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 they got visas to the States。 They had a little money and some jewelry … and lots of talent。 Granny's still alive 。。。 she can still haggle with the best of them。〃
 〃Your grandfather was a trader?〃 Dunross asked。 〃Is that how you first got interested in business?〃
 〃We certainly had it drummed into us as soon as we could think about being self…sufficient;〃 Casey said。 〃My granddad started an optical pany in Providence; making lenses and microscopes and an import…export pany dealing mostly in carpets and perfumes; with a little gold and precious stones trading on the side。 My dad designed and made jewelry。 He's dead now but he had a small store of his own in Providence; and his brother; my uncle Bghos; worked with Granddad。 Now; since Granddad died; my uncle runs the import…export pany。 It's small but stable。 We grew up; my sister and I; around haggling; negotiating and the problem of profit。 It was a great game and we were all equals。〃
 〃Where 。。。 oh; more trifle; Casey?〃
 〃No thanks; I'm fine。〃
 〃Where did you take your business degree?〃
 〃I suppose all over;〃 she said。 〃After I got out of high school; I put myself through a two…year business course at Katharine Gibbs in Providence: shorthand; typing; simple accounting; filing; plus a few business fundamentals。 But ever since I could count I worked nights and holidays and weekends with Granddad in his businesses。 I was taught to think and plan and put the plan into effect; so most of my training's been in the field。 Of course since I've gotten out of school I've kept up with specialized courses that I wanted to take … at night school mostly。〃 Casey laughed。 〃Last year I even took one at the Harvard Business School which went down like an H…bomb with some members of the faculty; though it's getting a little easier now for a woman。〃
 〃How did you manage to bee hatchetman … hatchetlady to Par…Con Industries?〃 Dunross said。
 〃Perspicacity;〃 she said and they laughed with her。
 Bartlett said; 〃Casey's a devil for work; Ian。 Her speed reading's fantastic so she can cover more ground than two normal execs。 She's got a great nose for danger; she's not afraid of a decision; she's more of a deal maker than a deal breaker; and she doesn't blush easily。''
 〃That's my best point;〃 Casey said。 〃Thanks; Linc。〃
 〃But isn't it very hard on you; Casey?〃 Gavallan asked。 〃Don't you have to concede a hell of a lot as a woman to keep up? It can't be easy for you to do a man's job。〃
 〃I don't consider my job a man's job; Andrew;〃 she replied at once。 〃Women have just as good brains and work capacity as men。〃
 There was an immediate hoot of friendly derision from Linbar and Gavallan and Dunross overrode them and said; 〃I think we'll table that one for later。 But again; Casey; how did you get where you are at Par…Con?〃
 Shall I tell you the real story; Ian lookalike to Dirk Struan; the greatest pirate in Asia; or shall I tell you the one that's bee legend; she asked herself。
 Then she heard Bartlett begin and she knew she could safely drift for she had heard his version a hundred times before and it was part true; part false and part what he wanted to believe had happened。 How many of your legends are true … Hag Struan and Dirk Struan and what's your real story and how did you bee tai…pan? She sipped her port; enjoying the smooth sweetness; letting her mind wander。
 There's something wrong here; she was thinking now。 I can feel it strongly。 Something's wrong with Dunross。
 〃I first met Casey in Los Angeles; California … about seven years ago;〃 Bartlett had begun。 〃I'd gotten a letter from a Casey Tcholok; president of Hed…Opticals of Providence; who wanted to discuss a merger。 At that time I was in construction all over the L。A。 area … residential; supermarkets; a couple of good…sized office buildings; industrial; shopping centers … you name it; I'd build it。 We had a turnover of 3。2 million and I'd just gone public … but I was still a million miles away from the Big Board。 I'd… 〃
 〃You mean the New York Stock Exchange?〃
 〃Yes。 Anyway; Casey es in bright as a new penny and says she wants me to merge with Hed…Opticals which she says grossed 277;600 last year; and then together; we'd go after Randolf Opticals; the granddaddy of them all … 53 million in sales; quoted on the Big Board; a huge slice of the lens market and lots of cash in the bank … and I said you're crazy but why Randolf? She said because first she was a stockholder in Bartlett Constructions … she'd bought ten one…dollar shares … I'd capitalized at a million shares and sold 500;000 at par … and she figured it'd be dandy for Bartlett Construction to own Randolf; and second; 'because this son of a bitch George Toffer who runs Randolf Opticals is a liar; a cheat; a thief; and he's trying to put me out of business。' 〃
