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The big man sat in his chair slouched and loose…limbed; dark shadows under his eyes that were red rimmed; his cheekbones etched by the overhead light。 He glanced at the file on the desk in front of him but did not touch it yet; just wondered at the evil news it must contain。 〃It's easy for the Dunrosses of the world;〃 he said。
 Brian Kwok nodded and wiped his hands and put his kerchief away。 〃They say Dunross's got a secret fund … the tai…pan's fund … started by Dirk Struan in the beginning with the loot he got when he burned and sacked Foochow; a fund that only the current tai…pan can use for just this sort of thing; for h'eung yau and payoffs; anything … maybe even a little murder。 They say it runs into millions。〃
 〃I'd heard that rumor too。 Yes。 I wish to Christ 。。。 oh well。〃 Armstrong reached for the file; hesitated; then got up and went for the phone。 〃First things first;〃 he told his Chinese friend with a sardonic smile。 〃First we'd better breathe on a few VIPs。〃 He dialed Police HQ in Kowloon。 〃Armstrong … give me Divisional Staff Sergeant Tang…po please。〃
 〃Good evening; sir。 Yes sir?〃 Divisional Staff Sergeant Tang…po's voice was warm and friendly。
 〃Evening; 'Major;〃 he said sweetly using the contraction of Sergeant Major as was customary。 〃I need information。 I need information on who the guns were destined for。 I need information on who the kidnappers of John Chen are。 I want John Chen … or his body … back in three days。 And I want this Werewolf … or Werewolves; in the dock very quickly。〃
 There was a slight pause。 〃Yes sir。〃
 〃Please spread the word。 The Great White Father is very angry indeed。 And when he gets even just a little angry superintendents get posted to other mands; and so do inspectors … even sergeants; even divisional staff sergeants class one。 Some even get demoted to police constable and sent to the border。 Some might even get discharged or deported or go to prison。 Eh?〃
 There was an even longer pause。 〃Yes sir。〃
 〃And when he's very angry indeed wise men flee; if they can; before anticorruption falls on the guilty … and even on innocents。〃
 Another pause。 〃Yes sir。 I'll spread the word; sir; at once。 Yes; at once。〃
 〃Thank you; 'Major。 The Great White Father is really very angry indeed。 And oh; yes。〃 His voice became even thinner。 〃Perhaps you'd ask your brother sergeants to help。 They'll surely understand; too; my modest problem is theirs as well。〃 He switched to Cantonese。 〃When the Dragons belch; all Hong Kong defecates。 Heya?〃
 A longer pause。 〃I'll take care of it; sir。〃
 〃Thank you。〃 Armstrong replaced the receiver。
 Brian Kwok grinned。 〃That's going to cause a few sphincter muscles to oscillate。〃
 The Englishman nodded and sat down again but his face did not lose its hardness。 〃I don't like to pull that too often … actually that's only the second time I've ever done it … but I've no option。 He made that clear; so did the Old Man。 You better do the same with your sources。〃
 〃Of course。 'When the Dragons belch 。。。' You were punning on the legendary Five Dragons?〃
 Now Brian Kwok's handsome face settled into a mold … cold black eyes in his golden skin; his square chin almost beardless。 〃Tang…po's one of them?〃
 〃I don't know; not for certain。 I've always thought he was; though I've nothing to go on。 No; I'm not certain; Brian。 Is he?〃
 〃I don't know。〃
 〃Well; it doesn't matter if he is or isn't。 The word'll get to one of them; which is all I'm concerned about。 Personally I'm pretty certain the Five Dragons exist; that they're five Chinese divisional sergeants; perhaps even station sergeants; who run all the illegal street gambling of Hong Kong … and probably; possibly; some protection rackets; a few dance halls and girls … five out of eleven。 Five senior sergeants out of eleven possibilities。 Eh?〃
 〃I'd say the Five Dragons're real; Robert … perhaps there are more; perhaps less; but all street gambling's run by police。〃
 〃Probably run by Chinese members of our Royal Police Force; lad;〃 Armstrong said; correcting him。 〃We've still no proof; none … and we've been chasing that will o' the wisp for years。 I doubt if we'll ever be able to prove it。〃 He grinned。 〃Maybe you will when you're made assistant missioner。〃
 〃e off it; for God's sake; Robert。〃
 〃Christ; you're only thirty…nine; you've done the special bigwig Staff College course and you're a super already。 A hundred to ten says you'll end up with that rank。〃
 〃I should have made it a hundred thousand;〃 Armstrong said; pretending sourness。 〃Then you wouldn't have taken it。〃
 〃Try me。〃
