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participation in the supreme legislation。 This effect is on one side
merely negative; but on the other side; relatively to the
restricting principle of pure practical reason; it is positive。 No
special kind of feeling need be assumed for this under the name of a
practical or moral feeling as antecedent to the moral law and
serving as its foundation。
  The negative effect on feeling (unpleasantness) is pathological;
like every influence on feeling and like every feeling generally。
But as an effect of the consciousness of the moral law; and
consequently in relation to a supersensible cause; namely; the subject
of pure practical reason which is the supreme lawgiver; this feeling
of a rational being affected by inclinations is called humiliation
(intellectual self…depreciation); but with reference to the positive
source of this humiliation; the law; it is respect for it。 There is
indeed no feeling for this law; but inasmuch as it removes the
resistance out of the way; this removal of an obstacle is; in the
judgement of reason; esteemed equivalent to a positive help to its
causality。 Therefore this feeling may also be called a feeling of
respect for the moral law; and for both reasons together a moral
  While the moral law; therefore; is a formal determining principle of
action by practical pure reason; and is moreover a material though
only objective determining principle of the objects of action as
called good and evil; it is also a subjective determining principle;
that is; a motive to this action; inasmuch as it has influence on
the morality of the subject and produces a feeling conducive to the
influence of the law on the will。 There is here in the subject no
antecedent feeling tending to morality。 For this is impossible;
since every feeling is sensible; and the motive of moral intention
must be free from all sensible conditions。 On the contrary; while
the sensible feeling which is at the bottom of all our inclinations is
the condition of that impression which we call respect; the cause that
determines it lies in the pure practical reason; and this impression
therefore; on account of its origin; must be called; not a
pathological but a practical effect。 For by the fact that the
conception of the moral law deprives self…love of its influence; and
self…conceit of its illusion; it lessens the obstacle to pure
practical reason and produces the conception of the superiority of its
objective law to the impulses of the sensibility; and thus; by
removing the counterpoise; it gives relatively greater weight to the
law in the judgement of reason (in the case of a will affected by
the aforesaid impulses)。 Thus the respect for the law is not a
motive to morality; but is morality itself subjectively considered
as a motive; inasmuch as pure practical reason; by rejecting all the
rival pretensions of selflove; gives authority to the law; which now
alone has influence。 Now it is to be observed that as respect is an
effect on feeling; and therefore on the sensibility; of a rational
being; it presupposes this sensibility; and therefore also the
finiteness of such beings on whom the moral law imposes respect; and
that respect for the law cannot be attributed to a supreme being; or
to any being free from all sensibility; in whom; therefore; this
sensibility cannot be an obstacle to practical reason。
  This feeling (which we call the moral feeling) is therefore produced
simply by reason。 It does not serve for the estimation of actions
nor for the foundation of the objective moral law itself; but merely
as a motive to make this of itself a maxim。 But what name could we
more suitably apply to this singular feeling which cannot be
pared to any pathological feeling? It is of such a peculiar kind
that it seems to be at the disposal of reason only; and that pure
practical reason。
  Respect applies always to persons only… not to things。 The latter
may arouse inclination; and if they are animals (e。g。; horses; dogs;
etc。); even love or fear; like the sea; a volcano; a beast of prey;
but never respect。 Something that es nearer to this feeling is
admiration; and this; as an affection; astonishment; can apply to
things also; e。g。; lofty mountains; the magnitude; number; and
distance of the heavenly bodies; the strength and swiftness of many
animals; etc。 But all this is not respect。 A man also may be an object
to me of love; fear; or admiration; even to astonishment; and yet
not be an object of respect。 His jocose humour; his courage and
strength; his power from the rank be has amongst others; may inspire
me with sentiments of this kind; but still inner respect for him is
wanting。 Fontenelle says; 〃I bow before a great man; but my mind
does not bow。〃 I would add; before an humble plain man; in whom I
perceive uprightness of character in a higher degree than I am
conscious of in myself;… my mind bows whether I choose it or not;
and though I bear my head never so high that he may not forget my
superior rank。 Why is this? Because his example exhibits to me a law
that humbles my self…conceit when I pare it with my conduct: a law;
the practicability of obedience to which I see proved by fact before
my eyes。 Now; I may even be conscious of a like degree of uprightness;
and yet the respect remains。 For since in man all good is defective;
the law made visible by an example still humbles my pride; my standard
being furnished by a man whose imperfections; whatever they may be;
are not known to me as my own are; and who therefore appears to me
in a more favourable light。 Respect is a tribute which we cannot
refuse to merit; whether we will or not; we may indeed outwardly
withhold it; but we cannot help feeling it inwardly。
  Respect is so far from being a feeling of pleasure that we only
reluctantly give way to it as regards a man。 We try to find out
something that may lighten the burden of it; some fault to
pensate us for the humiliation which such which such an example
causes。 Even the dead are not always secure from this criticism;
especially if their example appears inimitable。 Even the moral law
itself in its solemn majesty is exposed to this endeavour to save
oneself from yielding it respect。 Can it be thought that it is for any
other reason that we are so ready to reduce it to the level of our
familiar inclination; or that it is for any other reason that we all
take such trouble to make it out to be the chosen precept of our own
interest well understood; but that we want to be free from the
deterrent respect which shows us our own unworthiness with such
severity? Nevertheless; on the other hand; so little is there pain
in it that if once one has laid aside self…conceit and allowed
practical influence to that respect; he can never be satisfied with
contemplating the majesty of this law; and the soul believes itself
elevated in proportion as it sees the holy law elevated above it and
its frail nature。 No doubt great talents and activity proportioned
to them may also occasion respect or an analogous feeling。 It is
very proper to yield it to them; and then it appears as if this
sentiment were the same thing as admiration。 But if we look closer
we shall observe that it is always uncertain how much of the ability
is due to native talent; and how much to diligence in cultivating
it。 Reason represents it to us as probably the fruit of cultivation;
and therefore as meritorious; and this notably reduces our
self…conceit; and either casts a reproach on us or urges us to
follow such an example in the way that is suitable to us。 This
respect; then; which we show to such a person (properly speaking; to
the law that his example exhibits) is not mere admiration; and this is
confirmed also by the fact that when the mon run of admirers
think they have learned from any source the badness of such a man's
character (for instance Voltaire's) they give up all respect for
him; whereas the true scholar still feels it at least with regard to
his talents; because he is himself engaged in a business and a
vocation which make imitation of such a man in some degree a law。
  Respect for the moral law is; therefore; the only and the
undoubted moral motive; and this feeling is directed to no object;
except on the ground of this law。 The moral law first determines the
will objectively and directly in the judgement of reason; and freedom;
whose causality can be determined only by the law; consists just in
this; that it restricts all inclinations; and consequently
self…esteem; by the condition of obedience to its pure law。 This
restriction now has an effect on feeling; and produces the
impression of displeasure which can be known a priori from the moral
law。 Since it is so far only a negative effect which; arising from the
influence of pure practical reason; checks the activity of the
subject; so far as it is determined by inclinations; and hence
checks the opinion of his personal worth (which; in the absence of
agreement with the moral law; is reduced to nothing); hence; the
effect of this law on feeling is merely humiliation。 We can;
therefore; perceive this a priori; but cannot know by it the force
of the pure practical law as a motive; but only the resistance
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