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 The Keogh manifestation nodded。 That's what I meant。 So now he's undead。 And that will have told Yulian Bodescu exactly what he is! Or maybe not exactly。 But by now he must be pretty sure he's a vampire。 In fact; he's only a half…vampire。 George; on the other hand…he's the real thing! He has been dead; so what's in him will have taken plete control。
 〃What?〃 Kyle was bemused。 〃I don't …; Let me tell you the rest of Thibor's story; Keogh cut in。 See what you make of that。
 Kyle could only nod his agreement。 〃I suppose you know what you're doing; Harry。〃 The room was already colder。 Kyle gave a blanket to Quint; wrapped another about himself。 〃OK; Harry;〃 he said。 〃The stage is all yours。 。
 The last thing Thibor remembered seeing was the Ferenczy's bestial animal face; his jaws open in a gaping laugh; displaying a crimson forked tongue shuddering like a speared snake in its alien passion。 He remembered that; and the fact that he'd been drugged。 Then he'd gone down in an irresistible whirlpool; down; down to black lightness depths from which his resurgence had been slow and fraught with nightmares。
 He had dreamed of yellow…eyed wolves; of a blasphemous banner device in the form of a devil's head; with its forked tongue much like the Ferenczy's own; except that on the banner it had dripped gouts of blood; of a black castle built over a mountain gorge; and of its master; who was something other than human。 And now; because he knew that he had dreamed; he also knew he must be waking up。 And the thought came to him: how much was dream and how much reality?
 Thibor felt a subterranean cold; cramps in all his limbs; a throbbing in his temples like a reverberating gong in some great sounding cavern。 He felt the manacles on his wrists and ankles; the cold slimy stone at his back where he slumped; the drip of seeping moisture from somewhere overhead; where it hissed past his ear and splashed in the hollow of his collar…bone。
 Chained naked in some black vault in the castle of the Ferenczy。 And no need now to ask how much of it had been dream。 All of it was real。
 Thibor came snarling to life; strained with a giant's strength against the chains that held him powerless; ignored the thunder in his head and the lancing pains in his limbs and body to roar in the darkness like a wounded bull。 〃Ferenczy! You dog; Ferenczy! Treacherous; misshapen; misbegotten …〃
 The Wallach warlord stopped shouting; listened to the echoes of his curses dying away。 And to something else。 From somewhere up above he had heard his bellowing answered by the slam of a door; heard unhurried footsteps descending towards him。 And with his cold skin prickling and his nostrils flaring…from rage and terror both…he hung in his chains and waited。
 The darkness was very nearly utter; streaks of nitre alone glowed with a chemical phosphorescence on the walls; but as Thibor held his breath and the hollow footsteps came closer; so too came a flickering illumination。 It issued in an unevenly penetrating yellow glow from an arched stone doorway in what must otherwise be a solid wall of rock; and while Thibor watched with bated breath; so the shadows of his cell were thrown back more yet as the light grew stronger and the footsteps louder。
 Then a sputtering lantern was thrust in through the archway; and behind it was the Ferenczy himself; crouching a little to avoid the wedge of the keystone。 Behind the lantern his eyes were red fires in the shadows of his face。 He held the lantern high; nodded grimly at what he saw。
 Thibor had thought he was alone but now he saw that he was not。 In the flare of yellow lamplight he discovered that there were others here with him。 But dead or alive。。。? One of them seemed alive; at least。
 Thibor narrowed his eyes as the glare from the Ferenczy's lantern brightened; lighting up the entire dungeon。 Three other prisoners were with him here; yes; and dead or alive it wasn't hard to guess who they'd be。 As to how or why the castle's master had brought them here …that was anybody's guess。 They were of course Thibor's Wallach panions; and also old Arvos of the Szgany。 Of the three; it seemed to be the stumpy Wallach who'd survived: the one who was all chest and arms。 He lay crumpled on the floor where stone flags had been laid aside to reveal black soil underneath。 His body seemed badly broken; but still his barrel chest rose and fell with some regularity and one of his arms twitched a little。
 〃The lucky one;〃 said the Ferenczy; his voice deep as a pit。 〃Or perhaps unlucky; depending on one's point of view。 He was alive when my children took me to him。〃
