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ed and established households earlier and began to raise larger families than had their predecessors during the Depression。
with 介词短语作状语,prosperity繁荣 伴随着繁荣的增长,brought on 过去分词作定语 修饰prosperity 由第二次世界大战带来的繁荣  以及随之而来的经济增长 it 就是前面整个事情。
年轻人结婚,建立家庭 ,两个and 并列,以及由此而开始的家庭规模的扩大。Larger than had their predecessors 比他的先辈们还大。
这里是出现了一个倒装吧 正常的应该是larger than their predecessors had 吧
我比你高: I am taller than you 。 这里没倒装吧。状态的比较不需要倒装。
我跑的快:I run fast  我比你跑的快:I run faster than you。 而这里注意的是比较对象的一致吧,我们这是谁和谁比,fast 修饰修饰的是run吧,实际上应该是 I run faster than you do ( run )的省略。比动作了,和前面的比状态比一样了。前面那句 I am taller than you 没倒装也没省略了,因为比较对象是一致的。
我比Tom 跑的快 I run faster than Tom runs,但英文的表达应该是倒装的形式: I run faster than runs Tom 。 不对吧。 应该是does Tom
所以比较级别倒装的条件:1、首先是比较的对象是动词而非状态2、被比较的主体是名词而不是代词。(I run faster than you do 没有倒装,因为you 是代词)
我们原句中raise larger families than had their predecessors during the Depression。 符合这两个条件:1、比较的是raise 2、predecessors。   倒装had(句子本身就是过去式,而predecessors又是过去的过去了。

例4:Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War is the country’s impressive population growth。
Basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War没有谓语动词,我们读到的第一个谓语是is
Second World War 前面有after 作的是时间状语。20years 前面有in 也是时间状语。any understanding of Canada前面有basic to 是形容词+介词短语,所以没有可以做主语的成分。
所以是倒装无疑了吧,还原过来就成了: The country’s impressive population growth is basic to any understanding of Canada in the 20 years after the Second World War
A is basic to 这是我们经常看到的顺序结构,A+ be+adj + prep
而我们经常看到的倒装就是 adj + prep + be + A

例5:Among the species of seabirds that use the windswept cliffs of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate; lay eggs; and rear(养育) their young are mon murres; Atlantic puffins; black…legged kittiwakes; and northern gannets。
讲一个很重要的词,among :among … ,跟一个句子这是我们很熟悉的,介词短语作状语放在句首:Among all the course ,I hate reading most。(是不是这样)
Among B + be + A :这是一个倒装结构吧,因为among B 不管B是什么,总之是由among引导作状语,不可能是做主语吧,所以是一个倒装吧。正常的语序是A is among B吧:A 是B的一部分。(注意别理解反了)相当于one of 。而且among 后面不止写一个,往往写一堆吧。而在老托福里,这种句型经常考吧,因为有一个好处,A或者B里经常充斥了一堆你不认识的单词,但这个时候,我们随便认识其中一个就搞定了吧。放到咱们的句子中就可以理解了
mong the species of seabirds that use the windswept cliffs of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate; lay eggs; and rear(养育) their young 相当于我们的B 后面是be动词are 后面就是A部分了吧,正确的顺序是mon murres; Atlantic puffins; black…legged kittiwakes; and northern gannets。are among the species of seabirds that use the windswept cliffs of the Atlantic coast of Canada in the summer to mate; lay eggs; and rear(养育) their young
例6:Implicit in it is an aesthetic(美学) principle as well that the medium has certain qualities of beauty and expressiveness with which sculptors must bring their own aesthetic sensibilities into harmony。
1、同学们怎么断句的啊,Implicit in      it is  
2、这是什么一种情况还记得吗,例4  basic to    adj+prep  倒装吧 + be  美学原理也是一种含蓄的在it 里(上下文去判读it,我们这不管)
3、that 引导一个什么从句。按照我们的原则吧。想想。定语从句的,表语从句的。我们前面说的判断原则是什么:看完整否。完整那肯定不是定语从句了吧。这里是同谓语从句。先行词是aesthetic(美学) principle 具体说明内容。
4、美学原则,什么样的美学原则,媒体具有某种美丽的性质和表达,什么样的表达(with which这个地方才是定语从句把)雕刻者必须把自己的美学敏感性带入到一种harmony和谐中。而这样的一种原则是含蓄的。

