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Jude waited in the hall long enough to be sure that Monday wasn't dead; then she headed towards the stairs。 The currents which had induced such disforts were no longer circling in the system of the house: sure sign that some new phase of the working…possibly its last…was under way above。 Clem joined her at the bottom of the stairs; armed with another two of Monday's homemade bludgeons。
〃How many of these creatures are there out there?〃 he demanded。
〃Maybe half a dozen。〃
〃You'll have to watch the back door then;〃 he said; thrusting one of the weapons at Jude。
〃You use it;〃 she said; 'pressing past him。 〃Keep them out for as long as you can。〃
〃Where are you going?〃
〃To stop Gentle。〃
〃Stop him? In God's name; why?〃
〃Because Dowd was right。 If he pletes the Reconciliation we're dead。〃
He cast the bludgeons aside and took hold of her。 〃No; Judy;〃 he said。 〃You know I can't let you do that。〃
It wasn't just Clem speaking; but Tay as well: two voices and a single utterance。 It was more distressing than anything she'd heard or seen outside; to have this mand issue from a face she loved。 But she kept her calm。
〃Let go of me;〃 she said; reaching for the banister to haul herself up the stairs。
〃He's twisted your mind; Judy;〃 the angels said。 〃You don't know what you're doing。〃
〃I know damn well;〃 she said; and fought to wrest herself free。
But Clem's arms; despite their blistering; were unyielding。 She looked for some help from Monday; but he and Hoi…Polloi had their backs to the door; against which the gek…a…gek were beating their massive limbs。 Stout as the timbers were; they'd splinter soon。 She had to get to Gentle before the beasts got in; or it was all over。
And then; above the din of assault; came a voice she'd only heard raised once before。
〃Let her go。〃
Celestine had emerged from her bedroom; draped in a sheet。 The candlelight shook all around her; but she was steady; her gaze mesmeric。 The angels looked around at her; Clem's hands still holding Jude fast。
〃She wants to…〃
〃I know what she wants to do;〃 Celestine said。 〃If you're our guardians; guard us now。 Let her go。〃
Jude felt doubt loosen the hold on her。 She didn't give the angels time to change their mind; but dragged herself free and started up the stairs again。 Halfway up; she heard。a shout and glanced down to see both Hoi…Polloi and Monday thrown forward as the door's middle panel broke and a prodigious limb reached through to snatch at the air。
〃Go on!〃 Celestine yelled up to her; and Jude returned to her ascent as the woman stepped onto the bottom stair to guard the way。
Though there was far less light above than below; the details of the physical world became more insistent as she climbed。 The flight beneath her bare feet was suddenly a wonderland of grains and knotholes; its geography entrancing。 Nor was it simply her sight that filled to brimming。 The banister beneath her hand was more alluring than silk; the scent of sap and the taste of dust begged to be sniffed and savored。 Defying these distractions; she fixed her attention on the door ahead; holding her breath and removing her hand from the banister to minimize the sources of sensation。 Even so; she was assailed。 The creaks of the stairs were rich enough to be orchestrated。 The shadows around the door had nuances to parade and called for her devotion。 But she had a rod at her back: the motion from below。 It was getting louder all the time; and now…cutting through the shouts and roars…came the sound of Sartori's voice。
〃Where are you going; love?〃 he asked her。 〃You can't leave me。 I won't let you。 Look! Love? Look! I've brought the knives。〃
She didn't turn to see; but closed her eyes and stopped her ears with her hands; stumbling up the rest of the stairs blind and deaf。 Only when her toes were no longer stubbed; and she knew she was at the top; did she dare the sight again。 The seductions began again; instantly。 Every nick in every nail of the door said; Stop and study me。 The dust rising around her was a constellation she could have lost herself in forever。 She pitched herself through it; with her gaze glued to the door handle; and clasped it so hard the disfort canceled the beguilings long enough for her to turn it and throw the door open。 Behind her Sartori was calling again; but this time his voice was slurred; as though he was distracted by profusion。
