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 bloom is off my skin I will have sons to excite him and daughters to delight him and then; long before I'm no longer exciting to him; I will very carefully arrange another for his pleasure; a dullard with beautiful breasts and tight rump and I will be suitably amused and benign … and passionate when he fails; for; by then he will be much older and less virile and my hands will control the money and I will be ever more essential。 And when he tires of the first I will find another; and we will live out our lives; yang and yin; the yin ever dominating the yang!
 Yes。 I will be tai…tai。
 And one day he will ask to go to Portugal to see my daughter and I will refuse the first time and the second and the third and then we will go … if I have our son in my arms。 Then he will see her and love her too; and that specter will be laid to rest forever。
 Orlanda sighed; feeling wonderful; weightless; with his head resting fortably against her chest。 Pillowing without precautions is so much more glorious; she thought。 Ecstasy。 Oh so wonderful to feel the surge; knowing you're young and fertile and ready; giving yourself totally; deliberately; praying to create a new life … his life and yours joined forever。 Oh yes。
 Yes but have you been wise? Have you? Say he leaves you? The only other time in your life you deliberately left yourself free was that single month with Quillan。 But that was with permission。 This time you have none。
 Say Linc leaves you。 Perhaps he'll be furious and tell you to stop the child!
 He won't; she told herself with plete confidence。 Linc's not Quillan。 There's nothing to worry about。 Nothing。 Madonna; please help me! All gods help me! Let his seed grow; oh please please please; I beg you with all my heart。
 Bartlett stirred and half awoke。 〃Orlanda?〃
 〃Yes; my darling; I'm here。 Oh how wonderful you are!〃 She cradled him happily; so glad that she had given her amah the day and the night away。 〃Go back to sleep; we've all the time in the world; sleep。〃
 〃Yes but 。。。〃
 〃Sleep。 In a little while I'm going to fetch some Chinese food an… 〃
 〃Maybe you'd like t… 〃
 〃Sleep; my darling。 Everything's arranged。〃
 7:30 P。M。:
 Three stories below on the other side of the building; facing the mountainside; Four Finger Wu was watching television。 He was in Venus Poon's apartment; in front of her set; his shoes off; his tie loose; sprawled in the easy chair。 The old amah was sitting on a stiff chair beside him and they both guffawed at the antics of Laurel and Hardy。
 〃Eeeeee; the Fat One's going to catch his fornicating foot in the scaffolding;〃 he chortled; 〃and the … 〃
 〃And the Thin One's going to hit him with the plank! Eeeeee。〃 They both laughed at the routine they had seen a hundred times in a hundred re…re…reruns of the old black…and…white movies。 Then the film ended and Venus Poon reappeared to announce the next program and he sighed。 She was looking directly at him from the box and he … along with every other male viewer … was certain that her smile was for him alone; and though he did not understand her English; he understood her very well。 His eyes were glued to her breasts that had fascinated him for hours; examining them closely; never seeing or feeling a sign of the surgical interference that all Hong Kong whispered about。
 〃I attest your tits are blemishless; certainly the biggest and best I've ever touched;〃 he had volunteered importantly; still mounted; the night before last。
 〃You're just saying that to please your poor impoverished Daughter oh oh oh!〃
 〃Impoverished? Ha! Didn't Banker Kwang give you that miserable fur yesterday and I hear he added an extra 1;000 to his monthly check! And me; didn't I supply the winner of the first; third and the runner…up in the fifth? 30;000 those brought you minus 15 percent for my informant … for less effort than it takes me to fart!〃
 〃P'shaw! That 25;800 HK's not worth talking about; I have to buy my own wardrobe; a new costume every day! My public demands it; I have my public to think of。〃
 They had argued back and forth until; feeling the moment of truth approaching; he had asked her to move her buttocks more vigorously。 She had obliged with such enthusiasm that he was left a husk。 When at length he had miraculously recovered his spirit from the Void he choked out; 〃Ayeeyah; Little Strumpet; if you can do that one more time I'll give you a diamond ring the … no; no; not now by all the gods! Am I a god? Not now; Little Mealy Mouth; no; not now and not tomorrow but the next day。 。。。〃
