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 〃They keep things in perspective。〃
 〃Sometimes I don't understand you at all; tai…pan;〃 she replied; an edge to her voice。 〃What more can we do now about John Chen? Nothing。 We've done everything we can。 When the ransom note arrives we negotiate and we pay and everything's as it was。 But the Bartlett deal is important; very important; very very important whatever happens; heya? Moh ching; moh meng。〃 No money; no life。
 〃Quite。 It is very important; tai…pan。〃 Phillip caught sight of the box and shuddered。 〃I think under the circumstances; tai…pan; if you'll excuse us this evening 。。。 I don't th… 〃
 〃No; Phillip;〃 his wife said firmly。 〃No。 We must go。 It's a matter of face for the whole House。 We'll go as planned。 As difficult as it will be for us … we will go as planned。〃
 〃Well; if you say so。〃
 〃Yes。〃 Oh very yes she was thinking; replanning her whole ensemble to enhance the dramatic effect of their entrance。 We'll go tonight and we'll be the talk of Hong Kong。 We'll take Kevin of course。 Perhaps he's heir now。 Ayeeyah! Who should my son marry? I've got to think of the future now。 Twenty…two's a perfect age and I have to think of his new future。 Yes; a wife。 Who? I'd better choose the right girl at once and quickly if he's heir; before some young filly with a fire between her legs and a rapacious mother does it for me。 Ayeeyah; she thought; her temperature rising; gods forbid such a thing! 〃Yes;〃 she said; and touched her eyes with her handkerchief as though a tear were there; 〃there's nothing more to be done for poor John but wait … and continue to work and plan and maneuver for the good of the Noble House。〃 She looked up at Dunross; her eyes glittering。 〃The Bartlett deal would solve everything; wouldn't it?〃
 〃Yes。〃 And you're both right; Dunross thought。 There's nothing more to be done at the moment。 Chinese are very wise and very practical。
 So put your mind on important things … he told himself。 Important things … like do you gamble? Think。 What better place or time than here and now could you find to begin the plan you've been toying with ever since you met Bartlett?
 〃Listen;〃 he said; deciding irrevocably; then looked around at the door that led to the servants' quarters; making sure that they were alone。 He lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper and Phillip and his wife leaned forward to hear better。 〃I had a private meeting with Bartlett before lunch。 We've made the deal。 I'll need some minor changes; but we close the contract formally on Tuesday of next week。 The 20 million's guaranteed and a further 20 million next year。〃
 Phillip Chen's beam was huge。 〃Congratulations。〃
 〃Not so loud; Phillip;〃 his wife hissed; equally pleased。 〃Those turtle mouth slaves in the kitchen have ears that can reach to Java。 Oh but that's tremendous news; tai…pan。〃
 〃We'll keep this in the family;〃 Dunross said softly。 〃This afternoon I'm instructing our brokers to start buying Struan's stock secretly … every spare penny we've got。 You do the same; in small lots and spread the orders over different brokers and nominees … the usual。〃
 〃Yes。 Oh yes。〃
 〃I bought 40 thousand this morning personally。〃
 〃How much will the stock go up?〃 Dianne Chen asked。
 〃How soon?〃
 〃Thirty days。〃
 〃Eeeee;〃 she chortled。 〃Think of that。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Dunross said agreeably。 〃Think of that! Yes。 And you two will only tell your very close relations; of which there are many; and they will only tell their very close relations; of which there are a multitude; and you'll all buy and buy because this is an inside…inside; gilt…edged tip and hardly any gamble at all which will further fuel the stock rise。 The fact that it's only family will surely leak and more will jump in; then more; and then the formal announcement of the Par…Con deal will add fire and then; next week; I'll announce the takeover bid for Asian Properties and then all Hong Kong will buy。 Our stock will skyrocket。 Then; at the right moment; I dump Asian Properties and go after the real target。〃
 〃How many shares; tai…pan?〃 Phillip Chen asked … his mind swamped by his own calculations of the possible profits。
 〃Maximum。 But it has to be family only。 Our stocks'll lead the boom。〃
 Dianne gasped。 〃There's going to be a boom?〃
 〃Yes。 We'll lead it。 The time's ripe; everyone in Hong Kong's ready。 We'll supply the means; we'll be the leader; and with a judicious shove here and there; there'll be a stampede。〃
 There was a great silence。 Dunross watched the avarice on her face。
 Her fingers clicked the jade beads。 He saw Phillip staring into the distance and he knew that part of his pradore's mind was on the various notes that he; Phillip; had countersigned for Struan's that were due in thirteen to thirty days: 12 million U。S。 to Toda Shipping Industries of Yokohama for the two super bulk cargo freighters; 6;800;000 to the Orlin International Merchant Bank; and 750;000 to Tsu…yan; who had covered another problem for him。 But most of Phillip's mind would be on Bartlett's 20 million and the stock rise … the doubling that he had arbitrarily forecast。
 No way … no not at all; not a chance in hell 。。。
 Unless there's a boom。 Unless there's a boom!
