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 Wild…eyed; she pulled back from him。 He held her arms。 〃Easy; I said。 If you go running like that you'll hurt yourself。〃
 〃You。。。 you're manding them!〃 she accused。
 He shook his head in denial。 〃No; I only called them up。 I'm not calling the shots。 What they do is for themselves。〃
 〃What they do?〃 Breathlessly she looked back towards the ruined castle; where mad; frenzied shadows fought and tore。 She glanced down the track: Gerenko had somehow avoided Gulharov's lunges; (his talent; of course) but the dead man was limping after him。 Winds tugged at Gulharov; threatening to blow him back into the gorge; and thorns tore at his legs trying to trip him …but still he pursued。
 〃Nothing can hurt that one;〃 Zek gasped。 〃Living or dead; men are only men。 They can't touch him。〃
 〃But he can be hurt;〃 said Harry。 〃He can be frightened; too; made incautious。 And it's growing dark; the ledge back there is narrow and dangerous; there can easily be an accident。 That's what my friends are hoping; that there'll be an accident。〃
 〃Your。。。 friends!〃 Hysteria lifted her voice。
 Gunshots sounded from the ruins; and Dolgikh's hoarse screaming。 He wasn't simply shouting but screaming; like a terrified animal; for he'd just discovered that you can't kill the dead。 Harry covered Zek's ears; drew her head to his shoulder; her face buried in his neck。 He didn't want her to see or hear。 He didn't want to see or hear; and so stared out over the gorge instead。
 Weaker than he'd ever been before in his life; weak with terror; Theo Dolgikh was being dragged towards the rim of the almost sheer drop。 Mikhail Volkonsky; on the other hand; was as strong as he'd ever been in life; and he no longer felt pain。 With his one good arm round Dolgikh's neck; the huge ganger had him in a necklock which he wouldn't release until the man was dead。 And now they were almost there; battling ferociously on the very edge of the gorge。 Which was when Felix Krakovitch and Carl Quint showed up。
 Blown to pieces; the two hadn't been able to do much until now; but finally Quint's arms…only his arms…had dragged themselves up from below; and Felix's upper torso; limbless; had wriggled its way out of the castle's debris。 As the arms of Quint came up over the rim and grabbed Dolgikh; and as Felix's severed; sluglike cadaver wriggled into view and began to bite at him; so he gave up。 He drew air for one last scream; filled his lungs to brimming…and the scream simply died on his lips; the merest gurgle of sound。 Then he closed his eyes and sighed; and all of the air whooshed out of him。
 But they made sure anyway; and with one last effort dragged him over the edge into space。 His body pin…wheeled down the face of the cliff; bounding from one projection to the next; all the way to the bottom。
 Harry uncovered Zek's head; said; 〃He's finished …Dolgikh; I mean。〃
 〃I know;〃 she answered with a half…sob。 〃I read it in your mind。 And Harry; it's cold in there 。 。
 He gave a grim nod。
 Haarrry? A distant voice came to him as he released her…one that only he and the dead could hear…one he knew and had thought never to hear again。 Do you hear me; Haarrry?
 1 hear you; Faethor of the Wamphyri; he answered。 What is it you want?
 Noooo…it's what you want; Haarrry。 You want Ivan Gerenko dead。 Well; now I give you his life。
 Harry was puzzled。 I haven't asked any favours of you; not this time。
 But they did。 Faethor's voice was a grim chuckle。 The dead!
 Now Felix Krakovitch spoke up from the bottom of the gorge: I asked him to help; Harry。 I knew you couldn't kill Gerenko; no more than we can。 Not directly。 But indirectly。 。
 I don't understand。 Harry shook his head。
 Then look up at the ridge there; over the ledge; said Faethor。
 Harry looked。 Silhouetted against the dying day; a straggling line of scarecrow figures stood silent on the high; precarious ridge。 They were fretted; skeletal; crumbling…but they stood there and awaited the Old Ferengi's mand。 My ever faithful; my Szgany! said Faethor; that once…mightiest of all the Wamphyri。 They have been ing here for centuries…ing here; waiting for me; dying and being buried here…but I never returned。 Over them; whose blood is my blood; my power is as great as yours is over the moner dead; Harry Keogh。 And so I have called them up。
 But why? Harry demanded。 You owe me nothing now; Faethor。
 I loved these lands; the vampire answered。 Perhaps you cannot understand that; but if I ever loved it was this land; this place。 Thibor could tell you how much I loved it。
 Now Harry understood。 Gerenko。。。 invaded your territory!
 The vampire's growl was deep and merciless。 He sent a man here who was responsible for reducing my house to dust! My last vestige on earth! And now there is nothing to show that I ever existed at all! How then shall I reward him? Ahhh! But how did I reward Thibor?
 Harry saw what was ing。 You buried Thibor; he answered。
 So be it! cried Faethor。 And he gave the Szgany on the ridge his final mand…that they throw themselves down!
 Half…way along the ledge; Ivan Gerenko heard the clattering of ancient; leather…clad bones and fearfully looked up。 Down from that high place they fell; breaking up as they came; skulls and scraps of bone and flaps of fretted flesh; a rain of dead things that might drown him in mummied remains。
 〃You can't hurt me!〃 Gerenko gibbered; covering his wrinkled head as the first ghastly fragments thudded down onto the ledge。 〃Not even dead men。。。 can。。。 hurt me?〃
 But it wasn't their intention to hurt him; they didn't even know he was there; they'd simply obeyed Faethor and hurled themselves down。 And after that it was out of their hands; those of them who had hands。 The clattering cascade continued; echoing loudly; and over and above the pelting of gristly bones; now there swelled a new sound: a terrible grumbling and groaning; but in no way the groaning of the dead。 They were the groans of riven rock; of sliding shale and scree and accumulated debris。 Avalanche!
 And even as that fact dawned on Gerenko; so the face of the cliff fell on him and he was swept away 。
 Long after the dust had settled and the last rumbling echo faded away; Harry Keogh stood with Zek and watched the rim of the moon e up over the mountains。 〃It will light your way;〃 he told her。 〃Take care; Zek。〃
 She was still in his arms; had needed to be there else she might have fallen。 Now she struggled free; wordlessly left him and headed for the scree…buried ledge。 At first she stumbled; then straightened up and went with more certainty; more resolve。 She would pick her way over the fallen cliff to the bottom of the gorge; then follow the stream down to the new road。
 〃Take care;〃 Harry called after her again。 〃And Zek; don't ever e up against me or mine again。〃
 She made no answer; looked straight ahead。 But to herself: Oh; no; I'll not do that。 Not against you; Harry Keogh…Necroscope!



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