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专门替中国人写的英语语法 作者:不详-第13部分

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*      He is more older than I。 
*      He is more taller than his brother。 
He is older than I。 
He is taller than his brother。 
1。 small 
2。 slow 
3。 intelligent 
4。 expensive 
5。 tall 
6。 short 
7。 important 
8。 cheap 
9。 famous 
10。 cold 
11。 fast 
12。 careful 
13。 colorful 
14。 long 
15。 dark 
16。 bright 
13§2 特殊的比较级规则 
(1) 单音节形容词的字是e,就直接加r或st: 
原级  比较级  最高级 
large  larger  largest 
late  later  latest 
nice  nicer  nicest 
wise  wiser  wisest 
(2) 形容词的字尾是y,而前一个子母是一个子音,则除掉y,加上ier,或iest: 
原级  比较级  最高级 
lucky  luckier  luckiest 
happy  happier  happiest 
pretty  prettier  prettiest 
dry  drier  driest 
easy  easier  easiest 
(3)     单音节形容词的字尾是子音,前一音是一个元音,则字尾必须重复一次,再加er或est: 
原级  比较级  最高级 
fat  fatter  fattest 
hot  hotter  hottest 
wet  wetter  wettest 
big  bigger  biggest 
(4)     完全不规则的变化:
原级  比较级  最高级 
well  better  best 
bad  worse  worst 
much  more  most 
1。 cute 
2。 wide 
3。 early 
4。 happy 
5。 heavy 
6。 thin 
7。 easy 
8。 hot 
9。 wise 
10。 large 
11。 good 
12。 bad 
13。 many 
13§3 比较形的用法 
I am older than he。 
His English is better than mine。 
San Francisco is more beautiful than New York。 
His car is cheaper than your car。 
He is the most diligent student in his class。 
I like apples more than oranges。 
He has more money than his brother。 
He is stronger than his brother。 
*      I am older than him。 
*      She is smarter than me。 
I am older than he (is)。 
She is more smart than I (am)。 
*      My head is larger than your。 
My head is larger than your head。 
或者       My head is larger than yours。 
*      My house is larger than your。 
*      The temperature of this city is higher than San Francisco。 
*      The height of Himalayas is greater than Mt。 Fuji。 
*      My bicycle is older than his。 
My house is larger than your house。 
或者        My house is larger than yours。 
The temperature of this city is higher than the temperature of San Francisco。 
或者        The Temperature of this city is higher than that of San Francisco。 
The height of Himalayas is greater than the height of Mt。 Fuji。 
或者        The height of Himalayas is greater than that of Mt。 Fuji。 
Among all the teachers who have taught me; he is the best。 
This is the best movie I have ever seen。 
This food is the worst one which I have ever eaten。 
John is the stronger one。 
Do we have a better choice? 
Mary is the more diligent one。 
He is the older of the two。 
He is one of the best movie actors。 
This area is one of the hottest areas in the world。 
He is one of the fastest swimmers of America。 
This is a book which I like most。 
1。 *He is more old than I。 
2。 *She is younger than me。 
3。 *This university is more larger than that university。 
4。 *He is more older than my brother。 
5。 *His house is older than my。 
6。 *The size of this city is larger than San Francisco。 
7。 *She is taller than him。 
8。 *The height of this boy is greater than his brother。 
9。 *He is the most good student in my class。 
10。 *He is the more bad one。 
1。 你比他强壮。 
2。 他的英文比我的好。 
3。 他比他的弟弟更富有。 
4。 他是世界上最富有的人。 
5。 这支笔比你的贵得多。 
6。 喜马拉雅山是世界上最高的山。 
7。 亚马孙河是世界上最长的河。 
8。 他比他的爸爸高。 
9。 他是班上最好的学生。 
10。 在我遇到的人中,他是最高的。 
1。 He is          (old)than John。 
2。 This problem is one of the          (difficult)problems that I have ever seen。 
3。 This is one of the          (good)movies that I have ever seen。 
4。 Do we have a          (good)choice? 
5。 This place is          (hot)than San Francisco。 
6。 He is          (famous)than his sister。 
7。 She is getting          (bad)now。 
8。 He is feeling          (well)now。 
9。 He has          (much)money than his father。 
10。 Mary is one of          (beautiful)student in her class。 
11。 He is          (happy)than before。 
12。 Peter is getting          (thin)。 
13。 This summer is          (hot)than last summer。 
14。 You have a          (bright)future now。 
15。 He has          (many)students than I。 
16。 I feel much          (well)now。 
17。 He is          (careful)than you。 
18。 Time is          (important)than money。 

第十四章 总复习的例子 
Dear Mother:
I arrived at the Taipei Train Station around one o'clock in the afternoon yesterday。 My friend; Mr。 Chen; greeted me in the station。 We took a taxi to go directly to the university and checked into the dormitory。 The dormitory is a very old one。 I will live with three other boys and I met two of them already。 Both of them are from Taichung and they are both quite friendly。 
We went to the dormitory cafeteria for dinner。 The food is not that good。 Dear Mother; I miss you and especially the food you cooked for me。 
Your son 
The dormitory is a very old one。 
Both of them are from Taichung。 
The food is not that good。 
I miss you and the food you cooked for me。 
〝The dormitory is a very old one。〞 
〝Both of them are from Taichung。〞 
〝The food is not that good。〞 
〝I miss you and the food you cooked for me。〞 
the Taipei Train Station 
the afternoon 
the station 
the university 
the dormitory cafetervia 
the dormitory 
the food 
the food you cooked for me 
各位读者一定可以注意到在the后面的名词都有所指,举例来说,the university指那所作者要去念的大学,他的妈妈知道他所说的是那一所大学。The dormitory指那间他已搬进去住的宿舍。凡是有所指的名词前面,原则上都应该加the。 
a taxi 
a very old one 
Mary: 〃Hello; this is Mary。 Who is calling?〃 
John: 〃Hi; this is John。 How are you?〃 
Mary: 〃I am doing fine。 In fact; I am studying for the final examination now。〃 
John: 〃Oh; I am sorry。 When will the exam be over?〃 
Mary: 〃This Friday。〃 
John: 〃Then; can we have dinner Friday evening?〃 
Mary: 〃OK; where are we going to eat?〃 
John: 〃How about the Chinese restaurant called Four Seasons?〃 
Mary: 〃That is all right with me。 When do we meet?〃 
John: 〃How about six o'clock?〃 
Mary: 〃That's it。 See you Friday evening at 6 o'clock at the Four Seasons。〃 
Who is calling。 
I am doing fine。 
I am studying for the final examination now。 
I have been interested in music ever since I was a small child。 When I was seven years old; my mother gave me a violin as a birthday present。 I have been taking violin lessons ever since。 
I am so much interested in music that I finally decided to go to music school。 This was a hard decision for me。 I consulted with my parents。 Both of them encouraged me to go ahead。 
Yesterday; I was accepted by one of the best music schools in Taiwan。 I am really happy about this。 
I have been interested in music ever since I was a small child。 
为什么要用现在完成式呢?道理很简单,这句话里面有有〝ever since〞这个词,凡是有了这个词句,我们就一定要用现在完成式了。 
I have been taking violin lessons ever since。 
I was accepted by one of the best music schools in Taiwan。 
One of the best music schools accepted me。 
Before I got into college; I had been to the United States and lived there for one year。 This is why I could speak English better than average students。 
As I studied as a college student; Hitler was secre
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