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 When one of the thing's hands came up from the soil close to where I lay; I cursed out loud and kicked it away…and how it shot down out of sight then! How well another might fare I could not say; but the vampire thing was certainly wary of me。 Perhaps it sensed that I was a higher form…of itself! I remember how at the time; that was a very shuddersome thought。
 Faethor had this way with him: he was devious; sly as a fox; slippery as an eel。 That was how I considered him; feelings brought on by sheer frustration。 Of course he was that way: he was of the Wamphyri! I should not have expected him to be any other way。 But quite simply; he would not be ambushed。 I spent hours waiting for him behind the oak door; chains in my hands; hardly daring to breathe lest he hear me。 But let hell freeze over; he would not e。 Ah! But only let me fall asleep。。。 a squealing piglet would wake me; or the fluttering of a tethered pigeon。 And so the days; probably weeks; passed 。
 I will give him his due: after that first time the old devil didn't let me get too hungry。 I think to myself now that the initial period of starvation was to let the vampire in me take hold。 It had nothing else to feed on and so must rely on my stored fats; must bee more fully a part of me。 Similarly; I was obliged to draw on its strength。 But as soon as the bond was properly formed; then Faethor could begin to fatten us up again。 And I use that phrase advisedly。
 Along with the food; there would be the occasional jug of red wine。 At first; remembering how the Ferenczy had drugged me; I was careful。 I would let Ehrig drink first; then watch for his reaction。 But apart from a loosening of his tongue; there was nothing。 And so I too drank。 Later I would give Ehrig none of the wine but consume it myself。 That; too; was exactly the way the old devil had planned it。
 Came the time when; after a meal; I was thirsty and quaffed a jug at one swig…then staggered this way and that before collapsing。 Poisoned again! Faethor had made a fool of me at every turn。 But this time my vampire strength buoyed me up; I held fast to my consciousness; and sprawling there in my fever I wondered: now what is the purpose of this? Hah! Only listen; and I'll explain Faethor's purpose。
 〃A girl; a boy; a goat…blood is blood;〃 he'd told me that time。 〃The blood is the life。〃 Indeed; but what he had not told me was this: that of all pulses of delight; of all founts of immortality; of all nectar…bearing flowers; that one source from which a vampire would most prefer to sip is the throbbing red rush of another vampire's blood! And so; when I had succumbed more fully to his wine; then Faethor came to me again。
 〃Two purposes are served here;〃 he told me; crouching over me。 〃One: it is long and long since I took from one of my own; and a great thirst is on me。 Two: you are a hard one and will not submit to thraldom without a fight。 So be it; this should take all of the sting out of you。〃
 〃What。。。 what are you doing?〃 I croaked the question; tried to will my leaden arms to rise up and fend him off。 It was useless; I was weak as a kitten; even my throat found the greatest difficulty simply forming words。
 〃Doing? Why; I sit me down to my evening meal!〃 he answered; gleefully。 〃And such a menu! Blood of a strong man…spiced with the blood of the fledgling vampire within him!〃
 〃You。。。 you'll drink from。。。 from my throat?〃 I stared up at him aghast; my vision swimming。
 He merely smiled…but a smile hideous as any I ever saw him make…and tore my clothes。 Then he put his terrible tapering hands on me and felt my flesh all over; frowning a little as he searched for something。 He turned me on my side; touched my spine; pressed it again; harder; and said; 〃Ah! The very gobbet; the prize itself!〃
 I would have cringed away from him but could not。 Inside I cringed…perhaps that child of his within me cringed; too…but externally my skin merely shivered。 I tried to speak; but that also had grown too difficult。 My lips only trembled and I made a moaning sound。
 〃Thibor;〃 the old devil said; his voice level as if in polite conversation; 〃you've much to learn; my son。 About me; about yourself; about the Wamphyri。 You are not yet aware; you fail to perceive all the mysteries I have bestowed upon you。 But what I am; you shall be。 And the powers I possess; they too shall be yours。 You have seen and learned a little; now see and experience more!〃
 He continued to balance me on my side; but propped up my head a little so that I could see his face。 His magnetic eyes held me; a fish; speared on their pupils。 My blurred sight cleared; the picture sharpened; I saw more clearly than ever before。 My body and limbs might well be made of lead; but my mind was sharp as a knife; my awareness so keen that I could almost feel the change taking place in the creature who leaned over me。 Faethor had somehow; for some reason; heightened my perceptions; increased my sensitivity。
 〃Now watch;〃 he hissed。 〃Observe!〃
 The skin of Faethor's face; large…pored and grainy at best; underwent a swift metamorphosis。 Watching it I thought: I have never known what he looks like。 And even now I won't know。 He is how he wants me to see him!
