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 flesh。 And that which was within him couldn't have grown very large in so short a time。 Unlike the Other; which had had plenty of time。
 Yulian had; of course; experimented with the Other。 His experiments had told him very little; but it was better than nothing。 According to the fiction; vampires were supposed to succumb to the sharpened stake。 The Other ignored the stake; seemed impervious to it。 Trying to stake it was like trying to leave an imprint on water。 The Other could be solid enough at times: it could form teeth; rudimentary hands; even eyes。 But in the main its tissues were protoplasmic; gelatinous。 And as for putting a stake through its 〃heart〃 or cutting off its 〃head〃 。
 And yet it wasn't indestructible; it wasn't immortal。 It could die; could be killed。 Yulian had burned part of it in an incinerator down there in the cellars。 And by God…if there was a God; which Yulian doubted…it hadn't liked that! He was perfectly sure that he wouldn't have liked it either。 And that was a thought which occasionally worried him: if ever he were discovered; if men found out what he was; would they try to burn him? He supposed they…would。 But who could possibly find him out? And if someone did; who would believe it? The police weren't much likely to listen to a story about vampires; now were they? On the other hand; what with the local 〃satanic cult〃; maybe they were!
 Again he smiled his awful smile。 It was funny now; but it hadn't been at all funny when the police came knocking at the door the day after George came back。 He had very nearly made a serious mistake then; had gone too quickly on his guard; on the defensive。 But of course they'd put his nervousness down to the recent loss of his 〃uncle〃。 If only they'd been able to know the truth; that in fact George Lake was right under their feet; whining and shivering in the cellars。 And even so; what could they have done about it? It was hardly Yulian's fault that George wouldn't lie still; was it?
 And that was another part of the legend which was a fact: that when a vampire killed a victim in a certain way; then that victim would return as one of the undead。 Three nights George had lain there; and on the fourth he'd clawed his way out。 A mere man buried alive could never have done it; but the vampire in him had given George all the strength he needed and more。 The vampire which had been part of the Other; which had put one of its pseudohands into him and stopped George's heart。 The Other which had been part of Yulian; in fact Yulian's tooth。
 What a torn and bloodied state George had been in when Yulian opened the door to him that night。 And how the house had rung to his demented sobbing and shrieking; until Yulian had grown angry with him; told him to be quiet and locked him in the cellar。 And there he'd stayed。
 Yulian watched the silver light of the moon creeping through a crack in his curtains; channelled his thoughts anew。 What had he been recounting? Ah; yes; the police。
 They had e to report a shocking crime; the illegal opening of George Lake's grave by person or persons unknown; and the theft of his corpse。 Was Mrs Lake still residing at Harkley House?
 Why; yes she was; but she was still suffering from the shock of her husband's death。 If it wasn't absolutely necessary that they see her; Yulian would prefer to break the news to her himself。 But who could be responsible for so despicable a crime?
 Well; sir; we do believe we've got one of them there cults at work in these here parts; despoiling graveyards and the like and holding; er; sabbats? Druids or some such。 Devil worshippers; you know? But this time they've gone too far! Don't you worry; sir; we'll get 〃em in the end。 But do break it easy to his missus; all right?
 Of course; of course。 And thank you for bringing us this news; terrible though it is。 I certainly don't envy you your job。
 All in a day's work; sir。 Sorry we've nothing good to report; that's all。 Good night to you 。
 And that was that。
 But again he had strayed; and once more he was obliged to focus his thoughts back on the 〃legend〃 of the vampire。 Mirrors: vampires hated mirrors because they had no reflections。 False…and yet in a way true。 Yulian did have a reflection; but sometimes; looking in a glass; especially at night; he saw far more than others could see。 For he knew what he was looking at; that it was something alien to man。 And he had wondered: if others saw him like that; reflected in a glass; would they too see the real thing; the monster behind the man?
