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 〃I like sailing; Quillan; though I think maybe I'm out of my depth here。〃
 〃Oh?〃 Gornt frowned and she could read no taunt or challenge there。 〃You mean the girls?〃
 〃They're just guests of my guests。〃 His eyes bored into her。 〃I understood you wanted to be treated with equality。〃
 〃I thought you wanted to be treated equally in a masculine world; in business and pleasure? To be accepted; eh?〃
 〃I do;〃 she said coldly。
 His warmth did not change。 〃Are you upset because the others are married and you've met some of their wives?〃
 〃Yes; I suppose I am。〃
 〃Isn't that rather unfair?〃
 〃No; I don't think it is;〃 she said unfortably。
 〃You 're my guest; my guest; the others are my guests' guests。 If you want equality; perhaps you should be prepared to accept equality。〃
 〃This isn't equality。〃
 〃I'm certainly putting you in a position of trust。 As an equal。 I must tell you the others didn't think you as trustworthy as I consider you。〃 The smile hardened。 〃I told them they could leave or stay。 I do what I like on my ship and I stood surety for your discretion and good manners。 This is Hong Kong; our customs are different。 This isn't a puritan society though we have very serious rules。 You're alone。 Unmarried。 Very attractive and very wele。 As an equal。 If you were married to Linc; you would not have been asked; together or by yourself; though he might have been and what he told you when he came back would be his own affair。〃
 〃You're saying this is regular Hong Kong custom … the boys out with the girls bit on a Sunday afternoon?〃
 〃No; not at all。 I'm saying my guests asked if they could invite some guests who'd brighten what might otherwise be a dull luncheon for them。〃 Gornt's eyes were level。
 The Sea Witch heeled under another wave and Barre and his girl friend stumbled and almost lost their footing。 She dropped her glass of champagne。 Gornt had not moved。 Nor did Casey。 She didn't even need to hold on。
 〃You've done lots of sailing?〃 he said with admiration。
 〃I've an eighteen…footer; fiberglass; Olympic class; sloop…rigged; on a trailer。 I sail some weekends。〃
 〃Mostly。 Sometimes Linc es along。〃
 〃He's at the hill climb?〃
 〃No。 I heard it was canceled。〃
 〃He's going to Taipei this afternoon?〃
 〃No。 I heard that was canceled too。〃
 Gornt nodded。 〃Wise。 A lot to do tomorrow。〃 His eyes were kindly。 〃I'm sorry you're offended。 I thought you different from the usual。 I'm sorry the others came now。〃
 Casey heard the strange gentleness。 〃Yes; I'm sorry too。〃
 〃Would you still like to stay? I hope so; though I will expect your discretion … I did guarantee it。〃
 〃I'll stay;〃 she said simply。 〃Thanks for trusting me。〃
 〃e on the bridge。 There's champagne and I think lunch'll please you。〃
 Having chosen; Casey put away her reservations and decided to enjoy the day。 〃Where're we going?〃
 〃Up by Sha Tin。 The sea'll be calm there。〃
 〃Say; Quillan; this is a wonderful boat。〃
 〃I'll show you around in a moment。〃 There was a spatter of rain and they moved into the lee of the overhanging deck。 Gornt glanced at the clock tower。 It was 10:10。 He was about to order their castoff when Peter Marlowe hurried down the steps and came aboard。 His eyes widened as he noticed Casey。
 〃Sorry I'm late; Mr。 Gornt。〃
 〃That's all right; Mr。 Marlowe。 I was going to give you a couple of minutes … I know how it is with young children。 Excuse me a second; I believe you know each other。 Oh; Casey's my guest … her discretion's guaranteed。〃 He smiled at her。 〃Isn't it?〃
 〃Of course。〃
 He turned and left them; going to the bridge to take the conn。 They watched a moment; both embarrassed; the sea breeze freshening the rain that slanted down。
 〃I didn't expect to see you; Peter;〃 she said。
 〃I didn't expect to see you either。〃
 She studied him; her hazel eyes level。 〃Is one of the; the others yours? Give it to me straight。〃
 His smile was curious。 〃Even if one was I'd say it wasn't any of your business。 Discretion and all that。 By the way; are you Gornt's girl friend?〃
 She stared at him。 〃No。 No; of course not!〃
 〃Then why're you here?〃
 〃I don't know。 He 。。。 he just said I was invited as an equal。〃
 〃Oh。 Oh I see。〃 Peter Marlowe was equally relieved。 〃He's got a strange sense of humor。 Well; I did warn you。 To answer your question; at least eight are part of the Marlowe harem!〃 She laughed with him and he added more seriously; 〃You don't have to worry about Fleur。 She's very wise。〃
 〃I wish I was; Peter。 This's all rather new to me。 Sorry about 。。。 yes; sorry。〃