 The pores of his face opened up more yet; pockmarks cratering his flesh。 His jaws; enormous already; elongated with a sound like gradually tearing cloth; and his leathery lips rolled back until his mouth was all bulging; crimson gums and jagged; dripping teeth。 I had seen Faethor's teeth before; but never displayed like this。 Nor was the metamorphosis plete。
 It was all in the jaws; in the teeth; in the nightmarish
 Then; for a long time; I knew no more。
 For which; as you might suppose; I was not unthankful 。
 At first; when I regained consciousness; I thought that I was alone。 But then I heard Ehrig whimpering in a shadowed corner…heard him and remembered。 I remembered the radeship we'd shared; all the bloody battles we'd been through together。 Remembered how he had been my true friend; who would gladly lay down his life for me…and I mine for him。
 Perhaps he remembered; too; and that was why be whimpered。 I did not know。 I only knew that when the Ferenczy had fastened his teeth in my spine; Ehrig was nowhere to be seen。
 To say that I beat him would not do his punishment justice; but without Faethor's vampire stuff in him he would certainly have died。 It could be that I consciously tried to kill him; I can't say about that; either; for the episode is no longer clear in my mind。 I only know that when I was done with him he no longer felt my blows; and that I myself was pletely exhausted。 But he healed; of course; and so did I。 And I conceived a new strategy。
 After that 。 。 there were times of sleeping; of waking; of eating。 Outwardly; life consisted of little more。 But for me these were also times of waiting; and of patient; silent scheming。 As for the Ferenczy: he tried to train me like a wild dog。
 It started like this: he would e silently to the door and listen。 Strangely; I knew when he was there。 I would feel fear! And when I became afraid; then he would be there。 At times I could feel him groping at the edges of my mind; slyly attempting to insinuate himself into my very thoughts。 I remembered how he had municated with old Arvos over a distance and did what I could to close my mind to him。 I think I succeeded greatly; for after that I could sense a frustration other than my own。
 He used a system of rewards: if I was 〃good〃 and obeyed him; there would be food。 He would call through the door: 〃Thibor; I have a pair of fine piglets here!〃
 If I answered: 〃Aha! Your parents have e visiting!〃 he would simply take the food away。 But if I said:
 〃Faethor; my father; I am starving! Feed me; pray; for if not then I shall be obliged to eat this dog you've locked in with me down here。 And who will serve me then; when you are out in the world and I am left in charge of your lands and castle?〃 Then he would open the door a crack and place the food inside。 But only let me stand too close to the door and I would see neither Faethor nor food for three or four days。
 And so I 〃weakened'; I grew less and less abusive; I began to plead。 For food; for the freedom of the castle; for fresh air and light; and water to bathe myself…but most of all for separation; however brief; from Ehrig whom I now detested as a man detests his own wastes。 Moreover; I made out that I was growing physically weaker。 I spent more time 〃asleep〃; and came less readily awake。
 Finally came the time when Ehrig could not wake me; and how the dog battered on the door and screamed for his true master then! Faethor came; they carried me up; up to the battlements above the covered hail where it spanned the gorge。 There they laid me down in the clean air under the first stars of night; pale spectres in a sky I had not seen for far too long。 The sun was a dull blister on the hills; casting its last rays over the spires of rock behind the castle's towers。
 〃He is likely starved for air;〃 said Faethor; 〃and maybe simply starved a little; too! But you are right; Ehrig…he seems weaker than he should be。 I desired only to break his will a little; not the man himself。 I have powders and salts that sting; which shou
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