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Lady Kwang matters to me oh no! Do something! Find the 。。。〃
 Richard Kwang felt the sweat running down his back but he kept his posure and tried to find a way out of the maze。 〃The gold's as safe as it could be and so's your cash。 We've been Nelson Trading's bankers since the beginning; we've never had a sniff of trouble。 We gambled heavily with you in the beginning … 〃
 〃e now; Richard;〃 Mata said; keeping his loathing hidden。 〃You don't gamble on gold。 Certainly not on our gold。〃 The gold belonged to the Great Good Luck pany of Macao which had also owned the gambling monopoly for almost thirty years。 The present worth of the pany was in excess of two billion U。S。 Tightfist Tung owned 30 percent; personally; Lando Mata 40 percent personally … and the descendents of Smuggler Mo; who had died last year; the other 30 percent。
 And between us; Mata was thinking; we own 50 percent of the Ho…Pak which you; you stupid lump of dog turd; have somehow put into jeopardy。 〃So sorry; Richard; but I vote Nelson Trading changes its bank … at least temporarily。 Tightfist Tung is really very upset 。。。 and I have the Chin family's proxy。〃
 〃But Lando;〃 Richard Kwang began; 〃there's nothing to worry about。〃 His finger stabbed at the half…opened newspaper; the China Guardian; that lay on the table。 〃Haply's new article says again that we're sound … that it's all a storm in an oyster shell; all started by malicious ban… 〃
 〃That's possible。 But Chinese believe rumors; and the run's a fact;〃 Mata said sharply。
 〃My old man believes rumors;〃 Zeppelin Tung said fervently。 〃He also believes Four Finger Wu。 Four Fingers phoned him this afternoon telling him he'd taken out all his money and suggested he do the same; and within the hour we; Lando and I; we were in our Catalina and heading here and you know how I hate flying。 Richard; you know jolly well if the old man wants something done now; it's done now。〃
 Yes; Richard Kwang thought disgustedly; that filthy old miser would climb out of his grave for fifty cents cash。 〃I suggest we wait a day or so 。。。〃
 Dunross was letting them talk for face。 He had already decided what to do。 Nelson Trading was a wholly owned subsidiary of Struan's so the other directors really had little say。 But even though Nelson Trading had the Hong Kong Government's exclusive gold…importing license; without the Great Good Luck pany's gold business … which meant without Tightfist Tung and Lando Mata's favor … Nelson Trading's profits would be almost zero。
 Nelson Trading got a mission of one dollar an ounce on every ounce imported for the pany; delivered to the jetty at Macao; a further one dollar an ounce on exports from Hong Kong。 As a further consideration for suggesting the overall Hong Kong scheme to the pany; Nelson Trading had been granted 10 percent of the real profit。 This year the Japanese Government had arbitrarily fixed their official rate of gold at 55 dollars an ounce … a profit of 15 dollars an ounce。 On the black market it would be more。 In India it would be almost 98 dollars。
 Dunross glanced at his watch。 In a few minutes Crosse would arrive。
 〃We've assets over a billion; Lando;〃 Richard Kwang repeated。
 〃Good;〃 Dunross said crisply jumping in; finalizing the meeting。 〃Then; Richard; it really makes no difference one way or another。 There's no point in waiting。 I've made certain arrangements。 Our transfer truck will be at your side door at eight o'clock precisely。〃
 〃But … 〃
 〃Why so late; tai…pan?〃 Mata asked。 〃It's not six o'clock yet。〃
 〃It'll be dark then; Lando。 I wouldn't want to shift 50 tons of gold in daylight。 There might be a few villains around。 You never know。 Eh?〃
 〃My God; you think 。。。 triads?〃 Zeppelin Tung was shocked。 〃I'll phone my father。 He'll have some extra guards。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Mata said; 〃call at once。〃
 〃No need for that;〃 Dunross told him。 〃The police suggested that we don't make too much of a show。 They said they'll be there in depth。〃
 Mata hesitated。 〃Well if you say so; tai…pan。 You're responsible。〃
 〃Of course;〃 Dunross said politely。
 〃How do we know the Victoria's safe?〃
 〃If the Victoria fails we might as well not be in China。〃 Dunross picked up the phone and dialed Johnjohn's private number at the bank。 〃Bruce? Ian。 We'll need the vault … 8:30 on the dot。〃
 〃Very well。 Our security people will be there to assist。 Use the side door … the one on Dirk's Street。〃
 〃Have the police been informed?〃
 〃Good。 By the way; Ian; about 。。。 is Richard still with you?〃
