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 Mason said; 〃I have one in my car。 I'll get it。 You don't think this was the place you left the car?〃
 〃Mr。 Mason; I'm certain it was not。 I remember putting the bumper right up against that stone post over there…That means I was in the parking space to the right。〃
 〃Don't touch anything;〃 Mason said。 〃Stay there。 I'll take a look…You've been framed once and got out of it。 Perhaps we won't be so fortunate this time。〃
 The lawyer crossed over to his car; took a flashlight from the glove partment; returned to Virginia Baxter's car and carefully looked over the inside。
 〃Got your key?〃 he asked。
 Virginia Baxter produced the key。 Mason opened the trunk; looked inside; said; 〃Everything seems to be in order。〃
 He started to walk around the car; then suddenly stopped。 〃Hello; what's this?〃 he said。
 〃Good heavens!〃 she gasped; 〃that fender's all dented; and…Look at the front of the bumper; and there's a piece broken…〃
 Mason said; 〃Get in the car; Virginia。 Start the motor。〃
 Obediently; she jumped into the car; turned on the ignition; started the motor。
 Mason said。 〃Go out of the exit; turn around and e in the entrance to the parking place。〃
 Virginia Baxter switched on the headlights and said; 〃Only one of the headlights works。〃
 〃That's all right;〃 Mason said; 〃go ahead; go out the exit; turn around and e back in through the entrance。〃
 Mason took Della Street's arm; hurried her over to his automobile。
 〃You'd better get in; Della; we want this to look as plausible as possible…Get down low in the seat and brace yourself。〃
 Virginia drove her car out of the exit; swung around in a wide loop and turned into the entrance。
 Mason's car; running without headlights; made for the entrance; then swung in a swift turn just as Virginia Baxter entered。
 Her headlights picked up his car。 She slammed on the brakes。 Tires screamed a protest。 Then there was a crash and the sound of breaking glass as Mason's car hit hers。
 Doors opened in the various motel units。 The office door opened; and the manager came running out to stand looking at the scene of the accident。 Then she came striding toward them。
 〃Good heavens; what happened?〃
 Virginia Baxter said; 〃You…Why; you didn't have your lights on…You didn't tell me…〃
 Mason said; 〃I goofed。 I should have gone out the exit。〃
 The manager whirled to face Perry Mason。 〃This is your fault;〃 she said。 〃Can't you see that sign there? That says Entrance just as plain as day。 This is the fourth accident we've had here and that's why I had those big signs put up and knocked a section of the wall down so that the Exit would be at the other end of the parking lot。〃
 〃I'm sorry;〃 Mason said。 〃It was my fault。〃
 The manager turned to Virginia Baxter。 〃Are you hurt?〃
 〃No;〃 she said。 〃Fortunately; I was going slow and I put on my brakes。〃
 The manager turned back to Mason。 〃Have you been drinking?〃 she asked。
 Mason turned half away from her。 〃No;〃 he said。
 〃Well; I think you have…that sign there is just as plain as day…Now; let me see; dearie; you're registered here in the motel; aren't you? Unit Fourteen?〃
 〃That's right。〃
 〃Well;〃 she said; 〃if you want me as a witness you just call me any time。 I'm going to call the highway patrol。〃
 〃That won't be necessary;〃 Mason said。 〃It was my fault。 I accept the responsibility。〃
 〃I'll say it was your fault。 You've been drinking。 You aren't staying here; are you?〃
 〃I would like to see about getting a room。〃
 〃Well; we don't have any rooms left。 And we don't cater to drinking parties。 You wait right here and don't try to move those cars。 I'm calling the police。〃
 The manager turned and marched back to the office。
 〃What in the world;〃 Virginia Baxter asked; getting Mason to one side; 〃were you trying to do?〃
 〃Insurance;〃 Mason told her。
 〃Insurance?〃 she exclaimed。
 〃Exactly;〃 Mason said。 〃Now if anyone asks you how your car got smashed up; you can tell them。 Moreover; you have witnesses to prove it。 You'd better go to your friend; the manager; and see if you can borrow a broom and we'll sweep this broken glass out of here; borrow a dustpan and dump it all in a trash barrel somewhere。 You have one headlight and I have one headlight。 It looks very much as though we're going to spend the night here unless I get busy and have a rental car delivered to me here。 In which event; I'll give you a ride home。〃
 〃And our cars?〃 she asked。
 Mason smiled and said; 〃After the police e; we'll try and get yours back to the parking lot。 As far as mine is concerned; I think I'll have the garage tow it away。〃
