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thought I saw a certain fluttering in his bony chest。
 No sooner was my hand upon him than the gypsy caved in! All of him; collapsing inwards like a husk; like last year's leaves when stepped upon! Beneath the cage of ribs; which also powdered away; there was nothing。 The face likewise crumbled into dust; set free by the body's avalanche; that old; grey; unlovely countenance; smoking into ruin! Limbs were last to go; deflating even as I crouched there; like ruptured wineskins! In the merest moment he was a heap of dust and small shards of bone and old leather; and all still clad in his coarse native clothes。
 Fascinated; jaw lolling; I continued to stare at what had been Arvos。 I remembered that worm of a finger ing loose from Faethor's hand and going into him。 And was that worm responsible for this? Had that small fleshy part of Faethor eaten him away so utterly? If so; what of the worm itself? Where was it now?
 My questions were answered on the instant: 〃Consumed; Thibor; aye;〃 said a dull; echoing voice。 〃Gone to feed the one which now burrows in the earth at your feet!〃 Out from the dungeon's shadows stepped an old Wallach rade of mine; a man all chest and arms; with short stumpy legs。 Ehrig had been this one's name…when he was a man!
 For looking at him now; I saw nothing in him that was known to me。 He was like a stranger with a strange aura about him。 Or maybe not so strange; for indeed I thought I knew that emanation。 It was the morbid presence of the Ferenczy。 Ehrig was now his!
 〃Traitor!〃 I told him; scowling。 〃The old Ferenczy saved your life; and now in gratitude you've given that life to him。 And how many times; in how many battles; have I saved your life; Ehrig?〃
 〃I long since lost count; Thibor;〃 the other huskily answered; his eyes round as saucers in a gaunt; hollow face。 〃Enough that you must know I would never willingly turn against you。〃
 〃What? Are you saying you are still my man?〃 I laughed; however scathingly。 〃But I can smell the Ferenczy on you! Or perhaps you've unwillingly turned against me; eh?〃 And still more harshly I added; 〃Why should the Ferenczy save you; eh; except to serve him?〃
 〃Didn't he explain anything to you?〃 Ehrig came closer。 〃He didn't save me for himself。 I'm to serve you…as best I may…after he departs this place。〃
 〃The Ferenczy is mad!〃 I accused。 〃He has beguiled you; can't you see? Have you forgotten why we came here? We came to kill him! But look at you now: gaunt; dazed; puny as an infant。 How may one such as you serve me?〃
 Ehrig stepped closer still。 His great eyes were very nearly vacant; unblinking。 Nerves in his face and neck jumped and twitched as if they were on strings。 〃Puny? You misjudge the Ferenczy's powers; Thibor。 What he put in me healed my flesh and bones。 Aye; and it made me strong。 I can serve you as well as ever; be sure。 Only try me。〃
 Now I frowned; shook my head in a sudden amaze。 Certain of his words made sense; went some little way towards cooling my furious thoughts。 〃By now; by rights; you should indeed be dead;〃 I agreed。 〃Your bones were broken; aye; and your flesh torn。 Are you saying that the Ferenczy is truly the master of such powers? I remember now he said that when you recovered you would be in thrall to him。 But to him; d'you hear? So how is it that you stand here and tell me I am still your lord and leader?〃
 〃He is the master of many powers; Thibor;〃 he answered。 〃And indeed I am in thrall to him…to a point。 He is a vampire; and now I too am a vampire of sorts。 And so are you。 。
 〃I?〃 I was outraged。 〃I am my own man! He did something to me; granted…put that which was of himself into me; which was surely poisonous…but here I stand unchanged。 You; Ehrig; my once friend and follower; may well have succumbed; but I remain Thibor of Wallachia!〃
 Ehrig touched my elbow and I drew back from him。 〃With me the change was swift;〃 he said。 〃It was made faster through the Ferenczy's flesh mingling with my own; which worked to heal me。 My broken parts were mended with his flesh; and just as he has bound me together; so has he bound me to himself。 I will do his bidding; that is true; mercifully; he demands nothing of me but that I stay here with you。〃
 Meanwhile; while he spoke in his mournful fashion; I had prowled all about the dungeon looking for an escape; even attempted to scale the walls。 〃The light;〃 I muttered。 〃Where does it e from? If the light finds its way in; I can find my way out。〃
