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s ill…advised。 And very ill…advised to go along with the fatuous political Yalta agreement of an ailing Roosevelt; the inpetent Attlee to allow Stalin to gorge most of Europe; when it was militarily clear to even the most stupid politician or hidebound general that it was contrary to our absolute national interest; ours and the United States to hold back。 I think Roosevelt hated us really; and our British Empire。〃
 The little man steepled his fingers and beamed。 〃I'm afraid there's one big disadvantage in employing me; Mr。 Dunross。 I'm entirely pro…British; anti…munist; and particularly anti…KGB; which is the main instrument of Soviet foreign policy; which is openly and forever mitted to our destruction; so some of my more peppery forecasts you can discount; if you wish。 I'm entirely against a left…wing dominated Labour Party and I will constantly remind anyone who will listen that the anthem of the Labour Party's 'The Red Flag。' 〃 Alan Medford Grant smiled in his pixy way。 〃It's best you know where you stand in the beginning。 I'm royalist; loyalist and believe in the British parliamentary way。 I'll never knowingly give you false information though my evaluations will be slanted。 May I ask what your politics are?〃
 〃We have none in Hong Kong; Mr。 Grant。 We don't vote; there are no elections … we're a colony; particularly a free…port colony; not a democracy。 The Crown rules … actually the governor rules despotically for the Crown。 He has a legislative council but it's a rubber…stamp council and the historic policy is laissez…faire。 Wisely he leaves things alone。 He listens to the business munity; makes social changes very cautiously and leaves everyone to make money or not make money; to build; expand; go broke; to go or to e; to dream or to stay awake; to live or to die as best you can。 And the maximum tax is 15 percent but only on money earned in Hong Kong。 We don't have politics here; don't want politics here … neither does China want us to have any here。 They're for the status quo too。 My personal politics? I'm royalist; I'm for freedom; for free…booting and free trade。 I'm a Scotsman; I'm for Struan's; I'm for laissez…faire in Hong Kong and freedom throughout the world。〃
 〃I think we understand one another。 Good。 I've never worked for an individual before … only the government。 This will be a new experience for me。 I hope I will satisfy you。〃 Grant paused and thought a moment。 〃Like Suez in '56?〃 The lines beside the little man's eyes crinkled。 〃Very well; plan that the Panama Canal will be lost to America。〃
 〃That's ridiculous!〃
 〃Oh don't look so shocked; Mr。 Dunross! It's too easy。 Give it ten or fifteen years of enemy spadework and lots of liberal talk in America; ably assisted by do…gooders who believe in the benevolence of human nature; add to all this a modest amount of calculated Panamanian agitation; students and so on … preferably; ah; always students … artfully and secretly assisted by a few highly trained; patient; professional agitators and oh so secret KGB expertise; finance and a long…range plan … ergo; in due course the canal could be out of U。S。 hands into the enemy's。〃
 〃They'd never stand for it。〃
 〃You're right; Mr。 Dunross; but they will sit for it。 What could be a better garrotte in time of hostilities; or even crisis; against your main; openly stated capitalistic enemy than to be able to inhibit the Panama Canal or rock it a little? One ship sunk in any one of a hundred spots; or a lock wrecked; could dam up the canal for years。〃
 Dunross remembered how he had poured two more drinks before answering; and then he had said; 〃You're seriously suggesting we should make contingency plans against that。〃
 〃Yes;〃 the little man said with his extraordinary innocence。 〃I'm very serious about my job; Mr。 Dunross。 My job; the one I've chosen for me; is to seek out; to uncover and evaluate enemy moves。 I'm not anti…Russian or anti…Chinese or anti…East German or anti any of that bloc … on the absolute contrary I want desperately to help them。 I'm convinced that we're in a state of war; that the enemy of all the people is the munist Party member; whether British; Soviet; Chinese; Hungarian; American; Irish 。。。 even Martian 。。。 and all are linked in one way or another; that the KGB; like it or not; is in the center of their web。〃 He sipped the drink Dunross had just refilled for him。 〃This is marvelous whiskey; Mr。 Dunross。〃
 〃It's Loch Vey … it es from a small distillery near our homelands in Ayr。 It's a Struan pany。〃
 〃Marvelous!〃 Another appreciative sip of the whiskey and Dunross reminded himself to send Alan Medford Grant a case for Christmas … if the initial reports proved interesting。
 〃I'm not a fanatic; Mr。 Dunross; nor a rabble…rouser。 Just a sort of reporter and forecaster。 Some people collect stamps; I collect secrets。 。。。〃
 The lights of a car rounding the half…hidden curve of the road below distracted Dunross momentarily。 He wandered over to the window and watched the car until it had gone; enjoying the sound of the highly tuned engine。 Then he sat in a high…winged chair and let his mind drift again。 Yes; Mr。 Grant; you certainly collect secrets; he thought; staggered as usual by the scope of the little man's knowledge。
 Sevrin … Christ almighty! If that's true 。。。
 How accurate are you this time? How far do I trust you this time … how far do I gamble?
