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an actor。 Aren't you?〃
 As if in acquiescence; Dowd bowed his head。 But as he did so he dug his heels into the rubble and refused to be drawn any further。 Jude started to voice a second warning; but before it was out of her mouth; his fingers closed around the flesh and pulled hard。 Caught unawares; Celestine was dragged against the raw edge of the hole; and before the rest of her filaments could e to her aid Dowd had raised his wrists above his head and casually snapped the flesh that bound them。 Celestine let out a howl of pain and retreated into the sanctuary of her cell; trailing the severed ribbon。
 Dowd gave her no respite; however; but went in instant pursuit; yelling to her as he shambled up over the heaped rubble; 〃I'm not your slave! I'm not your dog! And you're no fucking Goddess! You're a whore!〃
 Then he was gone into the darkness of the cell; roaring。 Jude ventured a few steps closer to the hole; but the batants had retreated into its recesses; and she saw nothing of their struggle。 She heard it; however: the hiss of breaths expelled in pain; the sound of bodies pitched against the stone。 The walls shook; and books all along the passageway were thrown from their shelves; the tide of power snatching loose sheets and pamphlets up into the air like birds in a hurricane; leaving the heavier tomes to thrash on the ground; broken…backed。
 And then; suddenly; it was over。 The motion in the cell ceased utterly; and there were several seconds of motionless hush; broken by a moan and the sight of a hand reaching out of the murk to clutch at the broken wall。 A moment later Dowd stumbled into view; his other hand clamped to his face。 Though the shards he carried were powerful; the flesh they were seated in was weak; and Celestine had exploited that frailty with the efficiency of a warrior。 Half his face was missing; stripped to the bone; and his body was more unknitted than the corpse he'd left on the table above: his abdomen gaping; his limbs battered。
 He fell as he emerged。 Rather than attempting to get to his feet…which she doubted he was capable of doing…he crawled over the rubble like a blind man; his hands feeling out the wreckage ahead。 Sobs came from him now and then; and whimpers; but the effort of escape was quickly consuming what little strength he had; and before he reached clear ground his noises gave out。 So; a little time after; did he。 His arms folded beneath him; and he collapsed; face to the floor; surrounded by twitching books。
 Jude watched his body for a count of ten; then moved back towards the cell。 As she came within two yards of his body; she saw a motion and froze in her tracks。 There was life in him still; though it wasn't his。 The mites were exiting his open mouth; like fleas hastening from a cooling host。 They came from his nostrils; too; and from his ears。 Without his will t6 direct them they were probably harmless; but she wasn't going to test that notion。 She stepped as wide of them as she could; taking an indirect route up over the rubble to the threshold of Celestine's asylum。
 The shadows were much thickened by the dust that danced in the air; an aftermath of the forces that had been unleashed inside。 But Celestine was visible; lying crookedly against the far wall。 He'd done her harm; no doubt of that。 Her pale skin was seared and ruptured at thigh; flank; and shoulder。 Roxborough's purgative zeal still had some jurisdiction in his tower; Jude thought。 She'd seen three apostates laid low in the space of an hour one above and two below:
 Of them all; his prisoner Celestine seemed to have suffered least。 Wounded though she was; she still had the will to turn her fierce eyes in Jude's direction and say; 〃Have you e to crow?〃
 〃I tried to warn you;〃 Jude said。 〃I don't want us to be enemies; Celestine。 I want to help you。〃
 〃On whose mand?〃
 〃On my own。 Why'd you assume everybody's a slave or a whore or somebody's damn dog?〃
 〃Because that's the way the world is;〃 she said。
 〃It's changed; Celestine。〃
 〃What? Are the humans gone then?〃
 〃It's not human to be a slave。〃
 〃What would you know?〃 the woman said。 〃I don't sniff much humanity in you。 You're some kind of pretender; aren't you? Made by a Maestro。〃
 It would have pained Jude to hear such dismissal from any source; but from this woman; who'd been for so long a beacon of hope and healing; it was the bitterest condemnation。 She'd fought so hard to be more than a fake; forged in a manmade womb。 But with a few words Celestine had reduced her to a mirage。
 〃You're not even natural;〃 she said。
 〃Nor are you;〃 Jude snapped back。