 〃I won't。 I can't afford to lose that amount of tootie … you might get killed or something; this year or next; or resign … but if you don't you're in for the big slot before you retire; presuming you want to go the distance。〃
 〃Both of us。〃
 〃Not me … I'm too mad dog English。〃 Armstrong clapped him on the back happily。 〃That'll be a great day。 But you won't close down the Dragons either … even if you'll be able to prove it; which I doubt。〃
 〃No。 I don't care about the gambling。 All Chinese want to gamble and if some Chinese police sergeants run illegal street gambling it'll be mostly clean and mostly fair though bloody illegal。 If they don't run it; triads will; and then the splinter groups of rotten little bastards we so carefully keep apart will join together again into one big tong and then we'll really have a real problem。 You know me; lad; I'm not one to rock any boats; that's why I won't make assistant missioner。 I like the status quo。 The Dragons run the gambling so we keep the triads splintered … and just so long as the police always stick together and are absolutely the strongest triad in Hong Kong; we'll always have peace in the streets; a well…ordered population and almost no crime; violent crime。〃
 Brian Kwok studied him。 〃You really believe that; don't you?〃
 〃Yes。 In a funny sort of a way; right now the Dragons are one of our strongest supports。 Let's face it; Brian; only Chinese can govern Chinese。 The status quo's good for them too … violent crime's bad for them。 So we get help when we need it … sometimes; probably … help that we foreign devils couldn't get any other way。 I'm not in favor of their corruption or of breaking the law; not at all … or bribery or all the other shitty things we have to do; or informers; but what police force in the world could operate without dirty hands sometimes and snotty little bastard informers? So the evil the Dragons represent fills a need here; I think。 Hong Kong's China and China's a special case。 Just so long as it's just illegal gambling I don't care never mind。 Me; if it was left up to me I'd make gambling legal tonight but I'd break anyone for any protection racket; any dance hall protection or girls or whatever。 I can't stand pimps as you know。 Gambling's different。 How can you stop a Chinese gambling? You can't。 So make it legal and everyone's happy。 How many years have the Hong Kong police been advising that and every year we're turned down。 Twenty that I know of。 But oh no and why? Macao! Simple as that。 Dear old Portuguese Macao feeds off illegal gambling and gold smuggling and that's what keeps them alive and we can't afford; we; the UK; we can't afford to have our old ally go down the spout。〃
 〃Robert Armstrong for prime minister!〃
 〃Up yours! But it's true。 The take on illegal gambling's our only slush fund … a lot of it goes to pay our ring of informers。 Where else can we get quick money? From our grateful government? Don't make me laugh! From a few extra tax dollars from the grateful population we protect? Ha!〃
 〃Perhaps。 Perhaps not; Robert。 But it's certainly going to backfire one day。 The payoffs … the loose and uncounted money that 'happens' to be in a station drawer? Isn't it?〃
 〃Yes; but not on me 'cause I'm not in on it; or a taker; and the vast majority aren't either。 British or Chinese。 Meanwhile how do we three hundred and twenty…seven poor foreign devil police officers control eight odd thousand civilized junior officers and coppers; and another three and a half million civilized little bastards who hate our guts never mind。〃
 Brian Kwok laughed。 It was an infectious laugh and Armstrong laughed with him and added; 〃Up yours again for getting me going。〃
 〃Likewise。 Meanwhile are you going to read that first or am I?〃
 Armstrong looked down at the file he held in his hand。 It was thin and contained twelve closely typewritten pages and seemed to be more of a newsletter with topics under different headings。 The contents page read: Part One: The Political and Business Forecast of the United Kingdom。 Part Two: The KGB in Asia。 Part Three: Gold。 Part Four: Recent CIA Developments。
 Wearily Armstrong put his feet on the desk and eased himself more fortably in his chair。 Then he changed his mind and passed the file over。 〃Here; you can read it。 You read faster than I do anyway。 I'm tired of reading about disaster。〃
 Brian Kwok took it; his impatience barely contained; his heart thumping heavily。 He opened it and began to read。
 Armstrong watched him。 He saw his friend's face change immediately and lose color。 That troubled him greatly。 Brian Kwok was not easily shocked。 He saw him read through
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