 〃There is no light; Thibor;〃 said Ehrig; following behind me; his voice doleful as ever。 〃It is proof of the Ferenczy's magic。 Because we are his; we share his powers。 In here all is utter darkness。 But like the bat of your standard; and like the Ferenczy himself; you now see in the night。 More; you are the special one。 You bear his egg。 You will bee as great as; perhaps greater than the Ferenczy himself。 You are Wamphyri!〃
 〃I am myself!〃 I raged。 And I grabbed Ehrig by the throat。
 And now as I drew him close; I noticed for the first time the yellow glow in his eyes。 They were the eyes of an animal; mine; too; if he spoke the truth。 Ehrig made no effort to resist me; indeed; he went to his knees as I applied greater pressure。 〃Well then;〃 I cried; 〃why don't you fight back? Show me this wonderful strength of yours! You said I should try you; and now I take you at your word。 You're going to die; Ehrig。 Aye; and after you; so too your new master…the very moment he sticks his dog's nose into this dungeon! I at least have not forgotten my reason for being here。〃
 I grabbed up a length of the chain which had bound me to the wall and looped it round his neck。 He choked; gagged; his tongue lolled out; still he made no effort to resist me。 〃Useless; Thibor;〃 he gasped; when I relaxed the pressure a little。 〃All useless。 Choke me; suffocate me; break my back。 I will mend。 You may not kill me。 You cannot kill me! Only the Ferenczy can do that。 A fine jest; eh? For we came here to kill him!〃
 I tossed him aside; ran to the great oak door; raged and hammered at it。 Only echoes came back to me。 In desperation I turned again to Ehrig。 〃So then;〃 I panted; 〃you are aware of the change taken place in you。 Of course; for if it's plain to me it must be plainer still to you。 Very well; but tell me: why then am I the same as before? I feel no different。 Surely no great change is wrought in me?〃
 Ehrig; rubbing his throat; came easily to his feet。 He had great bruises on his neck from the chains; other than this it seemed he suffered no ill effects from my manhandling; his eyes burned as before and his voice was doleful as ever。 〃As you say;〃 he said; 〃the change in me has been wrought; as iron is wrought in the furnace。 The Ferenczy's flesh has taken hold of me and bent me to its will; as iron bends in the fire's heat。 But with you it is different; more subtle。 The vampire's seed grows within you。 It grafts itself to your mind; your heart; your very blood。 You are like two creatures in one skin; but slowly you will meld; fuse into one。〃
 This is what Faethor had told me。 I sagged against the damp wall。 〃Then my destiny is no longer my own;〃 I groaned。

 〃But it is; Thibor; it is!〃 Ehrig was eager now。 〃Why; now that death no longer holds any terrors; you can live forever! You have the chance to grow more powerful than any man before you! And what is that for destiny?〃
 I shook my head。 〃Powerful? In thrall to the Ferenczy? Surely you mean powerless! For if I'm to be his man; then how may I be my own? No; that shall not be the way of it。 While yet I have my will; I shall find a way。〃 I prodded my chest and grimaced。 〃How long before。。。 before this thing within mands me? How much time do I have before the guest overpowers the host?〃
 Slowly; sadly I thought; he shook his head。 〃You insist on making difficulties;〃 he said。 〃The Ferenczy told me it would be so。 Because you are wild and wilful; he said。 You will be your own man; Thibor! It shall be like this: that the thing within cannot exist without you; nor you without it。 But where before you were merely a man; with a man's frailties and puny passions; now you shall be …〃
 〃Hold!〃 I told him; my memory suddenly whispering monstrous things in my mind。 〃He told me。。。 he said that he was sexless! He said: 〃The Wamphyri have no sex as such。〃 And you talk to me of my 〃puny passions?〃'
 〃As one of the Wamphyri;〃 Ehrig patiently insisted; as doubtless the Ferenczy had ordered him to insist; 〃you will have the sex of the host。 And you are that host! You will also have your lust; your great strength and cunning…all of your passions…but magnified many times over! Picture yourself pitting your wits against your enemies; or boundlessly strong in battle; or utterly untiring in bed!〃
 My emotions raged within me。 Ah! But could I be sure they were mine? Entirely mine? 〃But…it…will…not…be…me!〃 Emphasising each word; I slammed my balled fist again and again into the stone wall; until blood flowed freely from my riven knuckles。
 〃But it will be you;〃 he repeated; drawing near; staring at my bloodied hand and licking his lips。 〃Aye; hot blood and all。 The vampire in you will heal that in a very little while。 But; until then; let me tend to it。〃 He took my hand and tried to lick the salt blood。
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