 Dunross felt his heart quicken。 〃If there's a boom 。。。 Christ; Phillip; we can do it!〃
 〃Yes … yes; I agree; Hong Kong's ripe。 Ah yes。〃 Phillip Chen's eyes sparkled and his fingers drummed。 〃How many shares; tai…pan?〃
 〃Every bl… 〃
 Excitedly Dianne overrode Dunross; 〃Phillip; last week my astrologer said this was going to be an important month for us! A boom! That's what he must have meant。〃
 〃That's right; I remember you telling me; Dianne。 Oh oh oh! How many shares; tai…pan?〃 he asked again。
 〃Every bloody penny! We'll make this the big one。 But family only until Friday。 Absolutely until Friday。 Then; after the market closes I'll leak the Bartlett deal。 。。。〃
 〃Eeeeee;〃 Dianne hissed。
 〃Yes。 Over the weekend I'll say 'no ment' … you make sure you're not available; Phillip … and e Monday morning; everyone'll be chomping at the bit。 I'll still say 'no ment;' but Monday we buy openly。 Then; just after close of business Monday; I'll announce the whole deal's confirmed。 Then; e Tuesday 。。。〃
 〃The boom's on!〃
 〃Oh happy day;〃 Dianne croaked delightedly。 〃And every amah; houseboy; coolie; businessman; will decide their joss is perfect and out will e their savings and everything gets fed; all stocks will rocket。 What a pity there won't be an editorial tomorrow 。。。 even better; an astrologer in one of the papers 。。。 say Hundred Year Fong 。。。 or 。。。〃 Her eyes almost crossed with excitement。 〃What about the astrologer; Phillip?〃
 He stared at her; shocked。 〃Old Blind Tung?〃
 〃Why not? Some h'eung yau in his palm 。。。 or the promise of a few shares of whatever stock you name。 Heya?〃
 〃Well; I… 〃
 〃Leave that one to me。 Old Blind Tung owes me a favor or two; I've sent him enough clients! Yes。 And he won't be far wrong announcing heavenly portents that herald the greatest boom in Hong Kong's history; will he?〃
 5:25 P。M。 :
 The police pathologist; Dr。 Meng; adjusted the focus of the microscope and studied the sliver of flesh that he had cut from the ear。 Brian Kwok watched him impatiently。 The doctor was a small pedantic little Cantonese with thick…lensed glasses perched on his forehead。 At length he looked up and his glasses fell conveniently onto his nose。 〃Well; Brian; it could have been sliced from a living person and not a corpse 。。。 possibly。 Possibly within the last eight or ten hours。 The bruising 。。。 here; look at the back〃 … Dr。 Meng motioned delicately at the discoloration at the back and at the top … 〃。。。 that certainly indicates to me that the person was alive at the time。〃
 〃Why bruising; Dr。 Meng? What caused it? The slash?〃
 〃It could have been caused by someone holding the specimen tightly;〃 Dr。 Meng said cautiously; 〃while it was being removed。〃
 〃By what … knife; razor; zip knife; or Chinese chopper … cooking chopper?〃
 〃By a sharp instrument。〃
 Brian Kwok sighed。 〃Would that kill someone? The shock? Someone like John Chen?〃
 Dr。 Meng steepled his fingers。 〃It could; possibly。 Possibly not。 Does he have a history of a weak heart?〃
 〃His father said he hadn't … I haven't checked with his own doctor yet … the bugger's on holiday but John's never given any indication of being anything but healthy。〃
 〃This mutilation probably shouldn't kill a healthy man but he'd be very unfortable for a week or two。〃 The doctor beamed。 〃Very unfortable indeed。〃
 〃Jesus!〃 Brian said。 〃Isn't there anything you can give me that'll help?〃
 〃I'm a forensic pathologist; Brian; not a seer。〃
 〃Can you tell if the ear's Eurasian … or pure Chinese?〃
 〃No。 No; with this specimen that'd be almost impossible。 But it's certainly not Anglo…Saxon; or Indian or Negroid。〃 Dr。 Meng took off his glasses and stared myopically up at the tall superintendent。 〃This could possibly cause quite a ripple in the House of Chen; heya?〃
 〃Yes。 And the Noble House。〃 Brian Kwok thought a moment。 〃In your opinion; this Werewolf; this maniac; would you say he's Chinese?〃
 〃The writing could have been a civilized person's; yes … equally it could have been
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