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he Chin Empire。 I passed my 〃loyalty〃 down to Genghis's grandson; Batu。 I could have offered my services to other Mongol Khans; but Batu's objective was Europe! It was one thing to return a man alone; but another to go back as a general in a Mongol army!
 In the winter of 1237…8; in a lightning campaign; we smashed the Russian principalities。 In 1240 we took Kiev by storm and burned it to ashes。 From there we struck at Poland and Hungary。 Only the death of the Great Khan Ogedei in 1241 saved Europe in its entirety; there were disputes about the succession and the westward campaigns were stalled。
 Later; it was time for The Fereng; as I was known; to 〃die〃 again。 I obtained permission to journey to an ambiguous homeland far in the West; my 〃son〃 would join Hülegü in his push against the Assassins and the Caliphate。 As Fereng the Black; Son of The Fereng; under Hülegü; I assisted in the extermination of the Assassins and was there at the fall of Baghdad in 1258。 Ah; but a little more than two years later; at Am Jalut in the so…called Holy Land; we were delivered a crushing defeat by the Mamelukes; the turning point for the Mongols had e。
 In Russia Mongol rule would continue to the end of the fourteenth century; but 〃rule〃 implies peace and my taste for war had grown insatiable。 I stuck it out forty years more; then parted pany with the Mongols and sought action elsewhere 。 。
 I fought for Islam! I was now an Ottoman; a Turk! Aha! What it is to be a mercenary; eh? Yes; I became a ghazi; a Moslem Warrior; fighting against the polytheists; and for nearly two centuries my life was one great unending river of blood and death! Under Bayezid; Wallachia became a vassal state which the Turks called Eflak。 I could have returned then and sought out Thibor; who had moved with his Szekely into the mountains of Transylvania; but I was busy campaigning elsewhere。 By the middle of the fifteenth century my chance had passed me by; the boundaries of the Ottoman state at the accession of Mehemmed II were shrinking。 In 1431 Sigismund the Holy Roman Emperor had invested VIad II of Wallachia with the Order of the Dragon…licence to destroy the infidel Turk。 And who was VIad's instrument in this 〃holy〃 work? Who was his war…weapon? Thibor; of course!
 Of Thibor's deeds; strangely; I heard with no small measure of pride。 He butchered not only the infidel Turk but Hungarians; Germans; and other Christians in their thousands。 Ah; he was a true son of his father! If only he had not been disobedient。 Alas; (for him) but disobedience to me was not his only failing; like myself at the end of my Crusader adventure; he had not practised the caution of the Wamphyri。 He was adored by the Szekely but set himself on a level with his superiors; the Wallachian princes; and his excesses had made him notorious。 He was feared throughout the land。 In short; he had in every way brought himself into prominence。 A vampire may not be prominent; not if he values his longevity。
 But Thibor was wild; demented in his cruelties! Vlad the (so called) Impaler; Radu the Handsome; and Mircea the Monk (whose reign was so short) had all tasked him with the protection of Wallachia and the chastisement of its enemies; tasks in which he delighted; at which he excelled。 Indeed; the Impaler; one of history's favourite villains; suffers undeservedly: he was cruel; aye; but in fact he has been named for Thibor's deeds! Like my name; Thibor's has been struck; but the stark terror of his deeds will live forever。
 Now let me get on。 When I had lived too long with the Turks; finally I deserted their cause…which was crumbling; as all causes must in the end…and returned to Wallachia。 The time was well chosen。 Thibor had gone too far; Mircea had recently acceded to the throne and he feared his demon Voevod mightily。 This was the moment I had so long awaited。
 Crossing the Danube; I put out Wamphyri thoughts ahead of me。 Where were my gypsies now? Did they still remember me? Three hundred years is a long time。 But it was night; and I was night's master。 My thoughts were carried on the dark winds all across Wallachia and into the shadowed mountains。 Romany dreamers where they lay about their campfires heard me and started awake; gazing at each other in wonder。 For they had heard a legend from their grandfathers; who had heard it from their grandfathers; that one day I would return。
 In 1206 two of my mercenary Szgany had e home …the same two taken for questioning on the night of Crusader cowardice and treachery; whose lives had been spared…and they had returned to foster an awesome myth。 But now I was here; a myth no longer。 〃Father; what shall we do?〃 they whispered into the night。 〃Shall we e to meet you; master?〃