 And lastly there was the vampire's lust; the way he sated himself on women。 Now Yulian had tasted the blood…and more than the blood…of women; and had found it rich as deep red wine。 It excited him as all blood did; but not so much that he'd glut himself on it。 Georgina; Anne; Helen…he'd tried the blood of all three。 And certainly; in good time; he would try the blood of many more。
 But his attitude towards taking blood puzzled him。 If he were a true vampire; surely blood would be the driving force of his life。 And yet it wasn't。 Perhaps his metamorphosis wasn't yet plete。 Perhaps; as the change waxed in him; so the human part would wane; disappear altogether。 And then he'd bee a vampire full…blown。 Or full…blooded?
 Lust; yes。。。 but there was more to lust than mere blood…lust。 Much more。 And little wonder the women in the fiction succumbed so readily to the vampire's charms。 Especially after the first time。 Hah! What woman had ever truly felt fulfilled in the arms of a man? Not one! They only thought they had because they didn't know better。 What; 〃fulfilled〃? Filled full? By a mere man? Utterly impossible! But by a vampire 。
 Yulian turned a little on to his side and gazed in the moon…pierced darkness of his room at the girl beside him。 Cousin Helen。 She was very beautiful and had been very innocent。 Not quite pure; but very nearly。 Who it was took her virginity。。。 but what did that matter? In fact he had taken nothing; and he had given very little。 They had been fumbling lovers for an hour。
 But now? Now she knew what it was to be 〃fulfilled〃。 Indeed; she knew that if Yulian willed it he could fill her to bursting…literally!
 A chuckle rose in his throat; formed on his lips like a bubble of bile。 Oh;yes; for the Other wasn't the only one who could put out pseudopod extensions of himself! Yulian held back the laughter he felt welling inside; reached out a hand and with a deceptive gentleness stroked Helen's cool; rounded flank。
 Even deeply asleep and dreaming the dreams of the damned; still she shuddered under the touch of his hand。 Gooseflesh appeared and her breathing rapidly mounted to a moaning pant。 She whined in her hypnotic sleep like a thin wind through a cracked board。 Her hypnotic sleep; yes。 The power of hypnotism; and that of telepathy which was its kin。
 Nowhere in the literature…except for the occasional hint in some of the better fictions…had Yulian discovered mention of the vampire's control of others by will and the reading of minds at a distance; and yet this; too; was one of his powers。 It was very inchoate as yet; as were all his talents; but it was also very real。 Once touched by Yulian; once invaded by him physically; then his victim was an open book to him; even at a distance。 Even now; if he reached out his mind in a certain way。。。 there! Those were the dull; vacuous 〃thoughts〃 of the Other。 No; not even that: he had merely touched upon the Other's instinctive sense of being; a sort of basic animal awareness。 The Other was aware of himself…itself?…in much the same way as an amoeba is aware; and because it had been part of him; Yulian could sense that awareness。
 Now that he had taken or used Helen; Anne; George and Georgina; why; he could sense all of them! He let his exterior thoughts leave the Other and wander; and and there was Anne; asleep in some cold; damp corner down there in the dark。 And there; too; was George。 Except that George was not asleep。
 George。 Yulian knew he would soon have to do something about George。 He wasn't behaving as he should。 There was an obstinacy in him。 Oh; he'd been pletely under Yulian's control in the beginning; just like the women。 But just recently 。
 Yulian focused on George's mind; wormed his way silently into his thoughts and…a pit of black hatred shot with flashes of red rage! Lust; too…a bestial lust Yulian could scarce believe…and not only for blood but also。 。
 Frowning; Yulian withdrew his mind before George could sense him。 Obviously he would have to deal with his uncle sooner than he'd thought。 He had already decided to make use of him…knew how he would use him…but now he must set a definite date on it。 Like tomorrow。 He left the unsuspecting undead creature raging and prowling the cellars; and …What was that?
 Hair prickling at the nape of his neck; Yulian swung his legs down to the floor and stood up。 It hadn't been one of the women; and he'd only just left George; so who had it been? Someone close by was thinking thoughts about Harkley House; thoughts about Yulian himself! He went to the curtains; opened them six inches; stared anxiously out at the night。
 Out there; the estate。 The old derelict buildings; gravel path; shrubbery and copse; the high perimete
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