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til ten or eleven o'clock。 But the modern idea of keeping track of time by the hour just never occurred to him。 He would put in hours and hours on some little agreement that had a point that interested him and then he'd make only a moderate charge。 The result was that he didn't leave much of an estate。〃
 〃What about the fees that were due him at the time of his death?〃
 〃I wouldn't know about that; but it's very well known that the estates of professional men have a lot of trouble with outstanding accounts。〃
 〃And where could I find Julian Bannock?〃
 〃I don't know;〃 she said。
 〃Do you know where he lived?〃
 〃Someplace in the San Joaquin Valley; I think。〃
 〃Could you find out where?〃
 〃I might be able to。〃
 Virginia Baxter had been sizing up the man and finally unlatched the door chain。 〃Won't you e in?〃 she invited。 〃I think perhaps I can consult an old diary。 I have been keeping diaries for years…〃 She laughed nervously…〃not the romantic type; you understand; but business diaries that contain little ments about when I went to work at a certain place and how long I worked there; events of the day; when I received raises in salary and things of that sort。
 〃I know that I made some entries at the time of Mr。 Bannock's death…oh; wait a minute; I remember now; J ulian Bannock lived near Bakersfield。〃
 〃Do you know if he still lives there?〃
 〃No; I don't。 I remember now that he came down driving a pickup。 The files were loaded into the pickup。 I remember that after the files were loaded; I felt that my responsibility was ended。 I turned the keys over to the brother。〃
 〃Bakersfield?〃 Menard said。
 〃That's right。 Now; if you can tell me something about your agreement; perhaps I can remember about it。 Mr。 Bannock had a one…man office and I did all of the typing。〃
 〃It was an agreement with a man named Smith;〃 Menard said。
 〃What was the nature of the agreement?〃
 〃Oh; it involved a lot of plicated things about the sale of a machine shop。 You see; I'm interested; or was interested; in machinery and thought for a while I'd go into the machinery business; but…Well; it's a long story。〃
 〃What are you doing now?〃 she asked。
 Menard's eyes suddenly shifted。 〃I'm sort of freelancing;〃 he said; 〃buying and selling。〃
 〃Real estate?〃 she asked。
 〃Oh; anything;〃 he said。
 〃You live here in the city?〃
 He laughed; obviously ill at ease。 〃I keep going from place to place…you know how it is when a person is looking for bargains。〃
 Virginia said; 〃I see。 Well; I'm sorry I can't help you any more than I have。〃
 She stood up and moved toward the door。
 Menard accepted the dismissal。
 〃Thank you so much;〃 he said; and walked out。
 Virginia watched him to the elevator then; when the door of the cage had slid shut; took to the stairs and raced down them。
 She was in time to see him jump into a dark…colored car which had been parked in the only vacant parking space at the curb; a space directly beside a fireplug。
 She tried to get the license number but was unable to get it all; because of the speed with which the driver whipped out into the street and drove away。
 Her eyes focused on a distinctive zero as the first of the numbers and she had a somewhat vague impression that the last figure of the license was a two。
 The car she thought was an Oldsmobile; perhaps two to four years old; but here again she couldn't be certain。 The man gunned the car into speed and drove away fast。
 Virginia returned to her apartment; went into her bedroom; pulled out a suitcase; started rummaging through her diaries。 She found the address of Julian Bannock in Bakersfield; an R。F。D。 box and a notation in parentheses; 〃no telephone。〃
 Then her phone rang。 A woman said; 〃I found your name in the telephone directory。 I just wanted to call you to tell you how glad I am that you beat that horrible frameup。〃
 〃Thank you very much;〃 Virginia said。
 〃I'm a stranger to you;〃 the woman went on; 〃but I wanted you to know how I felt。〃
 Within the next hour there were five more calls; including one from a man who was obviously drunk and certainly offensive; and another from a woman who wanted a willing ear to hear about her case。
 Finally; Virginia ignored the telephone; which continued to ring; until she went out to dinner。
 The next morning she asked the telephone pany to change her number and give her an unlisted one。
 Virginia found she couldn't entirely get the matter of those papers off her mind。
 After all; Julian Bannock had been a rancher。 He and his brother had not been particularly close; and Julian was interested only in liquidating everything in the estate and getting rid of it just as rapidly as possible。