 Harry Auburn; the traffic officer who was summoned by the manager; was very polite; very efficient and very impersonal。
 〃How did this happen?〃
 〃I was ing out;〃 Mason said; 〃and this young woman was ing in。〃
 The manager said belligerently; 〃He flagrantly violated the traffic rules of this parking place。 There's a sign over there that says Exit in letters two feet high。〃
 Mason said nothing。
 The traffic officer looked at him。
 Mason said; 〃I will report the facts。 I was driving out of the parking place。 I was ing out to the road through this opening。 The young lady was ing in。〃
 〃Didn't you see this sign Entrance Only?〃 the traffic officer asked。
 Mason said; 〃My insurance pany has instructed me that; in the event of any accident; I am not to say anything that would admit liability in any way。 Therefore; I will have to advise you that I am adequately insured and that the facts speak for themselves。〃
 〃He's been drinking;〃 the manager said。
 The officer looked inquiringly at Mason。
 〃I had a cocktail before dinner some two hours ago;〃 Mason said。 〃I have not had anything since。〃
 The officer went to his car; produced a rubber balloon。 〃Mind blowing this up?〃 he asked Mason。
 〃Certainly not;〃 Mason said。
 He blew up the rubber balloon。
 The traffic officer took it over to a testing machine and; after a few minutes; returned and said。 〃You don't have enough alcohol to register。〃
 〃He's drunk;〃 the manager said。
 Mason smiled at her。
 〃Or he may be drugged;〃 she said。
 Mason handed the officer one of his cards。 〃You can always locate me;〃 he said。
 〃I recognized you;〃 the officer said; 〃and; of course; checked your name on your driving license。〃
 〃I think that's all that needs to be done here;〃 Mason said。 〃I will need a tow car。〃
 〃I'll phone for one;〃 the officer said; then moved over to his automobile; climbed into the seat; picked up the microphone of his radio and called a number。
 After a while; a voice came over the radio speaker。 The officer turned down the volume; raised the windows on his car so that the voice was inaudible outside of the car。 He talked for some two or three minutes; then he hung up the phone and came back to Virginia Baxter。
 〃Where have you been this evening; Miss Baxter?〃 he asked。
 〃I drove from my apartment to the motel here。〃
 〃Make any stops along the way?〃
 〃Where is your apartment?〃
 〃The same address that's on my driver's license422 Eureka Arms Apartments。〃
 〃Have any trouble along the way?〃 the officer asked。
 〃Why; no。 Why do you ask?〃
 The officer said; 〃There's been a pretty bad accident down on the coast road。 George Eagan; a chauffeur; was driving Mrs。 Lauretta Trent; going south; when a car veered out of control; crowded the Trent car off the road; struck the rear fender; sent the car into a spin and into the ocean。 Eagan escaped; but the car went over the road into the ocean。 Lauretta Trent was drowned。 They haven't as yet recovered her body。
 〃The description of the car that caused the accident matches the description of this car…You're sure you haven't been drinking?〃
 〃Give her a test;〃 Mason said。
 〃You any objection to taking a test?〃 the officer asked。
 She looked at Mason with wide; frightened eyes。
 〃Not in the least;〃 Mason said。
 The officer didn't even turn but kept his eyes on Virginia Baxter。
 〃No;〃 she said; 〃I'll take a test。〃
 〃Blow up this balloon;〃 the officer said。
 Virginia Baxter blew up the balloon。 The officer again retired to his automobile; again talked for a while into the microphone; then returned。
 〃You been taking any drugs today; Miss Baxter?〃
 〃Not today。 I took a couple of aspirin last night。〃
 〃And that's all?〃
 〃That's all。〃
 〃What time did you leave your apartment?〃
 〃Well; let's see; it was about 。 。 。 well; probably three hours ago。〃
 〃And you came directly here?〃
 〃How long have you been here?〃
 〃You can check the time of registration;〃 Mason suggested。
 The manager said; 〃We don't keep a time record…only the date; but I think she's been here for 。 。 。 well; say an hour and a half anyway。〃
 〃But I've been here longer than that;〃 Virginia said。
 〃Well; I'm willing to swear to an hour and a half;〃 the manager said。
 The officer looked thoughtful。
 〃May I ask how they got a description of the Baxter car?〃 Mason asked。
 The officer regarded him thoughtfully; then said; 〃A motorist; ing along behind; saw the accident。 The car turned off on the road that came up here。 He got a description of the rear of the car; and a part of the license number。〃
 〃Which part?〃 Mason asked。
 〃Enough to make a pretty good identification;〃 the officer said shortly。
 Virginia Baxter suddenly burst
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