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 The old man sighed; lying back in his huge bed; tired now。 〃It was time for her to go。 It is always too easy for a young man to give too much to a girl; too much time; too much thought。 It was time for her to go 。。。 after her you could choose for yourself and you needed to put your mind on the House and not on her。 。。。 Oh don't try to hide your desire; I understand; oh; how I understand! Don't worry; she was well paid; my son; you had no child by her 。。。〃
 〃Where is she now?〃
 〃She went to Taiwan。 I made sure she had enough money to begin her own house; she said that's what she wanted to do and 。。。 and part of my arrangement was that I bought her out of her contract。 That cost me; was it 5 。。。 or 10;000。 。。。 I can't remember。 。。。 Please excuse me; I'm tired now。 I must sleep a little。 Please e back tomorrow; my son。 。。。〃
 Dunross sipped his wine; remembering。 That was the only time that old Chen…chen ever called me my son; he thought。 What a grand old man! If only I could be so wise; so kind and so wise; and worthy of him。
 Chen…chen had died a week later。 His funeral was the greatest Hong Kong had ever seen; with a thousand professional wailers and drums following the coffin to its burial place。 The white…clad women had been paid to follow the coffin; wailing loudly to the Heavens; petitioning the gods to grease the way of this great man's spirit to the Void or rebirth or to whatever happens to the spirit of the dead。 Chen…chen was a nominal Christian so he had had two services for safety; one Christian; the other Buddhist。 。。。
 〃Hello; tai…pan!〃
 Casey was there with Linc Bartlett beside her。 Both were smiling though both were looking a little tired。
 He greeted them and Casey ordered a Scotch and soda and Linc a beer。
 〃How's your day been?〃 Casey asked。
 〃Up and down;〃 he said after a pause。 〃How was yours?〃
 〃Busy; but we're getting there;〃 she said。 〃Your attorney; Dawson; canceled our date this morning … that's on again for tomorrow at noon。 The rest of my day was on the phone and the telex to the States; getting things organized。 Service is good here; this is a great hotel。 We're all set to plete our side of the agreement。〃
 〃Good。 I think I'll attend the meeting with Dawson;〃 Dunross said。 〃That'll expedite matters。 I'll get him to e over to our offices。 I'll send a car for you at 11:10。〃
 〃No need for that; tai…pan。 I know my way on the ferry;〃 she said。 〃I went back and forth this afternoon。 Best five cents American I've ever spent。 How'd you keep the fares so low?〃
 〃We carried forty…seven million passengers last year。〃 Dunross glanced at Bartlett。 〃Will you be at the meeting tomorrow?〃
 〃Not unless you want me for something special;〃 he said easily。 〃Casey handles the legals initially。 She knows what we want; and we've got Seymour Steigler III ing in on Pan Am's flight Thursday … he's our head counsel and tax attorney。 He'll keep everything smooth with your attorneys so we can close in seven days; easy。〃
 〃Excellent。〃 A smiling obsequious waiter brought their drinks and topped up Dunross's glass。 When they were alone again Casey said quietly; 〃Tai…pan; your ships。 You want them as a separate agreement? If the attorneys draw it up it won't be private。 How do we keep it private?〃
 〃I'll draw up the document and put our chop on it。 That'll make it legal and binding。 Then the agreement stays secret between the three of us; eh?〃
 〃What's a chop; Ian?〃 Bartlett asked。
 〃It's the equivalent of a seal。〃 Dunross took out a slim; oblong bamboo container; perhaps two inches long and half an inch square; and slid back the tight…fitting top。 He took out the chop; which fitted the scarlet silk…lined box; and showed it to them。 It was made of ivory。 Some Chinese characters were carved in relief on the bottom。 〃This is my personal chop … it's hand…carved so almost impossible to forge。 You stick this end in the ink 。。。〃 The ink was red and almost solid; neatly in its partment in one end of the box。 〃。。。 and imprint the paper。 Quite often in Hong Kong you don't sign papers; you just chop them。 Most aren't legal without a chop。 The pany seal's the same as this; only a little bigger。〃
 〃What do the characters mean?〃 Casey asked。
 〃They're a pun on my name; and ancestor。 Literally they mean 'illustrious; razor sharp; throughout the noble green seas。' The pun's on Green…Eyed Devil; as Dirk was called; the Noble House; and a dirk or knife。〃 Dunross smiled and put it away。 〃It has other meanings … the surface one's 'tai…pan of the Noble House。' In Chinese 。。。〃 He glanced around at the sound of a bicycle bell。 The young bellhop was walking through the crowds carrying a small paging board aloft on a pole that bore the scrawled name of the person wanted。 The page was not for them so he continued; 〃With Chinese writing; there are always various levels of meanings。 That's what makes it plex; and interesting。〃