例7:Most important; perhaps; was that they had all maintained with a certain fidelity(忠贞; 忠诚)a manner of technique and position合成的物质;作品(如乐曲﹑ 诗或书)consistent with those of America’s first popular landscape artist; Thomas Cole; who built a career painting the Catskill Mountain scenery风光bordering the Hudson River。
来吧,判断吧,按照我们的步骤,动词在哪里,was ,前面是adj吧,倒装了吧。
Most 是不是最高级 不是吧,表示最高级的加上 the ,这里就是副词相当于very
Maintain 后面有一个with a certain fidelity 名词,而后面的a manner 又是一个名词,两个名词放在一起这挺奇怪了吧。怎么回事
问题的关键还是在于,maintain是什么动词(及物还是不及无吧)那么maintain这里是及物还是不及无呢。及物!既然是及物,后面的宾语需要with这个介词来连接,直接就跟了吧,所以这个地方with a certain fidelity 是介词作状语吧,manner才是maintain的宾语。
这就是ets的一个惯用伎俩吧。把介词插在一个及物动词和他的宾语之间,不打逗号。这样就分不清了。所以问题关键分期这个介词短语是做什么,状语还是宾语。怎么分,看动词的及物还是不及物吧。这里在with a certain fidelity之间打上两个逗号,大家都会吧

例8:With the turn…of…century Crafts movement and the discovery of nontraditional sources of inspiration; such as wooden African figures and masks; there arose a new urge(n欲望,v驱策)for hands…on; personal execution of art and an interaction with the medium。
倒装在哪里there arose(there is 就是最典型的倒装吧,一说很简单吧,there is a book 书在那)那么这里的there arose 就是 什么arose there
逗号前面很简单吧,with 引导伴随状语:随着世纪之交的手工艺品运动以及非传统资源灵感的发现,例如木质非洲雕像和面具,兴起了一种新的欲望,(什么样的欲望)传承的个人作品和有媒介参与的作品。

例9:Coincident with concerns about the accelerating loss of species and habitats has been a growing appreciation of the importance of biological diversity; the number of species in a particular ecosystem; to the health of the Earth and human well…being。
1、10年前老toefl 题,而且这句话出现在文章段首,引无数英雄尽折腰。根本看不懂
2、:本句倒装的形式(Coincident  一致的  adj) +   (with 介词 ) be coincident with 和…一致
3、读到的第一个谓语动词是  has been  
4、逗号间the number of species in a particular ecosystem 是插入成分,先放到一边
5、the importance of A to B  A对B的重要性
6、appreciation:感激感谢    欣赏    理解认识
8、我们越来越关注生物多样性对于地球和人类的健康的影响,以至于我们开始去关注不断开始出现的物种和栖息地的消失。(提到了两件事:一种是物种和栖息地在消失。另一种是我们关注健康。而这两件事情之间是有关联的!什么样的关联,be coincident with 一致的关联)
例11:Matching the influx 流入of foreign immigrants into the larger cities of the United States during the late nineteenth century was a domestic migration; from town and farm to city; within the United States。
例12:Indeed; had it not been for the superb preservation of these fossils; they might well have been classified as dinosaurs。
If it had not been for 
(2) 强调句的阅读方法
构成形式: it is + 强调的成分 + that
判断方法:It is obvious that York is great                
          It is obviously that York is great
1、去掉 it is that     2、不强调形容词 ,还有谓语动词
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