 Bartlett grinned and paused for breath and Dunross broke in with a laugh。 〃This's true; Casey?〃
 Casey came back quickly。 〃Oh yes; I said that George Toffer was a liar; a cheat; thief and son of a bitch。 He still is。〃 Casey smiled without humor。 〃And he was certainly trying to put me out of business。〃
 〃Because I had told him to go … to drop dead。〃
 〃Why'd you do that?〃
 〃I'd just taken over Hed…Opticals。 My granddad had died the previous year and we'd flipped a coin; my uncle Bghos and I; who'd get which business。 。。。 I'd won Hed…Opticals。 We'd had an offer from Randolf to buy us out a year or so back but we'd turned it down … we had a nice; small operation; a good work force; good technicians … a number of them Armenians … a little slice of the market。 But no capital and no room to maneuver but we got by and the quality of Hed…Opticals was optimum。 Just after I took over; George Toffer 'happened to drop by。' He fancied himself; my God how he fancied himself。 He claimed he was a U。S。 Army war hero but I found out he wasn't … he was that sort of guy。 Anyway; he made me another ridiculous offer to take Hed…Opticals off my hands 。。。 the poor little girl who should be in the kitchen bit; along with the 'let's have dinner tonight in my suite and why don't we have a little fun because I'm here alone for a few days。 。。。' I said no thanks and he was very put out。 Very。 But he said okay and went back to business and suggested that instead of a buy…out we subcontract some of his contracts。 He made me a good offer and after haggling a bit we agreed on terms。 If I performed on this one he said he'd double the deal。 Over the next month we did the work better and cheaper than he could ever have done it … I delivered according to contract and he made a fantastic profit。 But then he reneged on a verbal clause and deducted … stole … 20;378; and the next day five of my best customers left us for Randolf; and the next week another seven … they'd all been offered deals at less than cost。 He let me sweat for a week or two then he phoned。 'Hi; baby;' he said; happy as a toad in a pail of mud; 'I'm spending the weekend alone at Martha's Vineyard。' That's a little island off the East Coast。 Then he added; 'Why don't you e over and we'll have some fun and discuss the future and doubling our orders。' I asked for my money; and he laughed at me and told me to grow up and suggested I better reconsider his offer because at the rate I was going soon there'd be no Hed…Opticals。
 〃I cursed him;〃 Casey said。 〃I can curse pretty good when I get mad and I told him what to do with himself in three languages。 Within four more weeks I'd no customers left。 Another month and the work force had to get other jobs。 About that time I thought I'd try California。 I didn't want to stay in the East。〃 She smiled wryly。 〃It was a matter of face … if I'd known about face then。 I thought I'd take a couple of weeks off to figure out what to do。 Then one day I was wandering aimlessly around a state fair in Sacramento and Linc was there。 He was selling shares in Bartlett Construction in a booth and I bought… 〃
 〃He what?〃 Dunross asked。
 〃Sure;〃 Bartlett said。 〃I sold upwards of 20;000 shares that way。 I covered state fairs; mail orders; supermarkets; stockbrokers; shopping centers … along with investment banks。 Sure。 Go on; Casey!〃
 〃So I read his prospectus and watched him a while and thought he had a lot of get up and go。 His figures and balance sheet and expansion rate were exceptional and I thought anyone who'd pitch his own stock has got to have a future。 So I bought ten shares; wrote him and went to see him。 End of story。〃
 〃The hell it is; Casey;〃 Gavallan said。
 〃You tell it; Linc;〃 she said。
 〃Okay。 Well; then… 〃
 〃Some port; Mr。 … sorry; Linc?〃
 〃Thanks Andrew; but; er; may I have another beer?〃 It arrived instantly。 〃So Casey'd e to see me。 After she'd told it; almost like she's told it now; I said; 'One thing; Casey; Hed…Opticals grossed less than 300;000…odd last year。 What's it going to do this year?'
 〃 'Zero;' she said with that smile of hers。 'I'm Hed…Opticals' total asset。 In fact; I'm all there is。'
 〃 'Then what's the use of my merging with zero … I've got enough problems of my own。'
 〃 'I know how to take Randolf Opticals to the cleaners。'
 〃 'How?'
 〃 '22 percent of Randolf s is owned by three men … all of whom despise Toffer。 With 22 percent you could get control。 I know how
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