In front of her was his mirror image; naked at the center of the stones。 He sat in the universal posture of the meditator: legs crossed; eyes closed; hands laid palms out in his lap to catch whatever blessings were bestowed。 Though there was much in the room to call her attention…mantelpiece; window; boards; and rafters…their sum of enticements; vast as it was; could not pete with the glory of human nakedness; and this nakedness; that she'd loved and lain beside; more than any other。 Neither the blandishments of the 。; walls…their stained plaster like a map of some unknown country…nor the persuasions of the crushed leaves at the ^ sill could distract her now。 Her senses were fixed on the : Reconciler; and she crossed the room to him in a few short ; strides; calling his name as she went。
He didn't move。 Wherever his mind wandered; it was too far from this place…or rather; this place was too small a part of his arena…for him to be claimed by any voices here; however desperate。 She halted at the edge of the circle。 Though there was nothing to suggest that what lay inside was in flux; she'd seen the harm done to both Dowd and his voider when the bounds had been injudiciously breached。 From down below she heard Celestine raise a cry of warning。 There was no time for equivocation。 What the circle would do it would do; and she'd have to take the consequences。
Steeling herself; she stepped over the perimeter。 Instantly; the myriad disforts that attended passage afflicted her…itches; pangs; and spasms…and for a moment … she thought the circle intended to dispatch her across the In Ovo。 But the work it was about had overruled such functions; and the pains simply mounted and mounted; driving her to her knees in front of Gentle。 Tears spilled from her knitted lids; and the ripest curses from her lips。 The circle hadn't killed her; but another minute of its persecutions and it might。 She had to be quick。
She forced open her streaming eyes and set her gaze on Gentle。 Shouts hadn't roused him; nor had curses; so she didn't waste her breath with more。 Instead she seized his shoulders and began to shake him。 His muscles were lax; and he lolled in her grasp; but either her touch or the fact of her trespass in this charmed circle won a response。 He gasped as though he'd been drawn up from some airless deep。
Now she began to talk。
〃Gentle? Gentle! Open your eyes! Gentle。 I said; Open your fucking eyes!〃
She was causing him pain; she knew。 The tempo and volume of his gasps increased; and his face; which had been beatifically placid; was knotted with frowns and grimaces。 She liked the sight。 He'd been so smug in his messianic mode。 Now there had to be an end to that placency; and if it hurt a little it was his own damn fault for being too much his Father's child。
〃Can you hear me?〃 she yelled at him。 〃You've got to stop the working。 Gentle! You've got to stop it!〃
His eyes started to flicker open。
〃Good! Good!〃 she said; talking at his face like a school…marm trying to coax a delinquent pupil。
〃You can do it! You can open your eyes。 Go on! Do it! If you won't; I'll do it for you; I'm warning you!〃
She was as good as her word; lifting her right hand to his left eye and thumbing back the lid。 His eyeball was rolled back into its socket。 Wherever he was; it was still a tong way off; and she wasn't sure her body had the strength to resist its harrowment while she coaxed him home。
Then; from the landing behind her; Sartori's voice。
〃It's too late; love;〃 he said。 〃Can't you feel it? It's too late。〃
She didn't need to look back at him。 She could picture him well enough; with the knives in his hands and elegy on his face。 Nor did she reply。 She needed every last ounce of will and wit to stir the man in front of her。
And then inspiration! Her hand went from his face to his groin; from his eyelid to his testicles。 Surely there was enough of the old Gentle left in the Reconciler to value his manhood。 The flesh of his scrotum was loose in the warmth of the room。 His balls were heavy in her hand; heavy and vulnerable。 She held them hard。
〃Open your eyes;〃 she said; 〃or so help me I'm going to hurt you。〃
He remained impassive。 She tightened her grip。 〃Wake up;〃 she said。
Still nothing。 She squeezed harder; then twisted。 〃Wake up!〃
His breath quickened。 She twisted again; and his eyes suddenly opened; his gasps being a yell which didn't stop until there was no breath left in his lungs to loose it on。 As he inhaled his arms rose to take hold of Jude at the neck。 She lost her grip on his balls; but it didn't matter。 He was awake and raging。 He started to rise and; as he did so; pitched her out of the circle。 She landed clumsily; but began harassing him before she'd even raised her head。
〃You've got to stop the working!〃
〃Crazy 。;。 woman 。。。〃 he growled。
〃I mean it!
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