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chemistry; the separation of the empirical from the rational
elements that may be found in them; by repeated experiments on
mon sense; we may exhibit both pure; and learn with certainty
what each part can acplish of itself; so as to prevent on the one
hand the errors of a still crude untrained judgement; and on the other
hand (what is far more necessary) the extravagances of genius; by
which; as by the adepts of the philosopher's stone; without any
methodical study or knowledge of nature; visionary treasures are
promised and the true are thrown away。 In one word; science
(critically undertaken and methodically directed) is the narrow gate
that leads to the true doctrine of practical wisdom; if we
understand by this not merely what one ought to do; but what ought
to serve teachers as a guide to construct well and clearly the road to
wisdom which everyone should travel; and to secure others from going
astray。 Philosophy must always continue to be the guardian of this
science; and although the public does not take any interest in its
subtle investigations; it must take an interest in the resulting
doctrines; which such an examination first puts in a clear light。

                              …THE END…

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