make him an ally; a plete ally。〃
 〃How do you do that; Phillip?〃
 〃Leave that with me。 There are 。。。 there are possibilities。〃 Dunross kept his eyes on Phillip Chen but the old man did not look up from the desk。 What possibilities? Orlanda? Has to be。 〃All right;〃 he said。 〃Next?〃
 〃About the market。 With the Bank of China supporting us; the bank runs are over。 With the General Stores takeover and massive financial backing; the run on our stock has to cease。 Everyone will rush to buy and the boom will be on。 Now;〃 Phillip Chen said; 〃I know you didn't want to before; but say we can get Sir Luis to withdraw our stock from trading till Monday at noon we ca… 〃
 〃Yes。 Say no one can trade Struan's officially until noon; say we set the price where it was on Wednesday last … 28。80。 Gornt is trapped。 He has to buy at whatever price he can to cover。 If no one offers enough stock below that figure all his profits go out of the window; he might even be mauled。〃
 Dunross felt weak。 The idea of jerking the stock now had not occurred to him。 〃Christ; but Sir Luis'd never go for it。〃
 Phillip Chen was very pale; beads of sweat on his forehead。 〃If the stock exchange mittee agreed that it was necessary 'to stabilize the market' 。。。 and if the great broking firms of Joseph Stern and Arjan Soorjani also agree not to offer any stock; any bulk stock below 28。80; what can Gornt do?〃 He wiped his forehead shakily。 〃That's my plan。〃
 〃Why should Sir Luis cooperate?〃
 〃I think 。。。 I think he will; and Stern and Soorjani owe us many favors。〃 The old man's fingers were twitching nervously。 〃Between Sir Luis; Stern; Soorjani; you and me; we control most of the major blocks of stock Gornt sold short。〃
 〃Stern is Gornt's broker。〃
 〃True; but he's Hong Kong yan and he needs goodwill more than one client。〃 Phillip Chen shifted more into the light。 Dunross noticed the pallor and was greatly concerned。 He got up and went to the liquor cabinet and fetched two brandy and sodas。 〃Here。〃
 〃Thank you。〃 Phillip Chen drank his quickly。 〃Thank God for brandy。〃
 〃You think we can line them all up by Monday's opening? By the way; I've canceled my trip to Taipei。〃
 〃Good; yes that's wise。 Will you be going to Jason Plumm's cocktail party now?〃
 〃Yes。 Yes; I said I would。〃
 〃Good; we can talk more then。 About Sir Luis。 There's a good chance; tai…pan。 Even if the stock isn't withdrawn; the price has to skyrocket; it must … if we get the support we need。〃
 That's obvious to anyone; Dunross thought sourly。 If。 He glanced at his watch。 It was 8:35。 Sinders was to call by 8:30。 He had given him half an hour leeway before his call to Tiptop。 His stomach seemed to fall apart but he dominated it。 Christ; I can't call him; he thought irritably。 〃What?〃 he asked; not having heard Phillip Chen。
 〃The deadline you gave me to have my resignation on your desk … Sunday midnight if Mata and Tightfist or … may I ask that it be extended a week?〃
 Dunross picked up Phillip Chen's glass to replenish it; liking the Asian subtlety of the request; to extend it to a time when it would have no value; for; in a week's time; the crisis would be long resolved。 The way the request was put saved face on both sides。 Yes; but he has to make a major effort。 Can his health stand it? That's my only real consideration。 As he poured the brandy he thought about Phillip Chen; Kevin Chen; Claudia Chen and old Chen…chen and what he would do without them。 I need cooperation and service and no more betrayal or treachery。 〃I'll consider that; Phillip。 Let's discuss it just after Prayers on Monday。〃 Then he added carefully; 〃Perhaps extensions would be justified。〃
 Gratefully Phillip Chen accepted the brandy and took a big swallow; his color better。 He had heard the deft plural and was greatly relieved。 All I have to do is deliver。 That's all。 He got up to go。 〃Thank y… 〃
 The phone jangled irritatingly and he almost jumped。 So did Dunross。
 〃Hello? Oh hello; Mr。 Sinders。〃 Dunross could hear the beating of his heart over the rain。 〃What's new?〃
 〃Very little I'm afraid。 I've discussed your suggestion with the governor。 If 'it' is in my possession by noon tomorrow; I have reason to believe your friend could be delivered to the Lo Wu border terminal by sunset Monday。 I cannot guarantee; of course; that he will wish to cross the border into Red China。〃
