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Central's Par…Con's bank。 Isn't it?〃
 〃Yes; yes it is; Quillan;〃 she said; her voice sounding small but it went through the room and once more all attention surrounded them。
 〃You and Bartlett; you did this?〃 Gornt asked; towering over her。
 Dunross said quickly; 〃I arrange our loans。〃
 Gornt paid no attention to him; just watched her。 〃You and Bartlett。 You helped him?〃
 She looked back at him; her heart thumping。 〃I've no control over that bank; Quillan。〃
 〃Ah but your fingers're in that pie somewhere;〃 Gornt said coldly。 〃Aren't they?〃
 〃Murtagh asked me if I thought Struan's a good risk;〃 she said; her voice controlled。 〃I told him; yes; that Struan's was an admirable risk。〃
 〃Struan's is on the rocks;〃 Gornt said。
 Dunross came up to them。 〃The whole point is; we're not。 By the way; Quillan; Sir Luis has agreed to withdraw Struan's from trading until noon。〃
 All eyes went to Sir Luis who stood stoically; Phillip Chen beside him; then went back to Dunross and Gornt again。
 〃To give the market time to adjust to the boom。〃
 〃What boom?〃
 〃The boom we all deserve; the boom Old Blind Tung forecast。〃 A wave of electricity went through everyone; even Casey。 〃Also to adjust our stock value;〃 Dunross's voice rasped。 〃We open at 30。〃
 〃Impossible;〃 someone gasped; and Gornt snarled; 〃You can't! You closed at 9。50 by God! Your stock closed at 9。50!〃
 〃So we offer stock at 30 by God!〃 Dunross snarled back。
 Gornt whirled on Sir Luis。 〃You're going along with this highway robbery?〃
 〃There isn't any; Quillan;〃 Sir Luis said calmly。 〃I've agreed; with the mittee's unanimous approval; that it's the best for all; for the safety of all investors; that there should be a quiescent period … so that everyone could prepare for the boom。 Till noon seemed fair。〃
 〃Fair eh?〃 Gornt grated。 〃You've got lots of stock I've sold short。 Now I buy it all back。 What price?〃
 Sir Luis shrugged。 〃I'll deal at noon tomorrow; on the floor; not away from the market。〃
 〃I'll deal with you right now; Quillan;〃 Dunross said harshly。 〃How many shares've you sold short? 700;000? 8? I'll let you buy back in at 18 if you will sell the controlling interest in All Asia Air at 15。〃
 〃All Asia Air's not for sale;〃 Gornt said; enraged; his mind shouting that at 30 he would be wiped out。
 〃The offer's good till opening tomorrow。〃
 〃The pox on you; tomorrow; and your 30!〃 Gornt whirled on Joseph Stern。 〃Buy Struan's! Now; in the morning or at noon! You're responsible!〃
 〃At; at what price; Mr。 Gornt?〃
 〃Just buy!〃 Gornt's face closed and he turned on Casey。 〃Thanks;〃 he said to her and stomped off; slamming the door behind him。 Then conversation exploded; and Dunross was surrounded; people pounding him on the back; swamping him with questions。 She stayed alone at the doorway of the veranda; shocked by the violence that had been。 Absently; in turmoil; she saw Plumm hurry off; Roger Crosse following; but she paid them little attention; just watched Dunross; Riko now beside him。
 In the small back bedroom Plumm reached into the drawer of a bureau that was near the big iron…bound sea trunk。 The door swung open and he spun around and when he saw it was Roger Crosse his face twisted。 〃What the shit're you doing? You deliberately f… 〃
 With catlike speed Crosse was across the room and he belted the man open…handed before Plumm knew what was happening。 Plumm gasped and blindly readied to leap at Crosse but again Crosse belted him and Plumm stumbled backward against the bed and fell onto it。 〃What the f… 〃
 〃Shut up and listen!〃 Crosse hissed。 〃Suslev's going to shop you!〃
 Plumm gaped at him; the weal from the blows scarlet。 At once his anger vanished。 〃What?〃
 〃Suslev's going to shop you to Sinders; and that means all of us。〃 Crosse's eyes narrowed。 〃You all right now? For chrissake keep your voice down。〃
 〃What? Yes 。。。 yes。 I 。。。 yes。〃
 〃Sorry; Jason; it was the only thing to do。〃
 〃That's; that's all right。 What the hell's going on; Roger?〃 Plumm scrambled off the bed; rubbing his face; a thin trickle of blood at the corner of his mouth; now totally controlled。 Outside was the rise and fall of indistinct conversation。
 〃We've got to make a plan;〃 Crosse said grimly and recapped his conversation with Suslev。 〃I think I've got him convinced; but that bugger's slippery and there's no telling what he'll do。 Sinders'll shop him; I'm sure of that; if Suslev doesn't finger Arthur … and if Sinders shops him; Suslev won't e back to Hong Kong。 They'll keep him and break him。 Then wh… 〃
 〃But what about Dunross?〃 Plumm asked helplessly。 〃Surely Dunross could've got him out of the mess。 Now Gregor's bound to talk。 Why stop me?〃
