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 She looked at the girl in the portrait critically and she saw; now; how wrong she had been before and how very special the girl was。 Wasn't she the tai…pan; in embryo; even then?
 〃You're very generous;〃 Dunross said; breaking into her thoughts。
 〃No;〃 she replied at once; prepared; and glanced back at him; and she was thinking; If you want the truth; tai…pan; I'm not generous at all。 I'm merely being demure and sweet and gentle because it makes you feel more at home。 But she said none of this to him; only dropped her eyes and murmured with the right amount of softness; 〃It's you who're generous。〃
 He took her hand and bowed over it and kissed it with old…fashioned gallantry。
 She was startled and tried to cover it。 No one had ever done that to her before。 In spite of her resolve she was moved。
 〃Ah Ciranoush;〃 he said with mock gravity; 〃any time you need a champion; send for me。〃 Then he grinned suddenly。 〃I'll probably make a bog of it but never mind。〃
 She laughed; all tension gone now; liking him very much。 〃You've got yourself a deal。〃
 Casually he put his arm around her waist and gently propelled her toward the stairs。 The contact with him felt good … too good; she thought。 This one's no child。 Be cautious。
 11:58 P。M。:
 Phillip Chen's Rolls screeched to a halt in the driveway of his house。 He got out of the backseat; flushed with rage; Dianne nervously in tow。 The night was dark; the lights of the city and ships and high rises blazing far below。 〃Bolt the gates; then you e inside too;〃 he snapped to his equally nervous chauffeur; then hurried for the front door。
 〃Hurry up; Dianne;〃 he said; irritably shoving his key into the lock。
 〃Phillip; what on earth's the matter with you? Why can't you tell me? Wh… 〃
 〃Shut up!〃 he shouted; his temper snapping; and she jerked to a halt; shocked。 〃Just shut up and do what you're told!〃 He ripped the front door open。 〃Get the servants here!〃
 〃But Phi… 〃
 〃Ah Sun! Ah Tak!〃
 The two tousled; sleepy amahs appeared hastily out of the kitchen and gaped at him; shocked at his untoward rage。 〃Yes Father? Yes Mother?〃 they chorused in Cantonese。 〃What in the name of all gods ha… 〃
 〃Hold your tongues!〃 Phillip Chen roared; his neck red and now his face more red。 〃Go into that room and stay there until I tell you all to e out!〃 He pulled the door open。 It was their dining room and the windows faced the road north。 〃All of you stay there until I tell you to e out and if any of you moves or looks out of the windows before I e back I'll 。。。 I'll have some friends put weights on you and get you all thrown into the harbor!〃
 The two amahs began wailing but everyone hurriedly obeyed him and he slammed the door shut。
 〃Stop it both of you!〃 Dianne Chen screeched at the amahs; then reached over and pinched one sharply on the cheek。 This stopped the old woman's wailing and she gasped; her eyes rolling; 〃What's got into everyone? What's got into Father? Oh oh oh; his rage's gone to Java 。。。 oh oh oh。 。。。〃
 〃Shut up; Ah Tak!〃 Dianne fanned herself; seething; beside herself with fury。 What in the name of all gods has got into him? Doesn't he trust me … me; his only true wife and the love of his life? In all my life 。。。 And to rush off like that from the tai…pan's party when everything was going so fine … us the talk of Hong Kong and everyone admiring my darling Kevin; fawning on him; now surely the new heir of the House of Chen; for everyone agrees John Chen would certainly have died of shock when his ear was cut off。 Anyone would! I certainly would。
 She shivered; feeling her own ear being cut again and being kidnapped as in her dream this afternoon when she had awoken in a cold sweat from her nap。
 〃Ayeeyah;〃 she muttered to no one in particular。 〃Has he gone mad?〃
 〃Yes; Mother;〃 her chauffeur said confidently; 〃I think he has。 It's the result of the kidnapping。 I've never seen Father like this in all my yea… 〃
 〃Who asked you?〃 Dianne shrieked。 〃It's all your fault anyway! If you'd brought my poor John home instead of leaving him to his mealy…mouthed whores this would never have happened!〃
 Again the two amahs began whimpering at her fury and she turned her spleen on them for a moment; adding; 〃And as to you two; while I think of it; the quality of service in this house's enough to give anyone loose bowels。 Have you asked me if I need a physic or aspirins? Or tea? Or a cold towel?〃
 〃Mother;〃 one of them said placatingly; hopefully pointing at the lacquered sideboard; 〃I can't make tea but would you like some brandy?〃
 〃Wat? Ah; very good。 Yes; yes; Ah Tak。〃
