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e'll wait。〃
 〃I've an appointment in Central shortly。 Perhaps later this evening?〃
 Both men shook their heads。 Langan said; 〃We'll wait。 We've been ordered to send 'em back instantly by hand with a twenty…four…hour guard。 An army transport's due now at Kai Tak to carry the courier … we can't even copy them here。〃
 〃Aren't you overreacting?〃
 〃You could answer that。 What's in them?〃
 Crosse toyed with his lighter。 It had Cambridge University emblazoned on it。 He had owned it since his undergraduate days。 〃Is it true what AMG said about the CIA and the Mafia?〃
 Rosemont stared back at him。 〃I don't know。 You guys used all sort of crooks during World War Two。 We learned from you to take advantage of what we've got … that was your first rule。 Besides;〃 Rosemont added with utter conviction; 〃this war's our war and whatever it takes we're going to win。〃
 〃Yes; yes we must;〃 Langan echoed; equally sure。 〃Because if we lose this one; the whole world's gone and we'll never get another chance。〃
 On the closed…in bridge of the Sovetsky Ivanov three men had binoculars trained on the nuclear carrier。 One of the men was a civilian and he wore a throat mike that fed into a tape recorder。 He was giving an expert; technical running mentary of what he saw。 From time to time the other two would add a ment。 Both wore light naval uniform。 One was Captain Gregor Suslev; the other his first officer。
 The carrier was ing up the roads nicely; tugs in attendance; but no tug ropes。 Ferries and freighters tooted a jaunty wele。 A marine band played on her aft deck。 White…clad sailors waved at passing ships。 The day was very humid and the afternoon sun cast long shadows。
 〃The captain's expert;〃 the first officer said。
 〃Yes。 But with all that radar even a child could handle her;〃 Captain Suslev replied。 He was a heavy…shouldered; bearded man; his Slavic brown eyes deepset in a friendly face。 〃Those sweepers aloft look like the new GEs for very long…range radar。 Are they; Vassili?〃
 The technical expert broke off his transmission momentarily。 〃Yes; rade Captain。 But look aft! They've four F5 interceptors parked on the right flight deck。〃
 Suslev whistled tonelessly。 〃They're not supposed to be in service till next year。〃
 〃No;〃 the civilian said。
 〃Report that separately as soon as she docks。 That news alone pays for our voyage。〃
 Suslev fine…tuned his focus now as the ship turned slightly。 He could see the airplanes' bomb racks。 〃How many more F5's does she carry in her guts; and how many atomic warheads for them?〃
 They all watched the carrier for a moment。
 〃Perhaps we'll get lucky this time; rade Captain;〃 the first officer said。
 〃Let's hope so。 Then Voranski's death won't be so expensive。〃
 〃The Americans are fools to bring her here … don't they know every agent in Asia'll be tempted by her?〃
 〃It's lucky for us they are。 It makes our job so much easier。〃 Once more Suslev concentrated on the F5's that looked like soldier hornets among other hornets。
 Around him the bridge was massed with advanced surveillance equipment。 One radar was sweeping the harbor。 A gray…haired impassive sailor watched the screen; the carrier a large clear blip among the myriad of blips。
 Suslev's binoculars moved to the carrier's ominous bridge plex; then wandered the length of the ship。 In spite of himself he shivered at her size and power。 〃They say she's never refueled … not since she was launched in 1960。〃
 Behind him the door to the radio room that adjoined the bridge opened and a radio operator came up to him and saluted; offering the cable。 〃Urgent from Center; rade Captain。〃
 Suslev took the cable and signed for it。 It was a meaningless jumble of words。 A last look at the carrier and he let the binoculars rest on his chest and strode off the bridge。 His sea cabin was just aft on the same deck。 The door was guarded; like both entrances to the bridge。
 He relocked his cabin door behind him and opened the small; concealed safe。 His cipher book was secreted in a false wall。 He sat at his desk。 Quickly he decoded the message。 He read it carefully; then stared into space for a moment。
 He read it a second time; then replaced the cipher book; closed the safe and burned the original of the cable in an ashtray。 He picked up his phone。 〃Bridge? Send rade Metkin to my cabin!〃 While he waited he stood by the porthole lost in thought。 His cabin was untidy。 Photographs of a heavyset woman; smiling self…consciously; were on his desk in a frame。 Another of a good…looking youth in naval uniform; and a girl in her teens。 Books; a tennis racket and a newspaper on the half…made bunk。
