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d bust me and take my license in a minute if I did anything unethical。 If that's what you're leading up to; I…〃
 〃No; no;〃 Mason said。 〃What I want is the name of an informer police rely on in dope cases who answers the description of the man who checked in at the Saint's Rest Motel。〃
 〃That might be hard to get;〃 Drake said。
 〃And again; it might not;〃 Mason said。 〃Whenever they issue a search warrant on the strength of an informer's testimony; or even on the strength of a tip; they have to disclose the source of their information if they want to use the evidence they've picked up。 For that reason; there's quite a turnover in informers。
 〃After an informer bees too well known; he can't do any more work because the underworld has him spotted as a stool pigeon。
 〃Now; my best guess is that the man we want has been an informer; has had his identity disclosed to some defense lawyer who; in turn; has tipped off the dope peddlers; and the stool pigeon finds himself temporarily out of a meal ticket。〃
 〃If that's the case;〃 Drake said; 〃I can probably find out who he is with the description we have。〃
 Mason gestured toward the telephones。 〃Get busy; Paul。 We're going down to my office。〃
 〃How strong can I go?〃 Drake asked。
 〃Go just as strong as you have to to get results;〃 Mason told him。 〃This is a matter of life and death。 I want the information and I want it just as fast as I can get it。 Put out a dozen men if you have to; get calls through to everybody you know; tell them it's a matter of law enforcement and offer a reward if you have to。〃
 〃Okay;〃 Drake said; wearily; pushing the paper coffee container to one side; picking up the telephone with his left hand; opening a drawer in the desk with his right; and taking out a bottle of digestive tablets。
 〃I'll call you as soon as I get anything or; better yet; e down to the office and report。〃
 Mason nodded。 〃e on; Della;〃 he said; 〃we'll wait it out。〃
 Mason and Della Street were in the lawyer's private office。
 Della had the big electric percolator filled with coffee; waiting for Paul Drake。
 Mason paced the floor restlessly; back and forth; his thumbs hooked in his belt; his head thrust slightly forward。
 At length he stopped from sheer weariness; dropped into a chair and gestured toward the coffee。
 Della filled his cup。
 〃Why did you make all this to…do about the handbag?〃 she asked。 〃Do you have any information I don't?〃
 Mason shook his head。 〃You know I don't。〃
 〃But I haven't heard anything about fifty thousand dollars in cash。〃
 Mason said; 〃There's something mighty peculiar about this case; Della。 Why wasn't the handbag found in the car?〃
 〃Well;〃 Della Street said; 〃with a wild surf; a stormy night; a car toppled into the ocean…〃
 〃The handbag;〃 Mason said; 〃would be on the floor of the car。 Or; if it fell out; it wouldn't drift far。 I didn't say the handbag had fifty thousand dollars in cash; I asked Eagan if he didn't know it had fifty thousand dollars in cash。 I wanted to inspire a host of amateur divers to search for that bag。 I…〃
 Drake's code knock sounded on the door of Mason's office。
 Della Street jumped to her feet; but Mason beat her to the door and jerked it open。
 Drake; his face showing lines of fatigue; said; 〃I think I've got your man; Perry。〃
 〃Who is it?〃
 〃A character by the name of Hallinan Fisk。 He has been a long…time stoolie for the police in one of the suburbs but there was one case where the police had to disclose his name and one case where Fisk had to testify。 Now he's a known informer。 He thinks his very life is in danger。 He's trying to get sufficient money from the police undercover fund to leave the country。〃
 〃Any hope of success?〃 Mason asked。
 〃Probably some;〃 Drake said; 〃but the police don't have that kind of money。 This is a dog…eat…dog world。 It's not generally known; but the police in this outlying town sometimes pay off their informers by letting them cut corners。
 〃Fisk has been giving the police information on big…time stuff and also on dope。 He's been making his money out of being a runner for a bookmaker。 The police closed their eyes to this in return for tips on dope。 Now that his occupation as a stoolie is out in the open; the bookmaker is afraid to have him around even though Fisk told the bookmaker he can virtually guarantee him freedom from arrest。
 〃The bookmaker is afraid that hijackers are going to lift his cash and that he may get himself bumped off。 He's had a couple of anonymous telephone calls telling him to get rid of Fisk; or else; and in that business; that's all that is needed to make Fisk as desirable as a guy with smallpox。〃
