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 〃Father;〃 Adryon said in her usual rush; 〃sorry to interrupt but Mother wanted to know what time you'd be in for dinner。〃
 〃I'll be late。 Ask her to go ahead。 I'll get something on the run。 What time did you get in last night?〃 he asked; remembering that he had heard her car return just before dawn。
 〃Early;〃 she said; and he was going to give her both barrels but he heard unhappiness under her voice。
 〃What's up; pet?〃 he asked。
 〃What's up?〃
 〃Nothing really。 I had a grand day; had lunch with your Linc Bartlett … we went shopping but that twit Martin stood me up。〃
 〃Yes。 I waited a bloody hour for him。 We had a date to go to the V and A for tea but he never showed up。 Rotten twit!〃
 Dunross beamed。 〃You just can't rely on some people; can you; Adryon? Fancy! Standing you up! What cheek!〃 he told her; suitably grave; delighted that Haply was going to get what for。
 〃He's a creep! A twenty…four…carat creep!〃
 The door opened。 Crosse and Brian Kwok came in。 He nodded to them; beckoned them。 Claudia shut the door after them。
 〃Got to go; darling。 Hey pet; love you! 'Bye!〃 He put the phone down。 〃Evening;〃 he said; no longer perturbed。
 〃The files please; Ian。〃
 〃Certainly; but first we've got to see the governor。〃
 〃First I want those files。〃 Crosse pulled out the warrant as Dunross picked up the phone and dialed。 He waited only a moment。 〃Evening; sir。 Superintendent Crosse's here 。。。 yes sir。〃 He held out the phone。 〃For you。〃
 Crosse hesitated; hard…faced; then took it。 〃Superintendent Crosse;〃 he said into the phone。 He listened a moment。 〃Yes sir。 Very well; sir。〃 He replaced the phone。 〃Now; what the hell shenanigans are you up to?〃
 〃None。 Just being careful。〃
 Crosse held up the warrant。 〃If I don't get the files; I've clearance from London to serve this on you at six p。m。 today; governor or no。〃
 Dunross stared back at him; just as hard。 〃Please go ahead。〃
 〃You're served; Ian Struan Dunross! Sorry; but you're under arrest!〃
 Dunross's jaw jutted a little。 〃All right。 But first by God we will see the governor!〃
 6:20 P。M。:
 The tai…pan and Roger Crosse were walking across the white pebbles toward the front door of the Governor's Palace。 Brian Kwok waited beside the police car。 The front door opened and the young equerry in Royal Navy uniform greeted them politely; then ushered them into an exquisite antechamber。
 His Excellency; Sir Geoffrey Allison; D。S。O。; O。B。E。; was a sandy…haired man in his late fifties; neat; soft…spoken and very tough。 He sat at an antique desk and watched them。 〃Evening;〃 he said easily and waved them to seats。 His equerry closed the door; leaving them。 〃It seems we have a problem; Roger。 Ian has some rather private property that he legally owns and is reluctant to give you … that you want。〃
 〃Legally want; sir。 I've London's authority under the Official Secrets Act。〃
 〃Yes; I know that; Roger。 I talked to the minister an hour ago。 He said; and I agree; we can hardly arrest Ian and go through the Noble House like a dose of salts。 That really wouldn't be very proper; or very sensible; however serious we are in obtaining the AMG files。 And; equally; it wouldn't be very proper or sensible to acquire them with cloaks and daggers … that sort of thing。 Would it?〃
 Crosse said; 〃With Ian's cooperation none of that would be necessary。 I've pointed out to him that Her Majesty's Government was pletely involved。 He just doesn't seem to get the message; sir。 He should cooperate。〃
 〃I quite agree。 The minister said the same。 Of course when Ian came here this morning he did explain his reasons for being so; so cautious 。。。 quite proper reasons if I may say so! The minister agrees too。〃 The gray eyes became piercing。 〃Just exactly who is the deep…cover munist agent in my police? Who are the Sevrin plants?〃
 There was a vast silence。 〃I don't know; sir。〃
 〃Then would you be kind enough to find out very quickly。 Ian was kind enough to let me read the AMG report you rightly intercepted。〃 The governor's face mottled; quoting from it; 〃 '。。。 this information should be leaked privately to the police missioner or governor should they be considered loyal 。。。' Bless my soul! What's going on in the world?〃
 〃I don't know; sir。〃
 〃Well you're supposed to; Roger。 Yes。〃 The governor watched them。 〃Now。 What about the mole? What sort of man would he be?〃
