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tern and this pleased him and took his mind off the file and all the secret knowledge he possessed; and the problem of the money that he needed so quickly。 I wish to God I could just be a policeman; he thought; detesting Special Intelligence and the need for it。 〃Ta Pan Fat left the taxi first at his home on Queen's Road; then Wo Sang Chi left on the same road shortly afterwards。 John Chen and Po Cha Sik … we think he's got triad connections; he's being checked out now very carefully … went to the Ting Ma Garage on Sunning Road; Causeway Bay; to collect John Chen's car; a 1960 Jaguar。〃 Again he referred to his notebook; wanting to be accurate; finding the Chinese names confusing as always; even after so many years。 〃A garage apprentice; Tong Ta Wey; confirms this。 Then John Chen drove his friend Po Cha Sik to his home at 17 Village Street in Happy Valley; where the latter left the car。 Meanwhile Wo Sang Chi; John Chen's business colleague; who; curiously; heads Struan's haulage pany which has the monopoly of cartage to and from Kai Tak; had gone to the Sap Wah Restaurant on Fleming Road。 He states that after being there for thirty minutes; John Chen joined him and they left the restaurant in Chen's car; intending to pick up some dancing girls in the street and take them to supper … 〃
 〃He wouldn't even go to the dance hall and buy the girls out?〃 Crosse asked thoughtfully。 〃What's the going rate; Brian?〃
 〃Sixty dollars Hong Kong; sir; at that time of night。〃
 〃I know Phillip Chen's got the reputation of being a miser; but is John Chen the same?〃
 〃At that time of night; sir;〃 Brian Kwok said helpfully; 〃lots of girls start leaving the clubs if they haven't arranged a partner yet … most of the clubs close around 1:00 a。m。 … Sunday's not a good pay night; sir。 It's quite usual to cruise; there's certainly no point in wasting sixty; perhaps two or three times sixty dollars; because the decent girls are in twos or threes and you usually take two or three to dinner first。 No point wasting all that money is there; sir?〃
 〃Do you cruise; Brian?〃
 〃No sir。 No need … no sir。〃
 Crosse sighed and turned back to Armstrong。 〃Go on; Robert。〃
 〃Well sir; they failed to pick up any girls and went to the Copacabana Night Club in the Sap Chuk Hotel in Gloucester Road for supper; getting there about one o'clock。 About 1:45 a。m。 they left and Wo Sang Chi said he saw John Chen get into his car; but he did not see him drive off … then he walked home; as he lived nearby。 He said John Chen was not drunk or bad…tempered; anything like that; but seemed in good spirits; though earlier at the club; the Tong Lau Club; he'd appeared irritable and cut the mah…jong game short。 There it ends。 John Chen's not known to have been seen again by any of his friends … or family。〃
 〃Did he tell Wo Sang Chi where he was going?〃
 〃No。 Wo Sang Chi told us he presumed he was going home … but then he said; 'He might have gone to visit his girl friend。' We asked him who; but he said he didn't know。 After pressing him he said he seemed to remember a name; Fragrant Flower; but no address or phone number … that's all。〃
 〃Fragrant Flower? That could cover a multitude of ladies of the night。〃
 〃Yes sir。〃
 Crosse was lost in thought for a moment。 〃Why would Dunross want John Chen eliminated?〃
 The two police officers gaped at their superior。
 〃Put that in your abacus brain; Brian。〃
 〃Yes sir; but there's no reason。 John Chen's no threat to Dunross; wouldn't possibly be … even if he became pradore。 In the Noble House the tai…pan holds all the power。〃
 〃Does he?〃
 〃Yes。 By definition。〃 Brian Kwok hesitated; thrown off balance again。 〃Well yes sir … I 。。。 in the Noble House; yes。〃
 Crosse turned his attention to Armstrong。 〃Well?〃
 〃No reason I can think of; sir。 Yet。〃
 〃Well think about it。〃
 Crosse lit a cigarette and Armstrong felt the smoke hunger pangs heavily。 I'll never keep my vow; he thought。 Bloody bastard Crosse…that…we…all…have…to…carry! What the hell's in his mind? He saw Crosse offer him a packet of Senior Service; the brand he always used to smoke … don't fool yourself; he thought; the brand you still smoke。 〃No thank you sir;〃 he heard himself say; shafts of pain in his stomach and through all of him。
 〃You're not smoking; Robert?〃
 〃No sir; I've stopped 。。。 I'm just trying to stop。〃
 〃Admirable! Why should Bartlett want John Chen eliminated?〃
 Again both police officers gawked at him。 Then Armstrong said throatily; 〃Do you know why; sir?〃