 Casey was fanning herself with a menu。 It was warm in the foyer though the ceiling fans were creating a gentle breeze。 She took out a tissue and pressed it beside her nose。 〃Is it always this humid?〃 she asked。
 Dunross smiled。 〃It's relatively dry today。 Sometimes it's ninety degrees and ninety…five humidity for weeks on end。 Autumn and spring are the best times to be here。 July; August; September are hot and wet。 Actually; though; they're forecasting rain。 We might even get a typhoon。 I heard on the wireless there's a tropical depression gathering southeast of us。 Yes。 If we're lucky it'll rain。 There's no water rationing in the V and A yet; is there?〃
 〃No;〃 Bartlett said; 〃but after seeing the pails in your house last night; I don't think I'll ever take water for granted again。〃
 〃Nor me;〃 Casey said。 〃It must be terribly hard。〃
 〃Oh; you get used to it。 By the way my suggestion about the document is satisfactory?〃 Dunross asked Bartlett; wanting it settled and irritated with himself that he was trapped into having to ask。 He was grimly amused to notice that Bartlett hesitated a fraction of a second and glanced imperceptibly at Casey before saying; 〃Sure。〃
 〃Ian;〃 Bartlett continued; 〃I've got Forrester … the head of our foam division … ing in on the same flight。 I thought we might as well get the show on the road。 There's no reason to wait until we have papers; is there?〃
 〃No。〃 Dunross thought a moment and decided to test his theory。 〃How expert is he?〃
 Casey added; 〃Charlie Forrester knows everything there is to know about polyurethane foam … manufacturing; distribution and sales。〃
 〃Good。〃 Dunross turned to Bartlett and said innocently; 〃Would you like to bring him to Taipei?〃 He saw a flash behind the American's eyes and knew that he had been correct。 Squirm; you bastard; he thought; you haven't told her yet! I haven't forgotten the rough time you gave me last night; with all your secret information。 Squirm out of this one with face! 〃While we're golfing or whatever; I'll put Forrester with my experts … he can check out possible sites and set that in motion。〃
 〃Good idea;〃 Bartlett said; not squirming at all; and Dunross's opinion of him went up。
 〃Taipei? Taipei in Taiwan?〃 Casey asked excitedly。 〃We're going to Taipei? When?〃
 〃Sunday afternoon;〃 Bartlett said; his voice calm。 〃We're going for a couple of days; Ian an… 〃
 〃Perfect; Linc;〃 she said with a smile。 〃While you're golfing; I can check things out with Charlie。 Let me play next time around。 What's your handicap; tai…pan?〃
 〃Ten;〃 Dunross answered; 〃and since Linc Bartlett knows I'm sure you do too。〃
 She laughed。 〃I'd forgotten that vital statistic。 Mine's fourteen on a very good day。〃
 〃Give or take a stroke or two?〃
 〃Sure。 Women cheat in golf as much as men。〃
 〃Yes。 But unlike men they cheat to lower their handicap。 A handicap's a status symbol; right? The lower the score; the more the status! Women don't usually bet more than a few dollars so a low handicap's not that vital except for face。 But men? I've seen them hit one deliberately into the rough to pick up two extra strokes if they were on a dynamite round that would drop their handicap a notch。 Of course that was only if they weren't playing that particular round for money。 What's the stake between your pairs?〃
 〃500 HK。〃
 She whistled。 〃A hole?〃
 〃Hell; no;〃 Bartlett said。 〃The game。〃
 〃Even so; I think I'd better kibitz this one。'
 Dunross said; 〃What's that mean?〃
 〃To watch。 If I'm not careful; Linc will put my end of Par…Con on the line。〃 Her smile warmed both of them; and then; because Dunross had deliberately dropped Bartlett into the trap; he decided to extract him。
 〃That's a fine idea; Casey;〃 he said; watching her carefully。 〃But on second thought; perhaps it would be better for you and Forrester to check out Hong Kong before Taipei … this will be our biggest market。 And if your lawyer arrives Thursday you might wish to spend time with him here。〃 He looked at Bartlett directly; the picture of innocence。 〃If you want to cancel our trip; that's all right too; you've plenty of time to go to Taipei。 But I must go。〃
 〃No;〃 Bartlett said。 〃Casey; you cover this end。 Seymour will need all the help you can give him。 I'll make a preliminary tour this time and we can do it together later。〃
 She sipped 
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