 〃Give me a call when you can … I'm at home this evening。 I've been checking and things don't look very good at all for him。 My Chinese banking friends are all very nervous … even the Mok…tung had a mini…run out at Aberdeen; so did we。 Of course we'll advance Richard all the money he needs against his securities; bankable securities; but if I were you I'd get any cash you control out。 Get Blacs to deal with your check first at clearing tonight。〃 All bank clearing of checks and bank loans was done in the basement of the Bank of London; Canton and Shanghai at midnight; five days a week。
 〃Thanks; Bruce。 See you later。〃 Then to the others; 〃That's all taken care of。 Of course the transfer should be kept quiet。 Richard; I'll need a cashier's check for Nelson Trading balance。〃
 〃And I'll have one for my father's balance!〃 Zeppelin echoed。
 Richard Kwang said; 〃I'll send the checks over first thing in the morning。〃
 〃Tonight;〃 Mata said; 〃then they can clear tonight。〃 His eyes lidded even more。 〃And; of course; another for my personal balance。〃
 〃There isn't enough cash to cover those three checks … no bank could have that amount;〃 Richard Kwang exploded。 〃Not even the Bank of England。〃
 〃Of course。 Please call whomever you wish to pledge some of your securities。 Or Havergill; or Southerby。〃 Mata's fingers stopped drumming。 〃They're expecting your call。〃
 〃Yes。 I talked to both of them this afternoon。〃
 Richard Kwang said nothing。 He had to find a way to avoid giving the money over tonight。 If not tonight; he would gain a day's interest and by tomorrow perhaps it would not be necessary to pay。 Dew neh loh moh on all filthy quai loh and half quai loh; who're worse! His smile was as sweet as Mata's。 〃Well; as you wish。 If you'll both meet me at the bank in an hour 。。。〃
 〃Even better;〃 Dunross said。 〃Phillip will go with you now。 You can give him all the checks。 Is that all right with you; Phillip?〃
 〃Oh; oh yes; yes; tai…pan。〃
 〃Good; thank you。 Then if you'll take them right over to Blacs; they'll clear at midnight。 Richard; that gives you plenty of time。 Doesn't it?〃
 〃Oh yes; tai…pan;〃 Richard Kwang said; brightening。 He had just thought of a brilliant answer。 A pretended heart attack! I'll do it in the car going back to the bank and then 。。。
 Then he saw the coldness in Dunross's eyes and his stomach twisted and he changed his mind。 Why should they have so much of my money? he thought as he got up。 〃You don't need me for anything more at the moment? Good; e along; Phillip。〃 They walked out。 There was a vast silence。
 〃Poor Phillip; he looks ghastly;〃 Mata said。
 〃Yes。 It's no wonder。〃
 〃Dirty triads;〃 Zeppelin Tung said with a shudder。 〃The Werewolves must be foreigners to send his ear like that!〃 Another shudder。 〃I hope they don't e to Macao。 There's a strong rumor Phillip's dealing with them already; negotiating with the Werewolves in Macao。〃
 〃There's no truth to that;〃 Dunross said。
 〃He wouldn't tell you if he was; tai…pan。 I'd keep that secret from everyone too。〃 Zeppelin Tung stared gloomily at the phone。 〃Dew neh loh moh on all filthy kidnappers。〃
 〃Is the Ho…Pak finished?〃 Mata asked。
 〃Unless Richard Kwang can stay liquid; yes。 This afternoon Dunstan closed all his accounts。〃
 〃Ah; so once again a rumor's correct!〃
 〃Afraid so!〃 Dunross was sorry for Richard Kwang and the Ho…Pak but tomorrow he would sell short。 〃His stock's going to plummet。〃
 〃How will that affect the boom you've forecast?〃
 〃Have I?〃
 〃You're buying Struan's heavily; so I hear。〃 Mata smiled thinly。 〃So has Phillip; and his tai…tai; and her family。〃
 〃Anyone's wise to buy our stock; Lando; at any time。 It's very underpriced。〃
 Zeppelin Tung was listening very carefully。 His heart quickened。 He too had heard rumors about the Noble House Chens buying today。 〃Did you see Old Blind Tung's column today? About the ing boom? He was very serious。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Dunross said gravely。 When he had read it this morning he had chortled; and his opinion of Dianne Chen's influence had soared。 In spite of himself Dunross had reread it and had wondered briefly if the soothsayer had really been forecasting his own opinion。
 〃Is Old Blind Tung a relation; Zep?〃 he asked。
 〃No; tai…pan; no; not that I know of。 Dew neh loh moh but it's hot today。 I'll be glad to get back to Macao … the weather's much better in Macao。 Are you in the motor race this year; tai…pan?〃
 〃Yes; I hope so。〃
 〃Good! Damn the Ho…Pak! Richard will give us our checks; won't he? My old man will bust a blood vessel if one penny cash is missing。〃
 〃Yes;〃 Dunross said; then noticed a strangeness in Mata's eyes。 〃What's up?〃
 〃Nothing。〃 Mata glanced at Zeppelin。 〃Zep
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