 〃I had to。 There was no time to tell you。 Listen; after I left Suslev I checked with HQ。 They told me Tiptop'd helped those bastards squeeze out of the trap with China's money。 Earlier I'd heard that Ian'd arranged his loan;〃 Crosse added; lying。 〃So the runs're over; the stock market's got to boom; Dunross or not。 But worse than that; Jason; I got a whisper from an informant in Special Branch that Sinders has tripled security on Kai Tak; the same on the Ivanov wharf; and that; right now; they're opening every crate; every bag; searching every piece of equipment; checking every coolie that goes aboard。 If they'd intercepted Dunross; and they would … SI's too smart … we'd be trapped。〃
 Plumm's nervousness increased。 A tremor went through him。 〃What; what about 。。。 Say we give Sinders Gregor?〃 he burst out。 〃What if we gi… 〃
 〃Keep your voice down! You're not thinking clearly; for God's sake! Gregor knows all of us。 Sinders'd shove him on a sleep…wake…sleep regimen and into the Red Room and he'd tell everything! That'd wreck us; wreck Sevrin and put the Soviets back ten years in Asia。〃
 Plumm shivered and wiped his face。 〃Then what're we going to do?〃
 〃Let Gregor go aboard and out of Hong Kong; and hope to God he convinces his bosses。 Even if he leaks your name to Sinders I think we're buried so deep we can squeeze out of that。 You're British; not a foreign national。 Thank God we've laws to protect us … even under the Official Secrets Act。 Don't worry; nothing'll happen without me knowing and if anything happens I'll know at once。 There'll always be time enough for Plan Three。〃 Plan Three was an elaborate escape that Plumm had erected against such an eventuality … with false passports; valid air tickets; ready luggage; clothes; disguises and covers; even including passkeys to airplane waiting areas without going through Immigration … that had a ninety…five percent chance of success given an hour's notice。
 〃Christ!〃 Plumm looked down at the waiting trunk。 〃Christ;〃 he said again; then went to the mirror to look at his face。 The redness was going。 He doused some water on it。
 Crosse watched him; wondering if Plumm was convinced。 It was the best he could do under the circumstances。 He hated improvisation; but in this case he had little option。 What a life we lead! Every one expendable except yourself: Suslev; Plumm; Sinders; Kwok; Armstrong; even the governor。
 〃What?〃 Plumm asked; looking at him in the mirror。
 〃I was just thinking we're in a rough business。〃
 〃The Cause makes it worthwhile。 That's the only part that counts。〃
 Crosse hid his contempt。 I really think you've outlived your usefulness; Jason old fellow; he thought; then went over to the phone。 There were no extensions on this line and he knew it was not bugged。 He dialed。
 〃Yes?〃 He recognized Suslev and coughed Arthur's dry cough。 〃Mr。 Lop…sing please;〃 continuing the code in a perfect imitation of Plumm's voice; then said urgently; 〃There's been a foul…up。 The target did not appear。 Be careful at the dock。 Surveillance is tripled。 We cannot deliver the trunk。 Good luck。〃 He hung up。 The silence gathered。
 〃That's his death knell; isn't it?〃 Plumm said sadly。
 Crosse hesitated。 He smiled thinly。 〃Better his death than yours。 Eh?〃
 8:25 P。M。:
 In the noise…filled living room at the other end of the hall; Casey finished her drink and set it down。 She was feeling unsettled and very strange。 Part of her was joyous at Dunross's reprieve and the other part sad that Gornt was now entrapped。 It was quite clear to her with the wheeling and dealing now going on around her that Struan's opening price would be very high。 Poor Quillan; she thought。 If he doesn't cover his position he'll be in shitsville … and let's face it; I put him there。 Didn't I?
 Sure; but I had to bail out Dunross because; without him; Gornt would have squeezed us dry … and maybe everyone else。 And don't forget; I didn't start the raid on Struan's。 That was Linc's raid; not mine。 Hasn't Linc always said business and pleasure should never mix? Haven't we both always gone along with that?
 Linc。 Always back to Linc。
 Casey had not seen him all day; nor even heard from him。 They were supposed to have met for breakfast but there was a 〃do not disturb〃 on his door and a 〃do not disturb〃 on his phone so she left him and pushed away the thought of Orlanda … was Orlanda there too? And tonight; when she had returned from the day's sailing; there was a message: 〃Hi; have fun。〃 So she had showered and changed and bottled her impati
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