 〃If I knew; why should I ask you? That's for you to find out。 There's a connection somewhere。 Too many coincidences; too neat; too pat … and too smelly。 Yes it smells of KGB involvement to me; and when that happens in my domain I must confess I get irritable。〃
 〃Yes sir。〃
 〃Well; so far so good。 Put surveillance on Mrs。 Phillip Chen … she could easily be implicated somewhere。 The stakes for her are certainly high enough。 Tail Phillip Chen for a day or two as well。〃
 〃That's already done; sir。 Both of them。 On Phillip Chen; not that I suspect him but just because I think they'll both do the usual … be uncooperative; keep mum; negotiate secretly; pay off secretly and breathe a sigh of relief once it's over。〃
 〃Quite。 Why is it these fellows … however well educated … think they're so much smarter than we are and won't help us do the work we're paid to do?〃
 Brian Kwok felt the steely eyes grinding into him and the sweat trickled down his back。 Control yourself; he thought。 This bastard's only a foreign devil; an uncivilized; manure…eating; dung…ladened; motherless; dew neh loh moh saturated; monkey…descended foreign devil。 〃It's an old Chinese custom which I'm sure you know; sir;〃 he said politely; 〃to distrust all police; all government officials … they've four thousand years of experience; sir。〃
 〃I agree with the hypothesis; but with one exception。 The British。 We have proved beyond all doubt we're to be trusted; we can govern; and; by and large; our bureaucracy's incorruptible。〃
 〃Yes sir。〃
 Crosse watched him for a moment; puffing his cigarette。 Then he said; 〃Robert; do you know what John Chen and Miss Tcholok said or talked about?〃
 〃No sir。 We haven't been able to interview her yet … she's been at Struan's all day。 Could it be important?〃
 〃Are you going to Dunross's party tonight?〃
 〃No sir。〃
 〃Yes sir。〃
 〃Good。 Robert; I'm sure Dunross won't mind if I bring you with me; call for me at 8:00 p。m。 All Hong Kong that counts will be there … you can keep your ears to the grindstone and your nose everywhere。〃 He smiled at his own joke and did not mind that neither smiled with him。 〃Read the report now。 I'll be back shortly。 And Brian; please don't fail tonight。 It really would be very boring。〃
 〃Yes sir。〃
 Crosse left。
 When they were alone Brian Kwok mopped his brow。 〃That bugger petrifies me。〃
 〃Yes。 Same for me; old chum; always has。〃
 〃Would he really order a team into Struan's?〃 Brian Kwok asked incredulously。 〃Into the inner kernel of the Noble House?〃
 〃Of course。 He'd even lead it himself。 This's your first tour with SI; old lad; so you don't know him like I do。 That bugger'd lead a team of assassins into hell if he thought it important enough。 Bet you he got the file himself。 Christ; he's been over the border twice that I know of to chat to a friendly agent。 He went alone; imagine that!〃
 Brian gasped。 〃Does the governor know?〃
 〃I wouldn't think so。 He'd have a hemorrhage; and if MI…6 ever heard; he'd be roasted and Crosse'd get sent to the Tower of London。 He knows too many secrets to take that chance … but he's Crosse and not a thing you can do about it。〃
 〃Who was the agent?〃
 〃Our guy in Canton。〃
 〃Wu Fong Fong?〃
 〃No; a new one … at least he was new in my time。 In the army。〃
 〃Captain Ta Quo Sa?〃
 Armstrong shrugged。 〃I forget。〃
 Kwok smiled。 〃Quite right。〃
 〃Crosse still went over the border。 He's a law unto himself。〃
 〃Christ; you can't even go to Macao because you were in SI a couple of years ago and he goes over the border。 He's bonkers to take that risk。〃
 〃Yes。〃 Armstrong began to mimic Crosse。 〃And how is it tradesmen know things before we do; dear boy? Bloody simple;〃 he said; answering himself; and his voice lost its banter。 〃They spend money。 They spend lots of bloody money; whereas we've sweet f。a。 to spend。 He knows it and I know it and the whole world knows it。 Christ; how does the FBI; CIA; KGB or Korean CIA work? They spend money! Christ; it's too easy to get Alan Medford Grant on your team … Dunross hired him。 Ten thousand pounds retainer; that'd buy lots of reports; that's more than enough; perhaps it was less。 How much are we paid? Two thousand quid a year for three hundred and sixty…six; twenty…five…hour days and a copper on the beat gets four hundred quid。 Look at the red tape we'd have to go through to get a secret ten thousand quid to pay to one man to buy info。 Where'd the FBI; CIA and god…cursed KGB be without unlimited funds? Christ;〃 he added sourly; 〃it'd take us six months to get the money; if we could get it; whereas Dunross and fifty others can take it out of petty cash。〃 The big man sat in his chair slouched and loose…limbed; dark shadows under his eyes that were red ri
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