 A knock。 He unlocked the door。 The sailor who had been staring at the radar screen stood there。
 〃e in; Dimitri。〃 Suslev motioned at the decoded cable and relocked the door after him。
 The sailor was short and squat; with graying hair and a good face。 He was; officially; political missar and therefore senior officer on the ship。 He picked up the decoded message。 It read: 〃Priority One。 Gregor Suslev。 You will assume Voranski's duties and responsibilities at once。 London reports optimum CIA and MI…6 interest in information contained in blue…covered files leaked to Ian Dunross of Struan's by the British Intelligence coordinator; AMG。 Order Arthur to obtain copies immediately。 If Dunross has destroyed the copies; cable feasibility plan to detain him for chemical debriefing in depth。〃 The sailor's face closed。 He looked across at Captain Suslev。 〃AMG? Alan Medford Grant?〃
 〃May that one burn in hell for a thousand years。〃
 〃He will; if there's any justice in this world or the next。〃 Suslev smiled grimly。 He went to a sideboard and took out a half…full vodka bottle and two glasses。 〃Listen; Dimitri; if I fail or don't return; you take mand。〃 He held up the key。 〃Unlock the safe。 There're instructions about decoding and everything else。〃
 〃Let me go tonight in your place。 You're more impor… 〃
 〃No。 Thank you; old friend。〃 Suslev clapped him warmly on the shoulders。 〃In case of an accident you assume mand and carry out our mission。 That's what we've been trained for。〃 He touched glasses with him。 〃Don't worry。 Everything will be fine;〃 he said; glad he could do as he wished and very content with his job and his position in life。 He was; secretly; deputy controller in Asia for the KGB's First Directorate; Department 6; that was responsible for all covert activities in China; North Korea and Vietnam; a senior lecturer in Vladivostok University's Department of Foreign Affairs; 2A…Counterintelligence; a colonel in the KGB; and; most important of all; a senior Party member in the Far East。 〃Center's given the order。 You must guard our tails here。 Eh?〃
 〃Of course。 You needn't worry about that; Gregor。 I can do everything。 But I worry about you;〃 Metkin said。 They had sailed together for several years and he respected Suslev very much though he did not know from where his overriding authority came。 Sometimes he was tempted to try to find out。 You're getting on; he told himself。 You retire next year and you may need powerful friends and the only way to have the help of powerful friends is to know their skeletons。 But Suslev or no Suslev your well…earned retirement will be honorable; quiet and at home in the Crimea。 Metkin's heart beat faster at the thought of all that lovely countryside and grand climate on the Black Sea; dreaming the rest of his life away with his wife and sometimes seeing his son; an up…and…ing KGB officer presently in Washington; no longer at risk and in danger from within or without。
 Oh God protect my son from betrayal or making a mistake; he prayed fervently; then at once felt a wave of nausea; as always; in case his superiors knew that he was a secret believer and that his parents; peasants; had brought him up in the Church。 If they knew there would be no retirement in the Crimea; only some icy backwater and no real home ever again。
 〃Voranski;〃 he said; as always cautiously hiding his hatred of the man。 〃He was a top operator; eh? Where did he slip?〃
 〃He was betrayed; that was his problem;〃 Suslev said darkly。 〃We will find his murderers and they will pay。 If my name is on the next knife 。。。〃 The big man shrugged; then poured more vodka with a sudden laugh。 〃So what; eh? It's in the name of the cause; the Party and Mother Russia!〃 They touched glasses and drained them。 〃When're you going ashore?〃
 Suslev bit on the raw liquor。 Then; thankfully; he felt the great good warmth begin inside and his anxieties and terrors seemed less real。 He motioned out of the porthole。 〃As soon as she's moored and safe;〃 he said with his rolling laugh。 〃Ah; but she's a pretty ship; eh?〃
 〃We've got nothing to touch that bastard; Captain; have we? Or those fighters。 Nothing。〃
 Suslev smiled as he poured again。 〃No; rade。 But if the enemy has no real will to resist they can have a hundred of those carriers and it doesn't matter。〃
 〃Yes; but Americans're erratic; one general can go off at half…cock; and they can smash us off the face of the earth。〃
 〃I agree; now they can; but they won't。 They've no balls。〃 Suslev drank again。 〃And soon? Just a little more time and we'll stick their noses up their asses!〃 He sighed。 〃It 
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