 〃It's new to me too。 I've never been on a Sunday cruise before。 Why did y… 〃 His smile vanished。 She followed his glance。 Robin Grey had e up from below and was pouring himself a glass of champagne; one of the girls holding out her glass too。 Casey turned and stared up at Gornt; watching him glance from man to man; then at her。
 〃e aloft;〃 Gornt called out。 〃There's wine; champagne; Bloody Marys or; if you prefer; coffee。〃 He kept his face expressionless but inside he was vastly amused。
 11:15 A。M。:
 〃I repeat; Mr。 Sinders; I know nothing of any cable; any Arthur; any files; any American and I know no Major Yuri Bakyan … the man was Igor Voranski; seaman first class。〃 Suslev kept a firm hold on his temper。 Sinders sat opposite him; behind the desk in the drab interview room at police headquarters。 Suslev had expected Roger Crosse to be there; to help。 But he had not seen him since he arrived。
 Be careful; he cautioned himself; you're on your own。 You'll get no help from Roger。 Rightly。 That spy has to be protected。 And as to Boradinov; he's no help either。 He glanced at his first officer who sat beside him; stiff; upright in his chair and greatly ill…at…ease。
 〃And you still insist this spy Dimitri Metkin's name was not Leonov … Nicoli Leonov … also a major in the KGB?〃
 〃It's nonsense; all nonsense。 I shall report this whole incident to my government; I sh… 〃
 〃Are your repairs pleted?〃
 〃Yes; at least they will be by midnight。 We bring good money into Hong Kong and pay our bi… 〃
 〃Yes and create nothing but curious troubles。 Like Major Leonov; like Bakyan?〃
 〃You mean Metkin?〃 Suslev glared at Boradinov to take off some of the heat。 〃Did you know any Leonov?〃
 〃No; rade Captain;〃 Boradinov stuttered。 〃We didn't know anything。〃
 〃What a lot of cobblers!〃 Sinders sighed。 〃Fortunately Leonov told us quite a lot about you and the Ivanov before you murdered him。 Yes; your Major Leonov was very cooperative。〃 Suddenly his voice became a whiplash。 〃First Officer Boradinov; please wait outside!〃
 The younger man was on his feet before he knew it; white…faced。 He opened the door。 Outside a hostile Chinese SI agent motioned him to a chair; closing the door once more。
 Sinders put his pipe aside; took out a package of cigarettes and leisurely lit one。 Rain battered the windows。 Suslev waited; his heart grinding。 He watched his enemy from under his bushy eyebrows; wondering what Roger Crosse had for him that was so urgent。 This morning when the secret phone had rung it was Arthur asking if Suslev would meet Roger Crosse around eight o'clock tonight at Sinclair Towers。 〃What's so urgent? I should be on my ship and mak… 〃
 〃I don't know。 Roger said it was urgent。 There was no time to discuss anything。 Did you see Koronski?〃
 〃Yes。 Everything's arranged。 Can you deliver?〃
 〃Oh yes。 Long before midnight。〃
 〃Don't fail。 Center's counting on you now;〃 he had added; lying。 〃Tell our friend it's ordered。〃
 〃Excellent。 We won't fail。〃
 Suslev had heard the excitement。 Some of his dread had left him。 Now it was returning。 He did not like being here; so near to staying permanently。 Sinders's reputation was well known in the KGB: dedicated; smart and given to great leaps of insight。 〃I'm very tired of these questions; Mr。 Sinders;〃 he said; astonished that the head of MI…6 had personally e to Hong Kong and could appear to be so unimportant。 He stood up; testing him。 〃I'm leaving。〃
 〃Tell me about Sevrin。〃
 〃Severin? What is Severin? I do not have to stay to answer your questions; I do n… 〃
 〃I agree; rade Captain; normally; but one of your men has been caught spying and our American friends really want possession of you。〃
 〃Oh yes and I'm afraid they're not as patient as we are。〃
 Suslev's dread swooped back。 〃More threats! Why threaten me?〃 he flustered。 〃We are law…abiding。 I'm not responsible for troubles! I demand to be allowed to go back to my ship! Now!〃
 Sinders just looked at him。 〃All right。 Please leave;〃 he said quietly。
 〃I can go?〃
 〃Yes; yes of course。 Good morning。〃
 Astonished; Suslev stared at him a moment; then turned and went for the door。
 〃Of course we will certainly leak it to your superiors that you gave us Leonov。〃
 Suslev stopped; ashen。 〃What; what did you say?〃
 〃Leonov told us; among other things; that you encouraged him to make the intercept。 Then you leaked the exchange。〃
 〃Lies 。。。 lies;〃 he said; suddenly aghast that perhaps Roger Crosse had been caught as Metkin was caught。
 〃Didn't you also leak to North Korean agents about Bakyan?〃
 〃No; no I did not;〃 Suslev stuttered; enormously relieved to discover 
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