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 though we can't prove it; yet。 So you can bet your bottom dollar that Shanghainese also smuggled the gold out of Macao to Hong Kong and onto Eastern Cloud; that Shanghainese money bought the gold originally in Macao; and that therefore certainly part of that money was Green Pang funds。〃
 〃That doesn't follow。〃
 〃Have you heard from Tsu…yan yet?〃
 Dunross watched him。 〃No。 Have you?〃
 〃Not yet but we're making inquiries。〃 Brian watched him back。 〃My first point is that the Green Pang has been mauled and criminals loathe losing their hard…earned money; so Struan's can expect lots of trouble unless you nip the trouble in the bud as I've suggested。〃
 〃Not all Green Pang are criminals。〃
 〃That's a matter of opinion; Ian。 Second point; for your ears only: We're sure Tsu…yan's in the gold…smuggling racket。 My third and last point is that if a certain pany doesn't want its ships impounded for smuggling gold; it could easily lessen the risk by reducing its gold imports into Macao。〃
 〃e again?〃 Dunross said; pleasantly surprised to hear that he had managed to keep his voice sounding calm; wondering how much Special Intelligence knew and how much they were guessing。
 Brian Kwok sighed and continued to lay out the information that Roger Crosse had given him。 〃Nelson Trading。〃
 With a great effort; Dunross kept his face impassive。 〃Nelson Trading?〃
 〃Yes。 Nelson Trading pany Limited of London。 As you know; Nelson Trading has the Hong Kong Government's exclusive license for the purchase of gold bullion on the international market for Hong Kong's jewelers; and; vastly more important; the equally exclusive monopoly for transshipment of gold bullion in bond; through Hong Kong to Macao … along with a minor second pany; Saul Feinheimer Bullion pany; also of London。 Nelson Trading and Feinheimer's have several things in mon。 Several directors for example; the same solicitors for example。〃
 〃Yes。 I believe you're also on the board。〃
 〃I'm on the board of almost seventy panies;〃 Dunross said。
 〃True and not all of those are wholly or even partially owned by Struan's。 Of course; some could be wholly owned through nominees; secretly; couldn't they?〃
 〃Yes; of course。〃
 〃It's fortunate in Hong Kong we don't have to list directors … or holdings; isn't it?〃
 〃What's your point; Brian?〃
 〃Another coincidence: Nelson Trading's registered head offices in the city of London are in the same building as your British subsidiary; Struan London Limited。〃
 〃That's a big building; Brian; one of the best locations in the city。 There must be a hundred panies there。〃
 〃Many thousands if you include all the panies registered with solicitors there … all the holding panies that hold other panies with nominee directors that hide all sorts of skeletons。〃
 〃So?〃 Dunross was thinking quite clearly now; pondering where Brian had got all this information; wondering too where in the hell all this was leading。 Nelson Trading had been a secret; wholly owned subsidiary through nominees ever since it was formed in 1953 specifically for the Macao gold trade … Macao being the only country in Asia where gold importation was legal。
 〃By the way; Ian; have you met that Portuguese genius from Macao; Signore Lando Mata?〃
 〃Yes。 Yes I have。 Charming man。〃
 〃Yes he is … and so well connected。 The rumor is that some fifteen years ago he persuaded the Macao authorities to create a monopoly for the importation of gold; then to sell the monopoly to him; and a couple of friends; for a modest yearly tax: about one U。S。 dollar an ounce。 He's the same fellow; Ian; who first got the Macao authorities to legalize gambling 。。。 and curiously; to grant him and a couple of friends the same monopoly。 All very cosy; what?〃
 Dunross did not answer; just stared back at the smile and at the eyes that did not smile。
 〃So everything went smoothly for a few years;〃 Brian continued; 〃then in '54 he was approached by some Hong Kong gold enthusiasts … our Hong Kong gold law was changed in '54 … who offered a now legal improvement on the scheme: their pany buys the gold bullion legally in the world bullion markets on behalf of this Macao syndicate at the legal 35 an ounce and brings it to Hong Kong openly by plane or by ship。 On arrival; our own Hong Kong customs fellows legally guard and supervise the transshipment from Kai Tak or the dock to the Macao ferry or the Catalina flying boat。 When the ferry or flying boat arrives in Macao it's met by Portuguese Customs officials and the bullion; all in regulation four…hundred…ounce bars; is transshipped under guard to cars; taxis actually; and taken to the bank。 It's a grotty; ugly little building that does no ordinary banking; has no known customers … except the syndicate … never opens its door … except for the gold … and doesn't like visitors at all。 Guess who owns it? Mr。 Mata and his syndicate。 Once inside their bank the gold vanishes!〃 Brian Kwok beamed like a magician doing his greatest trick。 〃Fifty…three tons this year so far。 Forty…eight tons last year! Same the year before and the year before that and so on。〃