 At once the old woman bustled over to the sideboard and opened it; brought out some cognac that she knew her mistress liked; poured it into a glass。 〃Poor Mother; to have Father in such a rage! Terrible! What's possessed him and why doesn't he want us to look out of the window?〃
 Because he doesn't want you turtle…dung thieves to see him dig up his secret safe in the garden; Dianne was thinking。 Or even me。 She smiled grimly to herself; sipping the fine smooth liquor; calmer in the knowledge that she knew where the iron box was buried。 It was only right that she should have protected him by secretly watching him bury it; in case。 God forbid; the gods took him from this earth before he could tell her where the secret hiding place was。 It had been her duty to break her promise not to watch him that night during the Japanese Occupation when he had wisely scooped up all their valuables and hidden them。
 She did not know what was in the box now。 She did not care。 It had been opened and closed many times; all in secret; as far as he was concerned。 She did not care so long as she knew where her husband was; where all his deposit boxes of various kinds were; their keys; just in case。
 After all; she told herself confidently; if he dies; without me the House of Chen will crumble。 〃Stop sniveling; Ah Sun!〃 She got up and closed the long drapes。 Outside the night was dark and she could see nothing of the garden; only the driveway; the tall iron gates and the road beyond。
 〃More drink; Mother?〃 the old amah asked。
 〃Thank you; little oily mouth;〃 she replied affectionately; the warmth of the spirit soothing her anger away。 〃And then you can massage my neck。 I've got a headache。 You two sit down; hold your tongues and don't make a sound till Father gets back!〃
 Phillip Chen was hurrying down the garden path; a flashlight in one hand; a shovel in the other。 The path curled downward through well…tended gardens that meandered into a grove of trees and shrubs。 He stopped a moment; getting his bearings; then found the place he sought。 He hesitated and glanced back; even though he knew he was well hidden from the house now。 Reassured that he could not be watched he switched on the flashlight。 The circle of light wandered over the undergrowth and stopped at the foot of a tree。 The spot appeared to be untouched。 Carefully he pushed aside the natural mulch。 When he saw the earth below had been disturbed he cursed obscenely。 〃Oh the swine 。。。 my own son!〃 Collecting himself with difficulty he began to dig。 The earth was soft。
 Ever since he had left the party he had been trying to remember exactly when he had last dug up the box。 Now he was sure it had been in the spring when he needed the deeds to a row of slum dwellings in Wanchai that he had sold for fifty times cost to Donald McBride for one of his great new developments。
 〃Where was John then?〃 he muttered。 〃Was he in the house?〃
 As he dug he tried to recall but he could not。 He knew that he would never have dug up the box when it was dangerous or when there were strangers in the house and that he would always have been circumspect。 But John? Never would I have thought 。。。 John must have followed me somehow。
 The shovel struck the metal。 Carefully he cleaned off the earth and pulled the protective cloth away from the box and heavy lock and opened it。 The hinges of the lid were well greased。 His fingers shaking; he held the flashlight over the open box。 All his papers and deeds and private balance sheets seemed to be in order and undisturbed; but he knew they must all have been taken out and read … and copied or memorized。 Some of the information in his son's safety deposit box could only have e from here。
 All the jewel boxes; big and small; were there。 Nervously he reached out for the one he sought and opened it。 The half…coin had vanished and the document explaining about the coin had vanished。
 Tears of rage seeped down his cheeks。 He felt his heart pounding and smelled the damp earth and knew if his son was there he would happily have strangled him with his own hands。
 〃Oh my son my son 。。。 all gods curse you to hell!〃
 His knees were weak。 Shakily he sat on a rock and tried to collect his wits。 He could hear his father on his deathbed cautioning him:
 〃Never lose the coin my son … it's our key to ultimate survival and power over the Noble House。〃
 That was in 1937 and the first time he had learned the innermost secrets of the House of Chen: that he who became pradore became the ranking leader in Hong Kong of the Hung Mun … the great secret triad society of China that; under Sun Yat…sen; had bee the 14K; origina
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