 Dunross got his voice going。 〃There's a lot of 'reason to believe' and 'could be' in that; Mr。 Sinders。〃
 〃That's the best I can do; officially。〃
 〃What guarantees do I have?〃
 〃None; I'm afraid; from Mr。 Crosse or myself。 It would seem there has to be trust on both sides。〃
 Bastards; Dunross thought furiously; they know I'm trapped。 〃Thank you; I'll consider what you've said。 Noon tomorrow? I'm in the hill climb tomorrow if it's on … ten to noon。 I'll e to police headquarters as soon as I can afterwards。〃
 〃No need to worry; Mr。 Dunross。 If it's on; I'll be there too。 Noon can be a deadline here or there。 All right?〃
 〃All right。 Good night。〃 Grimly Dunross put the phone down。 〃It's a maybe; Phillip。 Maybe; by Monday sunset。〃
 Phillip Chen sat down; aghast。 His pallor increased。 〃That's too late。〃
 〃We'll find out〃 He picked up the phone and dialed again。
 〃Hello; good evening。 Is the governor there; please? Ian Dunross。〃 He sipped his brandy。 〃Sorry to disturb you; sir; but Mr。 Sinders just called。 He said; in effect: perhaps。 Perhaps by sunset Monday。 May I ask; could you guarantee that?〃
 〃No; Ian; no I can't。 I don't have jurisdiction over this matter。 Sorry。 You have to make any arrangements direct。 Sinders struck me as a reasonable man though。 Didn't you think so?〃
 〃He seemed very unreasonable;〃 Dunross said with a hard smile。 〃Thanks。 Never mind。 Sorry to disturb you; sir。 Oh; by the way if this can be resolved; Tiptop said your chop would be required; with the bank's and mine。 Would you be available tomorrow; if need be?〃
 〃Of course。 And Ian; good luck。〃
 Dunross replaced the phone。 After a moment; he said; 〃Would they agree; the money tomorrow for the fellow Monday sunset?〃
 〃I wouldn't;〃 Phillip Chen said helplessly。 〃Tiptop was clear。 'Whenever the correct procedures are entered into。' The exchange would be simultaneous。〃
 Dunross sat back in the high chair; sipped his brandy and let his mind roam。
 At 9:00 p。m。 he dialed Tiptop; and chatted inconsequentially until the moment had e。 〃I hear the police underling will surely be fired for making such a mistake and that the wronged party could be at Lo Wu at noon Tuesday。〃
 There was a great silence。 The voice was colder than ever。 〃I hardly think that's immediate。〃
 〃I agree。 Perhaps I might be able to persuade them to bring it forward to Monday。 Perhaps your friends could be a little patient。 I would consider it a very great favor。〃 He used the word deliberately and let it hang。
 〃I will pass your message on。 Thank you; tai…pan。 Please call me at seven o'clock tomorrow evening。 Good night。〃
 Phillip Chen broke the silence; very concerned。 〃That's an expensive word; tai…pan。〃
 〃I know。 But I have no option;〃 he said; his voice hard。 〃Certainly there'll be a return favor asked in payment someday。〃 Dunross brushed his hair away from his eyes and added; 〃Perhaps it'll be with Joseph Yu; who knows? But I had to say it。〃
 〃Yes。 You're very wise。 Wise beyond your years; much wiser than Alastair and your father; not as wise as the Hag。〃 A small shiver went through him。 〃You were wise to barter the time; and wise not to mention the money; the bank money; very wise。 He's much too smart not to know we need that tomorrow … I'd imagine by evening at the latest。〃
 〃Somehow we'll get it。 That'll take the Victoria pressure off us。 Paul's got to call a board meeting soon;〃 Dunross added darkly。 〃With Richard on the board; well; Richard owes us many favors。 The new board will vote to increase our revolving fund; then we won't need Bartlett; First Central or Mata's god…cursed syndicate。〃
 Phillip Chen hesitated; then he blurted out; 〃I hate to be the bearer of more bad tidings but I've heard that part of Richard Kwang's arrangement with Havergill included his signed; undated resignation from the Victoria board and a promise to vote exactly as Havergill wishes。〃
 Dunross sighed。 Everything fell into place。 If Richard Kwang voted with the opposition it would neutralize his dominating position。 〃Now all we have to do is lose one more supporter and Paul and his opposition will 
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