 〃No;〃 I told them across all the rivers and forests and miles。 〃I have work to finish; and I alone must see to it。 Go into the Carpatii Meridionali and put my house in order; so that I may have my own place when my work is done。〃 And I knew that they would do it。
 Then。。。 I went to Mircea in Targoviste。 Thibor was campaigning on the Hungarian border; a good safe way away。 I showed the Prince living vampire flesh taken from my own body; telling him that it was flesh of Thibor。 Then; because he was close to fainting; I burned it。 This showed him one way in which a vampire may be killed。 I told him the other way; too: the stake and decapitation。 Then I questioned him about his Voevod's longevity: did he not deem it strange that Thibor must be at least three hundred years old? No; he answered; for it was not one man but several。 They all were part of the same legend; they all took the same name; Thibor。 All of them; down through the years; had fought under the devil…bat…dragon banner。
 I laughed at him。 What? But I had studied Russian records and knew for a fact that this selfsame man…this one man…had been a Boyar in Kiev three hundred years ago! At that time it had been rumoured that he was Wamphyri。 The fact that he still lived gave the rumour ample foundation。 He was a lustful vampire…and now it seemed he lusted after the throne of Wallachia!
 Did I have any proof at all in support of my accusations; the Prince asked me。
 I told him: you have seen his vampire flesh。
 It could have been the loathsome flesh of any vampire; he said。
 But I had dedicated myself to seek out vampires and destroy them wherever I found them; I told him。 In pursuit of such creatures I had been in China; Mongolia; Turkey…land; Russia…and I spoke many languages to prove it。 When Thibor had been wounded in battle; I had been there to take and keep a piece of his flesh; which had grown into what the Prince had seen。 What more proof did he need?
 None。 He too had heard rumours; had his suspicions; his doubts。 。
 The Prince already feared Thibor; but what I had told him…mostly the truth; except perhaps concerning Thibor's ambition…had utterly terrified him。 How could he deal with this monster?
 I told him how。 He must send for Thibor on some pretext or other…to bestow upon him a great honour! Yes; that would do it。 Vampires are often prideful; flattery; carefully applied; can win them over。 Mircea must tell Thibor that he desired to make him Voevod in Chief over all Wallachia; with powers second only to Mircea himself。
 〃Power? He has that already!〃
 〃Then tell him that eventually succession to the throne will not be out of the question。〃
 〃What?〃 The Prince pondered。 〃I must take advice。〃
 〃Ridiculous!〃 I was forceful。 〃He may have allies among your advisors。 Don't you know his strength?〃
 〃Say on。 。
 〃When he es; I shall be here。 He must be told to e alone; his army staying on the Hungarian border to continue the skirmishing。 Orders can be sent to them later; dispersing them to lesser; more trusted generals。 You shall receive him alone…at night。〃
 〃Alone? At night?〃 Mircea the Monk was sore afraid。
 〃You must drink with him。 I shall give you wine with which to drug him。 He is strong; however; and no amount of wine will kill him。 It may not even render him unconscious。 But it will rob him of his senses; make him clumsy; stupid; like a man drunk。
 〃I shall be close at hand with four or five of the most trusted members of your guard。 We'll confine him; naked; in a place you shall nominate。 A special place; somewhere in the grounds of the palace。 Then; when the sun rises; you will know you have trapped a vampire。 The sun's rays on his flesh will be a torture to him! But that in itself will not be sufficient proof。 No; for above all else we must be just。 Bound; his jaws will be forced open。 You shall see his tongue; 0 Prince…forked like a snake's; and red with blood!
 〃At once a stake of hard wood shall be driven through his heart。 This; for the greater part; will immobilise him。 Then into a coffin with him; and off to a secret place。 He shall be buried where no one should ever find him; a place forbidden to men from this time forward。〃
 〃Will it work?〃
 I gave the Prince my guarantee that it would work。 And it did! Exactly as I have stated。
 From Targoviste to the cruciform hills is perhaps one hundred miles。 Thibor was carried there at all speed。 Holy men came with us all the way; with exorcisms ringing until I thought I would be sick。 I was dressed in the plain
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