 And now it was the next day。 Elated and filled with anticipation he watched her on television; all smiles and dimples as she said good night and the new program began。 Tonight was her early night and in his mind he could almost see her hurry out of the TV station to his waiting Rolls; sure that she would be just as anxious。 He had sent Paul Choy with the Rolls to escort her to the station tonight; to talk English with her; to ensure she arrived safely and returned quickly。 And then; after their new bout; the Rolls would take them to the barbarian eating palace in the barbarian hotel with its foul barbarian food and foul smells but one of the places where all the tai…pans go; and all important; civilized persons go with their wives  … and; when their wives were busy; with their whores … so he could show off his mistress and how rich he was to all Hong Kong; and she could show off the diamond。
 〃Ayeeyah;〃 he chortled out loud。
 〃Eh; Honored Lord?〃 the amah asked suspiciously。 〃What's amiss?〃
 〃Nothing; nothing。 Please give me some brandy。〃
 〃My mistress doesn't like the brandy smell!〃
 〃Huh; old woman; give me brandy。 Am I a fool? Am I a barbarian from the Outer Provinces? Of course I have fragrant tea leaves to chew before our bout。 Brandy!〃
 She went off grumbling but he paid her no attention … she was just trying to protect her mistress's interests and that was perfectly correct。
 His fingers touched the small box in his pocket。 He had purchased the ring this morning; wholesale; from a first cousin who owed him a favor。 The stone was worth 48;000 at least though the real cost was barely half that amount; the quality blue…white and excellent; the carats substantial。
 Another bout like the last one will be well worth it; he thought ecstatically; though a little uneasily。 Oh yes。 Eeee; that last time I thought my spirit was truly gone forever into the Void; taken by the gods at the height of all life! Eeee; how lucky I would be to go thence; at that exact moment! Yes; but more wonderful to e back to storm the Jade Gate again and again and once more!
 He laughed out loud; daring the gods; very content。 Today had been excellent for him。 He had met secretly with Smuggler Yuen and White Powder Lee and they had elected him chief of their new Brotherhood; which was only right; he thought。 Hadn't he supplied the link to the marketplace through the foreign devil Ban … whatever his name was … because he had lent money to Number One Son Chen who; in return for such favors; had proposed the gun into opium scheme to him but had had the stupidity to be kidnapped and now murdered? Oh yes。 And wasn't he meeting with the same foreign devil in Macao next week to arrange finances; payments; to set into motion the whole vast operation? Of course he should be High Tiger; of course he should have the most profit! With their bined expertise … and Profitable Choy's modern techniques … he could revolutionize the smuggling of the opium into Hong Kong; and once here; revolutionize the conversion of the raw narcotic into the immensely profitable White Powders; and finally; the means of export to the markets of the world。 Now that Paul Choy was already in the shipping and air freighting department of Second Big pany and two grandsons of Yuen; also American trained; in their customs broking operation … and another four English university…trained relations of White Powder Lee placed within Noble House's Kai Tak go…down operations and All Asia Air's loading and unloading division; imports and exports would be ever safer; easier and ever more profitable。
 They had discussed whom they would co…opt in the police; particularly Marine。
 〃None of the barbarians; never one of those fornicators;〃 White Powder Lee had said hotly。 〃They won't support us; never。 Not in drugs。 We must use only the Dragons。〃
 〃Agreed。 All the Dragons have all been approached and all will cooperate。 All except Tang…po of Kowloon。〃
 〃We must have Kowloon; he's senior and Marine operates from there。 Is he holding out for a better deal personally? Or is he against us?〃
 〃I don't know。 At the moment。〃 Four Fingers had shrugged。 〃Tang…po is up to the High Dragon to solve。 The High Dragon has agreed; so it is agreed。〃
 Yes; Four Fingers thought; I outsmarted them to make me High Tiger and I outsmarted Profitable Choy on my money。 I didn't give the young fornicator control of my fortune to gamble with as he thought I would。 Oh no! I'm not that much of a fool! I only let him have 2 million and promised him 17 percent of all profit … let's see what he can do with that。 Yes。 Let's see what he can do with that!
 The old man's heart picked up and he scratched himself。 I'll bet the cunning yo
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