 Thibor rattled his chains。 〃Was? Man; he's alive now! Can't you see him moving? See; he breathes!〃
 〃Oh; yes!〃 the Ferenczy moved closer; in that soundless; sinuous way of his。 〃And the blood surges in his veins; and the brain in his broken head functions and thinks frightened thoughts…but I tell you he is not alive。 Nor is he truly dead。 He is undead!〃 He chuckled as at some obscene joke。
 〃Alive; undead? Is there a difference?〃 Thibor yanked viciously on his chains。 How he would love to wrap them round the other's neck and squeeze till his eyes popped out。
 〃The difference is immortality。〃 His tormentor thrust his face closer yet。 〃Alive he was。 mortal; undead he 〃lives〃 forever。 Or until he destroys himself; or some accident does the job for him。 Ah; but to live forever; eh; Thibor the Wallach? How sweet is life; eh? But would you believe it can be boring; too? No; of course not; for you have not known the ennui of the centuries。 Women? I have had such women! And food?〃 His voice took on a slyness。 〃Ah! Gobbets you've not yet dreamed of。 And yet for these last hundred…nay; two hundred…years; all of these things have bored me。〃
 〃Bored with life; are you?〃 Thibor ground his teeth; put every last effort into wrenching his chains' staples from the sweating stone。 It was useless。 〃Only set me free and I'll put an end to your…uh!…boredom。〃
 The Ferenczy laughed like a baying hound。 〃You will? But you already have; my son。 By ing here。 For; you see; I have waited for one just such as you。 Bored? Aye; that I have been。 And indeed you are the cure; but it's a cure we'll apply my way。 You'd slay me; eh? Do you really think so? Oh; I've my share of fighting to e; but not with you。 What? I should fight with my own son? Never! No; I'll go forth and fight and kill like none before me! And I'll lust and love like twenty men; and none shall say me nay! And I'll do it all to the ends of the earth; to such excess that my name shall live forever; or be stricken forever from man's history! For what else can I do with passions such as mine; a creature such as I am; condemned to life?〃
 〃You speak in riddles;〃 Thibor spat on the floor。 〃You're a madman; crazed by your lonely life up here with nothing but wolves for pany。 I can't see why the VIad fears you; one madman on his own。 But I can see why he'd want you dead。 You are。。。 loathsome! A blemish on mankind。 Misshapen; split…tongued; insane: death's the best thing for you。 Or locked up where natural men won't have to look at you!〃
 The Ferenczy drew back a little; almost as if he were surprised at Thibor's vehemence。 He hung his lantern from a bracket; seated himself on a stone bench。 〃Natural men; did you say? Do you talk to me of nature? Ah; but there's more in nature than meets the eye; my son! Indeed there is。 And you think that I'm unnatural; eh? Well; the Wamphyri are rare; be sure; but so is the sabre…tooth。 Why; I haven't seen a mountain cat with teeth like scythes in。。。 three hundred years! Perhaps they are no more。 Perhaps men have hunted them down to the last。 Aye; and it may be that one day the Wamphyri shall be no more。 But if that day should ever e; believe me it shall not be the fault of Faethor Ferenczy。 No; and it shall not be yours。〃
 〃More riddles…meaningless mouthings…madness!〃 Thibor spat the words out。 He was helpless and he knew it。 If this monstrous being wished him dead; then he was as good as dead。 And it was no use to reason with a madman。 Where is the reason in a madman? Better to insult him face to face; enrage him and get it over with。 It would be no pleasant thing to hang here and rot; and watch maggots crawling in the flesh of men he'd called his rades。
 〃Are you finished?〃 the Ferenczy asked in his deepest voice。 〃Best to be done now with all hurtful ranting; for I've much to tell you; much to show you; great knowledge and even greater skills to impart。 I'm weary of this place; you see; but it needs a keeper。 When I go out into the world; someone must stay here to keep this place for me。 Someone strong as I myself。 It is my place and these are my mountains; my lands。 One day I may wish to return。 When I do; then I shall find a Ferenczy here。 Which is why I call you my son。 Here and now I adopt you; Thibor of Wallachia。 Henceforth you are Thibor Ferenczy。 I give you my name; and I give you my banner: the devil's head! Oh; I know these honours tower above you; I know you do not yet have my strength。 But I shall give it to you! I shall bestow upon you the greatest honour; a magnificent mystery。 And when you are bee Wamphyri; then …〃
 〃Your name?〃 Thibor growled。 〃I don't want your name。
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