 〃But I was once;〃 Celestine said。 〃And I cling to that。〃
 〃Cling all you like; it won't change the facts。 No natural woman could have survived in here for two centuries。〃
 〃I had my revenge to nourish me。〃
 〃On Roxborough?〃
 〃On them all; all except one。〃
 〃The Maestro。。。 Sartori。〃
 〃You knew him?〃
 〃Too little;〃 Celestine said。
 There was a weight of sorrow here Jude didn't prehend; but she had the means to ameliorate it on her tongue; and for all Celestine's cruelties Jude wasn't about to withhold the news。
 〃Sartori isn't dead;〃 she said。
 Celestine had turned her face to the wall; but now looked back at Jude。 〃Not dead?〃
 〃I'll find him for you if you want;〃 Jude said。
 〃You'd do that?〃
 〃Are you his mistress?〃
 〃Not exactly。〃
 〃Where is he? Is he near?〃
 〃I don't know where he is。 Somewhere in the city。〃
 〃Yes。 Fetch him。 Please; fetch him。〃 She hauled herself up the wall。 〃He doesn't know my name; but I know him。〃
 〃So who shall I tell him you are?〃
 〃Ask him 。。。 ask him if he remembers Nisi Nirvana。〃
 〃Just tell him。〃
 〃Nisi Nirvana?〃
 〃That's right。〃
 Jude stood up and returned to the hole in the wall; but as she was about to step out Celestine recalled her。
 〃What's your name?〃 she asked。
 〃Judith。〃…〃Well; Judith; not only do you stink of coitus; but you have in your hand some piece of flesh which you haven't given up clutching。 Whatever it is; let it go。〃
 Appalled; Jude looked down at her hand。 The curiosity was still in her possession; half hanging from her fist。 She pitched it away; into the dust。
 〃Do you wonder I took you for a whore?〃 Celestine remarked。
 〃Then we've both made mistakes;〃 Jude replied; looking back at her。 〃I thought you were my salvation。〃
 〃Yours was the greater error;〃 Celestine replied。
 Jude didn't grace this last piece of spite with a reply but headed out of the cell。 The mites that had exited Dowd's body were still crawling around aimlessly; looking for a new bolthole; but the flesh they'd vacated had upped and gone。 She wasn't altogether surprised。 Dowd was an actor to his core。 He would postpone his farewell scene as long as possible; in the hope that he'd be at center stage when the final curtain fell。 A hopeless ambition; given the fame of his fellow players; and one Jude wasn't foolish enough to share。 The more she learned about the drama unfolding around her; with its roots in the tale of Christos the Reconciler; the more resigned she was to having little or no role in it。 Like the Fourth Magi; expunged from the Nativity; she wasn't wanted in the Gospel about to be written; and having seen the pitiful place a king's testament had e to; she was not about to waste time writing her own。

 Clem's duties were done for the night。 He'd been out since seven the previous evening; about the same business that took him out every night: the shepherding of those among the city's homeless too frail or too young to survive long on its streets with only concrete and cardboard for a bed。 Midsummer Night was only two days away; and the hours of darkness were short and relatively balmy; but there were other stalkers besides the cold that preyed on the weak…all human…and the work of denying them their quarry took him through the empty hours after midnight and left him; as now; exhausted; but too full of feeling to lay down his head and sleep。 He'd seen more human misery in the three months he'd been working with the homeless than in the four decades preceding that。 People living in the extremes of deprivation within spitting distance of the city's most conspicuous symbols of justice; faith; and democracy: without money; without hope; and many (these the saddest) without much left of their sanity。 When he returned home after these nightly treks; the hole left in him by Taylor's passing not filled but at least forgotten for a while; it was with expressions of such despair in his head that his own; met in the mirror; seemed almost blithe。
 Tonight; however; he lingered in the dark city longer than usual。 Once the sun was up he knew he'd have little or no chance of sleeping; but sleep was of little consequence to him at the moment。 It was two days since he'd had the visitation that had sent him to Judy's doorstep with tales of angels; and since then there'd been no further hint of Taylor's presence。 But there were other hints; not in the house but out here in the streets; that powers were abroad which his dear Taylor was just one sweet part of。
 He'd had evidence of this only a short time ago。 Just after midnight a man called Tolland; apparently much feared amon
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