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 〃Good;〃 she said and they laughed together。
 They looked around at the two figures silhouetted in the shaft of light from the doorway。 He recognized Casey's voice and shape at once but not the man。 It was not possible from where they were to see against the light。
 〃Hi; Casey! How's it going?〃
 He took Adryon's arm casually and propelled her toward the silhouette。 〃I've been teaching Adryon the finer points of pool。〃
 Adryon laughed。 〃That's the understatement of the year; Casey。 He's super at it; isn't he?〃
 〃Yes。 Oh Linc; Quillan Gornt wanted to say hi before he left。〃
 Abruptly Adryon jerked to a stop and the color left her face。 Linc stopped; startled。 〃What's wrong?〃 he asked her。
 〃Evening; Mr。 Bartlett;〃 Gornt said; moving toward them into the light。 〃Hello; Adryon。〃
 〃What're you doing here?〃 she said in a tiny voice。
 〃I just came for a few minutes;〃 Gornt said。
 〃Have you seen Father?〃
 〃Then get out。 Get out and leave this house alone。〃 Adryon said it in the same small voice。
 Bartlett stared at her。 〃What the hell's up?〃
 Gornt said calmly; 〃It's a long story。 It can wait until tomorrow … or next week。 I just wanted to confirm our dinner on Tuesday … and if you're free over the weekend; perhaps you two would like to e out on my boat for the day。 Sunday if the weather's good。〃
 〃Thanks; I think so; but may we confirm tomorrow?〃 Bartlett asked; still nonplussed by Adryon。
 〃Adryon;〃 Gornt said gently; 〃Annagrey's leaving next week; she asked me to ask you to give her a call。〃 Adryon did not answer; just stared at him; and Gornt added to the other two; 〃Annagrey's my daughter。 They're good friends … they've both gone to the same schools most of their lives。 She's off to university in California。〃
 〃Oh … then if there's anything we could do for her 。。。〃 Casey said。
 〃That's very kind of you;〃 he said。 〃You'll meet her Tuesday。 Perhaps we can talk about it then。 I'll say g… 〃
 The door at the far end of the billiard room swung open and Dunross stood there。
 Gornt smiled and turned his attention back to them。 〃Good night; Mr。 Bartlett … Ciranoush。 See you both on Tuesday。 Good night; Adryon。〃 He bowed slightly to them and walked the length of the room and stopped。 〃Good night; Ian;〃 he said politely。 〃Thank you for your hospitality。〃
 〃 'Night;〃 Dunross said; as politely; and stood aside; a slight smile twisting his lips。
 He watched Gornt walk out of the front door and then turned his attention back to the billiard room。 〃Almost time for dinner;〃 he said; his voice calm。 And warm。 〃You must all be starving。 I am。〃
 〃What 。。。 what did he want?〃 Adryon said shakily。
 Dunross came up to her with a smile; gentling her。 〃Nothing。 Nothing important; my pet。 Quillan's mellowing in his old age。〃
 〃You're sure?〃
 〃Sure。〃 He put his arm around her and gave her a little hug。 〃No need to worry your pretty head。〃
 〃Has he gone?〃
 Bartlett started to say something but stopped instantly as he caught Dunross's eye over Adryon's head。
 〃Yes。 Everything's grand; my darling;〃 Dunross was saying as he gave her another little hug; and Bartlett saw Adryon gather herself within the warmth。 〃Nothing to worry about。〃
 〃Linc was showing me how he played pool and then 。。。 It was just so sudden。 He was like an apparition。〃
 〃You could have knocked me down with a feather too when he appeared like the Bad Fairy。〃 Dunross laughed; then added to Bartlett and Casey; 〃Quillan goes in for dramatics。〃 Then to Bartlett alone; 〃We'll chat about that after dinner; you and I。〃
 〃Sure;〃 Bartlett said; noticing the eyes weren't smiling。
 The dinner gong sounded。 〃Ah; thank God!〃 Dunross said。 〃e along; everyone; food at long last。 Casey; you're at my table。〃 He kept his arm around Adryon; loving her; and guided her out into the light。
 Casey and Bartlett followed。
 Gornt got into the driver's seat of the black Silver Cloud Rolls that he had parked just outside the Great House。 The night was good; though the humidity had increased again。 He was very pleased with himself。 And now for dinner and Jason Plumm; he thought。 Once that bugger's mitted; Ian Dunross's as good as finished and I own this house and Struan's and the whole kit and caboodle!