 〃You get his address?〃 Mason asked。
 〃I think I know where he can be found;〃 Drake said。
 〃Let's go;〃 Mason said。
 Della got up from her chair; but Drake motioned her down with his hand; 〃Nix;〃 he said。 〃This is no place for ladies。〃
 〃Phooey;〃 she said。 〃I know about the birds; the bees; the flowers and the underworld。〃
 〃This is going to be tough;〃 Drake said。
 Della Street looked appealingly to Perry Mason。
 Mason deliberated a moment; then said; 〃Okay; e on; Della; but you're on your own。 。 。 。 How are you fixed for protection; Paul?〃
 Drake pulled back his coat to show a gun in a shoulder holster。
 〃If the going gets tough;〃 he said; 〃we can flash my credentials and; if it es to a real showdown; we can use this。〃
 〃We're dealing with murder;〃 Mason said。
 They carefully switched out the lights in the lawyer's private office; locked the door; and went down to Drake's car。
 Drake drove down to skid row; which at this hour was a blaze of nighttime activity。
 From time to time he looked dubiously at Della Street。
 Drake finally found a parking place near the rooming house which was their destination。
 Della; tucked in between the broad shoulders of Perry Mason and Paul Drake; was guided across the street along some thirty feet of sidewalk; then up a flight of stairs to a dimly lit little alcove where a counter held a plaque with the word OFFICE on it; and a bell。
 Back of the counter were hooks containing various keys。
 〃Number five;〃 Drake said。 〃The key isn't on the hook; so we'll take a look。〃
 〃He's not apt to be in; is he?〃 Della asked。 〃This is the period of high activity for skid row。〃
 〃I think he is;〃 Drake said。 〃I think he's afraid to leave his room。〃
 They walked down a corridor; dark; smelly and sinister。
 Drake located No。 5; pointed toward the underside of the door。
 〃There's a light;〃 he said。
 Mason's knuckles tapped a peremptory message on the panels of the door。
 For a moment there was no answer; then the voice of a man standing close to the door said; 〃Who is it?〃
 〃Detective Drake;〃 Drake said。
 〃I don't know any dicks by the name of Drake。〃
 〃I have something for you;〃 Drake said。
 〃That's what I'm afraid of。〃
 〃You want me to stand here in the hall and tell it so everybody can hear it?〃
 〃No; no。〃
 〃Well then; let us in。〃
 〃Who's the 'us'?〃
 〃I have a girl with me;〃 Drake said; 〃and a friend。〃
 〃Who's the girl?〃
 Della Street said; 〃My name is Street。〃
 〃Well; go find yourself another alley; sister。〃
 Mason said; 〃All right; if that's the way you want it; that's the way it'll be。 You'll pay the price。 You wanted to get lost and the deal I have gives you a chance。〃
 〃_You_ can do the getting lost;〃 the man's voice said。 〃I'm not opening the door for any crummy gag like this。 If you want me to open up; get someone I know。〃
 Mason motioned to Paul Drake; said; 〃You and Della wait here in the corridor; Paul。 If he es out; nab him。〃
 〃What do I do with him?〃
 〃Hold him; one way or another。 Push him back in the room。 Put him under citizen's arrest if you have to。〃
 〃For what?〃 Drake asked。
 〃Hit…and…run;〃 Mason said。 〃But I don't think he'll be out。〃
 Mason walked down the long; smelly corridor to a telephone booth which smelled of stale cigar smoke。
 Mason dialed police headquarters。 〃Give me Homicide;〃 he said; when he had an answer。
 A moment later when a voice said; 〃Hello; this is Homicide;〃 Mason said; 〃I have to get Lieutenant Tragg on a matter of the greatest importance。 How long would it take to get a message through to him? This is Perry Mason talking。〃
 The voice at the other end of the line said; 〃Just a minute。〃
 A second and a half later Lieutenant Tragg's dry voice came over the wire。 〃What's the matter; Perry; you found another body?〃
 〃Thank heavens you're there;〃 Mason said。 〃I'm really in luck。〃
 〃You are; for a fact;〃 Tragg told him。 〃I just dropped in to see if there were any new developments on a case I am working on。 What's the trouble?〃
 Mason said; 〃I want you to join me。 I've got something big。〃
 〃A corpse?〃
 〃No corpse; not yet。 There may be one later on。〃
 〃Where are you?〃 Tragg asked。
 Mason told him。
 〃Shucks;〃 Tragg said; 〃that's only a short distance from headquarters。〃
 〃Will you join me?〃 Mason asked。
 Tragg said; 〃Okay。〃
 〃Bring a man with you;〃 Mason told him。
 〃Okay;〃 Tragg said; 〃I'll grab a police car and be there within a matter of minutes。〃
 〃I'm waiting for you at the office at the head of the stairs;〃 Mason told him。 〃This is a walk…up rooming house; second floor only…over a bunch of hock shops and honkytonks。〃
 〃I thought 
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