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 〃It's true Linc's wife and her attorney almost put him away。 But not every wife's like that。 But God; we're not chattel and most women need protection。 Women throughout the world still get a raw deal。〃
 〃I've never known a real woman to get a raw deal;〃 he said。 〃I mean a woman like you or Orlanda who understands what femininity means。〃 Suddenly he had beamed at her。 〃Of course; en route she has to give us poor weak bastards what we want to stay healthy。〃
 She had laughed with him; also wanting to change the subject … too difficult to solve now。
 〃Ah; Quillan; you're one of the bad ones all right。〃
 He had turned away to search the sky ahead。 She watched him and he looked fine to her; standing there; swaying slightly; the wind ruffling the hairs on his strong forearms; his sea cap jaunty。 I'm glad he trusts me and considers me a woman; she had thought; lulled by the wine and the food and by his desire。 Ever since she had e aboard she had felt it strongly and she had wondered again how she would deal with it when it manifested itself; as it would; inevitably。 Would it be yes or no? Or maybe? Or maybe next week?
 Will there be a next week?
 〃What's going to happen tomorrow; Quillan? At the stock market?〃
 〃Tomorrow can take care of tomorrow;〃 he had said; the wind whipping him。
 〃I will win or I will not win。〃 Gornt shrugged。 〃Either way I'm covered。 Tomorrow I buy。 With joss I have him by the shorts。〃
 〃And then?〃
 He had laughed。 〃Have you any doubt? I take him over; lock; stock and box at the races。〃
 〃Ah; you really want that; don't you?〃
 〃Oh yes。 Oh yes; that represents victory。 He and his forebears have kept me and mine out。 Of course I want that。〃
 I wonder if I could make a deal with Ian; she had thought absently。 Wonder if I could get the tai…pan to allow Quillan a box; his own box; and help make him a steward。 Crazy for these two to be like bulls in a china shop … there's more than enough room for both。 Ian owes me a favor if Murtagh delivers。
 Her heart fluttered and she wondered what had happened with Murtagh and the bank; and if the answer was yes; what Quillan would do。
 And where is Linc? Is he with Orlanda; in her arms; dreaming the afternoon away?
 She curled up again on the stern and closed her eyes。 The salt air and the throb of the engines and the motion through the sea put her to sleep。 Her sleep was dreamless; womblike; and in a few minutes she awoke refreshed。 Gornt was sitting opposite her now; watching her。 They were alone again; the Cantonese captain at the wheel。
 〃You have a nice sleeping face;〃 he said。
 〃Thank you。〃 She moved and rested on one elbow。 〃You're a strange man。 Part devil; part prince; passionate one minute; ruthless the next。 That was a wonderful thing you did for Peter。〃
 He just smiled and waited; his eyes strangely and pleasantly challenging。
 〃Linc's 。。。 I think Linc's smitten with Orlanda;〃 she said without thinking and saw a shadow go over him。
 〃Yes。〃 She waited but he said nothing; just watched her。 Pushed by the silence; she added involuntarily; 〃I think she's smitten with him。〃 Again a long silence。 〃Quillan; is that part of a plan?〃
 He laughed softly and she felt his dominance。 〃Ah; Ciranoush; you're the strange one。 I don… 〃
 〃Will you call me Casey? Please? Ciranoush is not right。〃
 〃But I don't like Casey。 May I use Kamalian?〃
 〃What about Ciranoush today; Casey tomorrow; Kamalian for Tuesday dinner? That's when we close the deal。 Eh?〃
 Her guards came up without thinking。 〃That's up to Linc。〃
 〃You're not tai…pan of Par…Con?〃
 〃No。 No; I'll never be that。〃
 He laughed。 Then he said; 〃Then let's make it Ciranoush today; Casey tomorrow and the hell with Tuesday?〃
 〃All right!〃 she said; warmed by him。
 〃Good。 Now as to Orlanda and Linc;〃 he said; his voice gentle。 〃That's up to them and I never discuss the affairs of others with others; even a lady。 Never。 That's not playing the game。 If you're asking if I've some devious plot; using her against Linc or you and Par…Con; that's ridiculous。〃 Again he smiled。 〃I've always noticed that ladies manipulate men; not the other way around。〃
 〃One question deserves another: Are you and Linc lovers?〃
 〃No。 Not in the conventional sense; but yes I love him。〃
 〃Ah; then are you going to marry?〃
 〃Perhaps。〃 Again she shifted and she saw his eyes move over her。 Her hands pulled the blanket closer around her; her heart beating nicely; very conscious of him as she knew he was conscious of her。 〃But I don't discuss my affairs with another man;〃 she said with a smile。 〃That's not playing the game either。〃