 It couldn't have been better: first Casey and Ian almost at once; and everything laid out in front of him and in front of her。 Then Havergill and Richard Kwang together。 Then Bartlett in the billiard room and then Ian himself again。
 Now Ian's called; Bartlett's called; Casey; Havergill; Richard Kwang and so's Plumm。 Ha! If they only knew。
 Everything's perfect。 Except for Adryon。 Pity about her; pity that children have to inherit the feuds of the fathers。 But that's life。 Joss。 Pity she won't go out into the world and leave Hong Kong; like Annagrey … at least until Ian Dunross and I have settled our differences; finally。 Better she's not here to see him smashed … nor Penelope too。 Joss if they're here; joss if they're not。 I'd like him here when I take possession of his box at the races; the permanent seat on all boards; all the sinecures; the legislature … oh yes。 Soon they'll all be mine。 Along with the envy of all Asia。
 He laughed。 Yes。 And about time。 Then all the ghosts will sleep。 God curse all ghosts!
 He switched on the ignition and started the engine; enjoying the luxury of real leather and fine wood; the smell rich and exclusive。 Then he put the car into gear and swung down the driveway; past the carpark where all the other cars were; down to the huge wrought…iron main gates with the Struan arms entwined。 He stopped for passing traffic and caught sight of the Great House in his rear mirror。 Tall; vast; the windows ablaze; weling。
 Soon I really will own you; he thought。 I'll throw parties there that Asia's never seen before and never will again。 I suppose I should have a hostess。
 What about the American girl?
 He chuckled。 〃Ah; Ciranoush; what a lovely name;〃 he said out loud with the same; perfect amount of husky charm that he had used previously。 That one's a pushover; he told himself confidently。 You just use old world charm and great wine; light but excellent food and patience … along with the very best of upper…class English; masculine sophistication and no swear words and she'll fall where and when you want her to。 And then; if you choose the correct moment; you can use gutter English and a little judicious roughness; and you'll unlock all her pent…up passion like no man ever has done。
 If I read her correctly she needs an expert pillowing rather badly。
 So either Bartlett's inadequate or they're really not lovers as the confidential report suggested。 Interesting。
 But do you want her? As a toy … perhaps。 As a tool … of course。 As a hostess no; much too pushy。
 Now the road was clear so he pulled out and went down to the junction and turned left and soon he was on Peak Road going downhill toward Magazine Gap where Plumm's penthouse apartment was。 After dinner with him he was going to a meeting; then to Wanchai; to one of his private apartments and the weling embrace of Mona Leung。 His pulse quickened at the thought of her violent lovemaking; her barely hidden hatred for him and all quai loh that was ever in perpetual conflict with her love of luxury; the apartment that was on loan to her and the modest amount of money he gave her monthly。
 〃Never give 'em enough money;〃 his father William had told him early on。 〃Clothes; jewelry; holidays … that's fine。 But not too much money。 Control them with dollar bills。 And never think they love you for you。 They don't。 It's only your money; only your money and always will be。 Just under the surface they'll despise you; always will。 That's fair enough if you think about it … we're not Chinese and never will be。〃
 〃There's never an exception?〃
 〃I don't think so。 Not for a quai loh; my son。 I don't think so。 Never has been with me and I've known a few。 Oh she'll give you her body; her children; even her life; but she'll always despise you。 She has to; she's Chinese and we're quai loh!〃
 Ayeeyah; Gornt thought。 That advice's proved itself time and time again。 And saved me so much anguish。 It'll be good to see the Old Man; he told himself。 This year I'll give him a fine Christmas present: Struan's。
 He was driving carefully down the left side of the winding road hugging the mountainside; the night good; the surface fine and the traffic light。 Normally he would have been chauffeur…driven but tonight he wanted no witnesses to his meeting with Plumm。
 No; he thought。 Nor any witnesses when I meet Four Finger Wu。 What the hell does that pirate want? Nothing good。 Bound to be dangerous。 Yes。 But during the Korean War Wu did you a very large favor and perhaps now is the time he wants the favor repaid。 There's always a reckoning sooner or later; and that's fair and that's Chinese law。 You get a present; you give one back a little more valuable。 You have a favor done 。。。
 In 1950 when the Chinese munist armies in Korea were battering and bleeding their way south from the Yalu with monstrous losses; they were desperately short of all strategic supplies and very willing to pay mightily those who could slip through the blockade with the su
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