 〃You; me; Dunross; Havergill; Armstrong … anyone;〃 Crosse said at once。 〃But with one characteristic: I think this one's so deep that he's probably almost forgotten who he really is; or where his real political interest and loyalty lie。 He'd be very special … like all of Sevrin。〃 The thin…faced man stared at Dunross。 〃They must be special … SI's checks and balances are really very good; and the CIA's; but we've never had a whiff of Sevrin before; not a jot or a tittle。〃
 Dunross said; 〃How're you going to catch him?〃
 〃How're you going to catch your plant in Struan's?〃
 〃I've no idea。〃 Would the Sevrin spy be the same as the one who betrayed our secrets to Bartlett? Dunross was asking himself uneasily。 〃If he's top echelon; he's one of seven … all unthinkable。〃
 〃There you have it;〃 Crosse said。 〃All unthinkable; but one's a spy。 If we get one; we can probably break the others out of him if he knows them。〃 Both the other men felt icy at the calm viciousness in his voice。 〃But to get the one; someone has to make a slip; or we have to get a little luck。〃
 The governor thought a moment。 Then he said; 〃Ian assures me there's nothing in the previous reports that names anyone … or gives any clues。 So the other reports wouldn't help us immediately。〃
 〃They could; sir; in other areas; sir。〃
 〃I know。〃 The words were quietly spoken but they said Shut up; sit down and wait till I've finished。 Sir Geoffrey let the silence hang for a while。 〃So our problem seems to be simply a matter of asking Ian for his cooperation。 I repeat; I agree that his caution is justified。〃 His face tightened。 〃Philby; Burgess and Maclean taught us all a fine lesson。 I must confess every time I make a call to London I wonder if I'm talking to another bloody traitor。〃 He blew his nose in a handkerchief。 〃Well; enough of that。 Ian; kindly tell Roger the circumstances under which you'll hand over the AMG copies。〃
 〃I'll hand them; personally; to the head or deputy head of MI…6 or MI…5; providing I have his Excellency's guarantee in writing that the man I give them to is who he purports to be。〃
 〃The minister agrees to this; sir?〃
 〃If you agree; Roger。〃 Again it was said politely but the undercurrent said You'd better agree; Roger。
 〃Very well; sir。 Has Mr。 Sinders agreed to the plan?〃
 〃He will be here on Friday; BOAC willing。〃
 〃Yes sir。〃 Roger Crosse glanced at Dunross。 〃I'd better keep the files then until then。 You can give me a sealed pa… 〃
 Dunross shook his head。 〃They're safe until I deliver them。〃
 Crosse shook his head。 〃No。 If we know; others'd know。 The others're not so clean…handed as we are。 We must know where they are … we'd better have a guard; around the clock。〃
 Sir Geoffrey nodded。 〃That's fair enough; Ian?〃
 Dunross thought a moment。 〃Very well。 I've put them in a vault at the Victoria Bank。〃 Crosse's neck became pink as Dunross produced a key and laid it on the desk。 The numbers were carefully defaced。 〃There're about a thousand safety deposit boxes。 I alone know the number。 This's the only key。 If you'll keep it; Sir Geoffrey。 Then 。。。 well; that's about the best I can do to avoid risks。〃
 〃Yes sir。 If you agree。〃
 〃They're certainly safe there。 Certainly not possible to break open all of them。 Good; then that's all settled。 Ian; the warrant's canceled。 You do promise; Ian; to deliver them to Sinders the moment he arrives?〃 Again the eyes became piercing。 〃I have really gone to a lot of trouble over this。〃
 〃Yes sir。〃
 〃Good。 Then that's settled。 Nothing yet on poor John Chen; Roger?〃
 〃No sir; we're trying everything。〃
 〃Terrible business。 Ian; what's all this about the Ho…Pak? Are they really in trouble?〃
 〃Yes sir。〃
 〃Will they go under?〃
 〃I don't know。 The word seems to be they will。〃
 〃Damnable! I don't like that at all。 Very bad for our image。 And the Par…Con deal?〃
 〃It looks good。 I hope to have a favorable report for you next week; sir。〃
 〃Excellent。 We could use some big American firms here。〃 He smiled。 〃I understand the girl's a stunner! By the way; the Parliamentary Trade Delegation's due from Peking tomorrow。 I'll entertain them Thursday … you'll e of course。〃
 〃Yes sir。 Will the dinner be stag?〃
 〃Yes; good idea。〃
 〃I'll invite them to the races Saturday … the overflow can go into the bank's box; sir。〃
 〃Good。 Thank you; Ian。 Roger; if you'll spare me a moment。〃
 Dunross got up and shook hands and left。 Though he had e with Crosse in the police car; his own Rolls was waiting for him。 Brian Kwok intercepted him。 〃What's the poop; Ian?〃
 〃I was asked to let your boss tell you;〃 he said。
 〃Fair enough。 Is he going to be long?〃
 〃I don't know。 Everything's all right; Brian。 No need to worry。 I think I dealt with the dilemma correctly。〃
 〃Hope so。 Sorry … bloody business。〃
 〃Yes。〃 Dunross got into the
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