 Virginia knew there had been many important probate proceedings and agreements; but after she had turned the key over to Julian Bannock; she had paid no more attention to the estate。
 But the thought of those files left her vaguely uneasy; and there had been a false note about George Menard。 He had seemed all right until she had asked him about himself; then he had suddenly bee evasive。 She felt sure he had been lying about his background。
 After all; she felt something of a responsibility for those files。
 She called Information to try to place a call to Julian Bannock at Bakersfield and was informed he still had no telephone。
 She tried to forget the matter and couldn't。 Suppose Menard was up to something tricky。
 She wanted to find out about his car registration but didn't know how to go about it without consulting Perry Mason; and she felt she had bothered him too much already。
 She determined to drive out to Bakersfield and talk things over with Julian Bannock。
 She left at daylight; made inquiries at Bakersfield; and found that Julian Bannock lived some ten miles out of the city。
 She located his mailbox; drove in for some three hundred yards; came to a yard with a barn; several sheds; a house; shade trees and a variety of farming implements…tractors; cultivators; hayrakes; disks…stored more or less haphazardly in the yard。
 A dog ran barking to the car; and Julian Bannock came out。
 Despite the fact she had only seen him in his 〃dressed up〃 clothes; she recognized him instantly in his coveralls and work shirt。
 〃Hello!〃 he said。
 〃Hello; Mr。 Bannock。 Remember me? I'm Virginia Baxter。 I was your brother's secretary。〃
 〃Oh; yes;〃 he said; his voice cordial。 〃Sure。 I knew I'd seen you before somewhere。 Well; e on in。 We'll fix you up a breakfast; eggs from our own yard; and maybe you'd like some homemade bread and preserves…fruit right off our own trees here。〃
 〃That would be wonderful;〃 she said; 〃but I wanted to talk with you about a few things。〃
 〃Those papers that you took;〃 she said。 〃Those filing cases。 Where do you have them?〃
 He grinned at her。 〃Oh; I sold all those quite a while ago。〃
 〃Not the files?〃
 〃Well; I told the fellow to take everything。 The stuff was cluttering up a lot of room here and…You know what? Mice were getting in those papers。 They'd get up in there and start chewing on the papers to make nests。〃
 〃But what actually became of the papers? Did the man who bought the files…〃
 〃Oh; the papers! No; they're here。 The man who bought the filing cases wouldn't take the papers。 He dumped the papers all out。 He said the papers made the files too heavy to carry。〃
 〃And you burned them up?〃
 〃No; I tied them up in bundles with binder twine。 I guess the mice are getting in there pretty bad…you know the way it is around a ranch; you have a barn and mice live in the barn。
 〃We've got a couple of cats now that have been keeping things down pretty well; but…〃
 〃Would it be all right to take a look?〃 she said。 〃I'd just like to see about some of the old papers。〃
 〃Funny thing;〃 he said; 〃that you'd be worrying about those。 There was a fellow here yesterday。〃
 〃There was?〃
 〃That's right。〃
 〃A man about forty…five?〃 she asked。 〃With very intense black eyes and a small stubby mustache? He wanted…〃
 Julian Bannock interrupted her by shaking his head。 〃No;〃 he said; 〃this was a fellow around fifty…five but he had bluish sort of eyes and was sort of light…plected。
 〃This fellow's name was Smith。 He wanted to find some agreement or other。〃
 〃And what did you do?〃
 〃I told him where the papers were; told him to look around and help himself if he wanted。 I was busy and he seemed a mighty nice fellow!'
 〃Did he find what he wanted?〃
 Julian Bannock shook his head。 〃He said that things were too much of a mess for him to unscramble。 He said he didn't know anything about the files。 If he could get hold of the key to the filing system; he thought he could maybe find the paper he wanted。
 〃He asked me if I knew anything about how the files were classified and I told him I didn't。〃
 〃It was all handled according to numbers;〃 Virginia said。 〃General classifications。 For instance; number one to a thousand was personal correspondence。 Number one thousand to three thousand represented contracts。 Three thousand to five thousand; probate。 Five thousand to six thousand; wills。 Six thousand to eight thousand; agreements。 Eight thousand to ten thousand; real estate transactions。〃
 〃Well; I didn't disturb a
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