 Gornt reached out and touched her lightly。 〃I agree; Ciranoush。〃
 The Sea Witch came out of the breakwater into the harbor waves; Kowloon ahead。 She sat up and turned to watch the Island and the Peak; most of it cloud covered。 〃It's so beautiful。〃
 〃The south coast of Hong Kong's grand around Shek…O; Repulse Bay。 I've a place at Shek…O。 Would you like to see the boat now?〃
 〃Yes; yes I'd like that。〃
 He took her forward first。 The cabins were neat; no sign of having been used。 Each had shower stalls and a toilet。 A small general cabin served them all。 〃We're rather popular with ladies at the moment because they can shower to their hearts content。 The water shortage does have advantages。〃
 〃I'll bet;〃 she said; carried along by his joviality。
 Aft; separate from the rest of the boat; was the master cabin。 Big double bed。 Neat; tidy and inviting。
 Her heart was sounding loud in her ears now; and when he casually closed the cabin door and put his hand on her waist she did not back off。 He came closer。 She had never kissed a man with a beard before。 Gornt's body was hard against hers and it felt good to her; her breath picking up tempo; his lips firm and cigar tasting。 Most of her whispered: Go; let go; and most of her said; No; don't; and all of her felt sensual in his arms; too good。
 What about Linc?
 The question barreled into her mind like never before and all at once her mind cleared and; carried along by his sensuality; she knew for the first time with absolute clarity that it was Linc she wanted; not Par…Con or power if that had to be the choice。 Yes; it's Linc; just Linc; and tonight I'll cancel our deal。 Tonight I'll offer to cancel。
 〃Now's not the time;〃 she whispered; her voice throaty。
 〃No; not now。 We can't; sorry。 〃 She reached up and kissed him lightly on the lips; talking through the kisses; 〃Not now; my dear; sorry; but we can't; not now。 Tuesday; perhaps Tuesday 。。。〃
 He held her away from him and she saw his dark eyes searching her。 She held her gaze as long as she could; then buried her head against his chest and held him tenderly; still enjoying the closeness; sure that she was safe now; and that he was convinced。 That was a close one; she thought weakly; her knees feeling strange; all of her pulsating。 I was almost gone then and that wouldn't have been good; good for me or Linc or him。
 It would have been good for him; she thought strangely。
 Her heart was pounding as she rested against him; waiting; recouping; confident in a moment … with warmth and gentleness and the promise of next week … he would say; 〃Let's go back on deck。〃
 Then all at once she felt his arms tighten around her and before she knew what was happening she was on the bed; his kisses strong and his hands wandering。 She began to fight back but he caught her hands expertly and stretched her out with his great strength and lay across her; his loins pinioning her; making her helpless。 At leisure he kissed her and his passion and her heat mingled with her fury and fear and want。 As much as she struggled; she could not move。
 The heat grew。 In a moment he shifted his grip。 Instantly she swept to the attack; wanting more though now she was preparing to fight seriously。 Again his grip on her hands tightened。 She felt herself swamped; wanting to be overpowered; not wanting it; his passion strong; loins hard; the bed soft。 And then; as abruptly as he had begun; he released her and rolled away with a laugh。
 〃Let's have a drink!〃 he said without rancor。
 She was gasping for breath。 〃You bastard!〃
 〃I'm not actually。 I'm very legitimate。〃 Gornt propped himself on an elbow; his eyes crinkling。 〃But you; Ciranoush; you're a liar。〃
 〃Go to hell!〃
 His voice was calm and genially taunting。 〃I will; soon enough。 Far be it for me to ask a lady to prove such a thing。〃
 She threw herself at him; her nails hacking for his face; furious that he was so controlled when she was not。 Easily he caught her hands and held her。 〃Gently gently catchee monkeeee;〃 he said even more genially。 〃Calm down; Ciranoush。 Remember; we're both over twenty…one; I've already seen you almost naked; and if I really wanted to rape you I'm afraid it wouldn't be much of a contest。 You could scream bloody murder and my crew wouldn't hear a thing。〃
 〃You're a goddamn lou… 〃
 〃Stop!〃 Gornt kept his smile but she stopped; sensing danger。 〃The tumble was not to frighten; just to amuse;〃 he said gently。 〃A prank; nothing more。 Truly。〃 He released her and she scrambled off the bed; her breathing still heavy。
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