 〃That's a lot of gold;〃 Dunross said helpfully。
 〃Yes it is。 Very strangely the Macao authorities or the Hong Kong ones don't seem to care that what goes in never seems to e out。 You with me still?〃
 〃Of course; what really happens is that once inside the bank the gold's melted down from the regulation four…hundred…ounce bars into little pieces; into two; or the more usual five…tael bars which are much more easily carried; and smuggled。 Now we e to the only illegal part of the whole marvelous chain: getting the gold out of Macao and smuggling it into Hong Kong。 Of course; it's not illegal to remove it from Macao; only to smuggle it into Hong Kong。 But you know and I know that it's relatively easy to smuggle anything into Hong Kong。 And the incredible beauty of it all is that once in Hong Kong; however the gold gets there … it's perfectly legal for anyone to own it and no questions asked。 Unlike say in the States or Britain where no citizen is ever allowed to own any gold bullion privately。 Once legally owned; it can be legally exported。〃
 〃Where's all this leading to; Brian?〃 Dunross sipped his brandy。
 Brian Kwok swilled the ancient; aromatic spirit in the huge glass and let the silence gather。 At length he said; 〃We'd like some help。〃
 〃We? You mean Special Intelligence?〃 Dunross was startled。
 〃Who in SI? You?〃
 Brian Kwok hesitated。 〃Mr。 Crosse himself。〃
 〃What help?〃
 〃He'd like to read all your Alan Medford Grant reports。〃
 〃e again?〃 Dunross said to give himself time to think; not expecting this at all。
 Brian Kwok took out a photocopy of the first and last page of the intercepted report and offered it。 〃A copy of this has just e into our possession。〃 Dunross glanced at the pages。 Clearly they were genuine。 〃We'd like a quick look at all the others。〃
 〃I don't follow you。〃
 〃I didn't bring the whole report; just for convenience; but if you want it you can have it tomorrow;〃 Brian said and his eyes didn't waver。 〃We'd appreciate it … Mr。 Crosse said he'd appreciate the help。〃
 The enormity of the implications of the request paralyzed Dunross for a moment。
 〃This report … and the others if they still exist … are private;〃 he heard himself say carefully。 〃At least all the information in them is private to me personally; and to the Government。 Surely you can get everything you want through your own intelligence channels。〃
 〃Yes。 Meanwhile; Superintendent Crosse'd really appreciate it; Ian; if you'd let us have a quick look。〃
 Dunross took a sip of his brandy; his mind in shock。 He knew he could easily deny that the others existed and burn them or hide them or just leave them where they were; but he did not wish to avoid helping Special Intelligence。 It was his duty to assist them。 Special Intelligence was a vital part of Special Branch and the Colony's security and he was convinced that; without them; the Colony and their whole position in Asia would be untenable。 And without a marvelous counterintelligence; if a twentieth of AMG's reports were true; all their days were numbered。
 Christ Jesus; in the wrong hands 。 。 。
 His chest felt tight as he tried to reason out his dilemma。 Part of that last report had leapt into his mind: about the traitor in the police。 Then he remembered that Kiernan had told him that his back copies were the only ones in existence。 How much was private to him and how much was known to British Intelligence? Why the secrecy? Why didn't Grant get permission? Christ; say I was wrong about some things being farfetched! In the wrong hands; in enemy hands; much of the information would be lethal。
 With an effort he calmed his mind and concentrated。 〃I'll consider what you said and talk to you tomorrow。 First thing。〃
 〃Sorry; Ian。 I was told to in… to impress upon you the urgency。〃
 〃Were you going to say insist?〃
 〃Yes。 Sorry。 We wish to ask for your assistance。 This is a formal request for your cooperation。〃
 〃And Eastern Cloud and Nelson Trading are barter?〃
 〃Eastern Cloud's a gift。 The information was also a gift。 Nelson Trading is no concern of ours; except for passing interest。 Everything said was confidenti
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