 In previous reports Grant had given two projections that; so far; could be proved。 A year in advance; Grant had predicted that de Gaulle would veto Britain's effort to join the EEC; that the French general's posture would be increasingly anti…British; anti…American and pro…Soviet; and that de Gaulle would; prompted by outside influences and encouraged by one of his closest advisors … an immensely secret; covert KGB mole … mount a long…term attack on the U。S。 economy by speculation in gold。 Dunross had dismissed this as farfetched and so had lost a potential fortune。
 Recently; six months in advance; Grant had forecast the missile crisis in Cuba; that Kennedy would slam down the gauntlet; blockade Cuba and exert the necessary pressure and not buckle under the strain of brinkmanship; that Khrushchev would back off under pressure。 Gambling that Grant was correct this time … though a Cuban missile crisis had seemed highly unlikely at the time forecast … Dunross had made Struan's half a million pounds by buying Hawaiian sugar futures; another 600;000 on the stock market; plus 600;000 for the tai…pan's secret fund … and cemented a long…range plan to invest in Hawaiian sugar plantations as soon as he could find the financial tool。 And you've got it now; he told himself gleefully。 Par…Con。
 〃You've almost got it;〃 he muttered; correcting himself。 How far do I trust this report? Thus far AMG's mittee's been a gigantic investment for all his meanderings; he thought。 Yes。 But it's almost like having your own astrologer。 A few accurate forecasts don't mean they'll all be。 Hitler had his own forecaster。 So did Julius Caesar。 Be wise; be cautious; he reminded himself。 What to do? It's now or never。
 Sevrin。 Alan Medford Grant had written: 〃Documents brought to us and substantiated by the French spy Marie d'Orleans caught by the S?reté June 16 indicate that the KGB Department V (Disinformation … FAR EAST) have in situ a hitherto unknown; deep…cover espionage network throughout the Far East; code name Sevrin。 The purpose of Sevrin is clearly stated in the stolen Head Document:
 〃Aim: To cripple revisionist China … formally acknowledged by the Central mittee of the USSR as the main enemy; second only to capitalist U。S。A。
 〃Procedure: The permanent obliteration of Hong Kong as the bastion of capitalism in the Far East and China's preeminent source of all foreign currency; foreign assistance and all technical and manufactured assistance of every kind。
 〃Method: Long…term infiltration of the press and media; the government; police; business and education with friendly aliens controlled by Center … but only in accordance with most special procedures throughout Asia。
 〃Initiation date: Immediate。
 〃Duration of operation: Provisionally thirty years。
 〃Target date: 1980…83。
 〃Classification: Red One。
 〃Funding: Maximum。
 〃Approval: L。B。 March 14; 1950。
 〃It's interesting to note;〃 Grant had continued; 〃that the document is signed in 1950 by L。B。 … presumed to be Lavrenti Beria … when Soviet Russia was openly allied with munist China; and that; even in those days; China was secretly considered their Number Two enemy。 (Our previous report 3/1962; Russia versus China refers。)
 〃China; historically; is the great prize that always was … and ever will be … sought by imperialistic and hegemonic Russia。 Possession of China; or its mutilation into balkanized subject states; is the perpetual keystone of Russian foreign policy。 First is; of course; the obliteration of Western Europe; for then; Russia believes; China can be swallowed at will。
 〃The documents reveal that the Hong Kong cell of Sevrin consists of a resident controller; code name Arthur; and six agents。 We know nothing about Arthur; other than that he has been a KGB agent since recruitment in England in the thirties (it's not known if he was born in England; or if his parents
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