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nd and looked up at me with tear…stained eyes。 I shut the door and went over beside her and put an arm around her thin shoulders。
  〃Cheer up;〃 I said。 〃You ought to feel sorry for her。 She thinks she's tough and she's breaking her back trying to live up to it。〃
  The little girl jumped erect; away from my arm。 〃Don't touch me;〃 she said breathlessly。 〃Please。 I never let men touch me。 And don't say such awful things about Mrs。 Murdock。〃
  Her face was all pink and wet from tears。 Without her glasses her eyes were very lovely。
  I stuck my long…waiting cigarette into my mouth and lit it。
  〃II didn't mean to be rude;〃 she snuffled。 〃But she does humiliate me so。 And I only want to do my best for her。〃 She snuffled some more and got a man's handkerchief out of her desk and shook it out and wiped her eyes with it。 I saw on the hanging down corner the initials L。M。 embroidered in purple。 I stared at it and blew cigarette smoke towards the corner of the room; away from her hair。 〃Is there something you want?〃 she asked。
  〃I want the license number of Mrs。 Leslie Murdock's car。〃
  〃It's 2X1111; a gray Mercury convertible; 1940 model。〃
  〃She told me it was a coupé。〃
  〃That's Mr。 Leslie's car。 They're the same make and year and color。 Linda didn't take the car。〃
  〃Oh。 What do you know about a Miss Lois Magic?〃
  〃I only saw her once。 She used to share an apartment with Linda。 She came here with a Mr。a Mr。 Vannier。〃
  〃Who's he?〃
  She looked down at her desk。 〃Ishe just came with him。 I don't know him。〃
  〃Okay; what does Miss Lois Magic look like?〃
  〃She's a tall handsome blond。 Veryvery appealing。〃
  〃You mean sexy?〃
  〃Well〃 she blushed furiously; 〃in a nice well…bred sort of way; if you know what I mean。〃
  〃I know what you mean;〃 I said; 〃but I never got anywhere with it。〃
  〃I can believe that;〃 she said tartly。
  〃Know where Miss Magic lives?〃
  She shook her head; no。 She folded the big handkerchief very carefully and put it in the drawer of her desk; the one where the gun was。
  〃You can swipe another one when that's dirty;〃 I said。 She leaned back in her chair and put her small neat hands on her desk and looked at me levelly。
  〃I wouldn't carry that tough…guy manner too far; if I were you; Mr。 Marlowe。 Not with me; at any rate。〃
  〃No。 And I can't answer any more questions without specific instructions。 My position here is very confidential。〃
  〃I'm not tough;〃 I said。 〃Just virile。〃
  She picked up a pencil and made a mark on a pad。 She smiled faintly up at me; all posure again。
  〃Perhaps I don't like virile men;〃 she said。 
  〃You're a screwball;〃 I said; 〃if ever I met one。 Good…by。〃 
  I went out of her office; shut the door firmly; and walked back along the empty halls through the big silent sunken funereal living room and out of the front door。
  The sun danced on the warm lawn outside。 I put my dark glasses on and went over and patted the little Negro on the head again。
  〃Brother; it's even worse than I expected;〃 I told him。 The stumble…stones were hot through the soles of my shoes。 I got into the car and started it and pulled away from the curb。
  A small sand…colored coupé pulled away from the curb behind me。 I didn't think anything of it。 The man driving it wore a dark porkpie type straw hat with a gay print band and dark glasses were over his eyes; as over mine。
  I drove back towards the city。 A dozen blocks later at a traffic stop; the sand…colored coupé was still behind me。 I shrugged and just for the fun of it circled a few blocks。 The coupé held its position。 I swung into a street lined with immense pepper trees; dragged my heap around in a fast U…turn and stopped against the curbing。
  The coupé came carefully around the corner。 The blond head under the cocoa straw hat with the tropical print band didn't even turn my way。 The coupé sailed on and I drove back to the Arroyo Seco and on towards Hollywood。 I looked carefully several times; but I didn't spot the coupé again。
  I had an office in the Cahuenga Building; sixth floor; two small rooms at the back。 One I left open for a patient client to sit in; if I had a patient client。 There was a buzzer on the door which I could switch on and off from my private thinking parlor。
  I looked into the reception room。 It was empty of everything but the smell of dust。 I threw up another window; unlocked the municating door and went into the room beyond。 Three hard chairs and a swivel chair; flat desk with a glass top; five green filing cases; three of them full of nothing; a calendar and a framed license bond on the wall; a phone; a washbowl in a stained wood cupboard; a hatrack; a carpet that was just something on the floor; and two open windows with net curtains that puckered in and out like the lips of a toothless old man sleeping。
  The same stuff I had had last year; and the year before that。 Not beautiful; not gay; but better than a tent on the beach。
  I hung my hat and coat on the hatrack; washed my face and hands in cold water; lit a cigarette and hoisted the phone book onto the desk。 Elisha Morningstar was listed at 824 Belfont Building; 422 West Ninth Street。 I wrote that down and the phone number that went with it and had my hand on the instrument when I remembered that I hadn't switched on the buzzer for the reception room。 I reached over the side of the desk and clicked it on and caught it right in stride。 Somebody had just opened the door of the outer office。
  I turned my pad face down on the desk and went over to see who it was。 It was a slim tall self…satisfied looking number in a tropical worsted suit of slate blue; black and white shoes; a dull ivory…colored shirt and a tie and display handkerchief the color of jacaranda bloom。 He was holding a long black cigarette…holder in a peeled back white pigskin glove and he was wrinkling his nose at the dead magazines on the library table and the chairs and the rusty floor covering and the general air of not much money being made。
  As I opened the municating door he made a quarter turn and stared at me out of a pair of rather dreamy pale eyes set close to a narrow nose。 His skin was sun…flushed; his reddish hair was brushed back hard over a narrow skull; and the thin line of his mustache was much redder than his hair。
  He looked me over without haste and without much pleasure。 He blew some smoke delicately and spoke through it with a faint sneer。
  〃You're Marlowe?〃
  I nodded。
  〃I'm a little disappointed;〃 he said。 〃I rather expected something with dirty fingernails。〃
  〃e inside;〃 I said; 〃and you can be witty sitting down。〃
  I held the door for him and he strolled past me flicking cigarette ash on the floor with the middle nail of his free hand。 He sat down on the customer's side of the desk; took off the glove from his right hand and folded this with the other already off and laid them on the desk。 He tapped the cigarette end out of the long black holder; prodded the coal with a match until it stopped smoking; fitted another cigarette and lit it with a broad mahogany…colored match。 He leaned back in his chair with the smile of a bored aristocrat。
  〃All set?〃 I enquired。 〃Pulse and respiration normal? You wouldn't like a cold towel on your head or anything?〃
  He didn't curl his lip because it had been curled when he came in。 〃A private detective;〃 he said。 〃I never met one。 A shifty business; one gathers。 Keyhole peeping; raking up scandal; that sort of thing。〃
  〃You here on business;〃 I asked him; 〃or just slumming?〃
  His smile was as faint as a fat lady at a fireman's ball。
  〃The name is Murdock。 That probably means a little something to you。〃
  〃You certainly made nice time over here;〃 I said; and started to fill a pipe。
  He watched me fill the pipe。 He said slowly: 〃I understand my mother has employed you on a job of some sort。 She has given you a check。〃
  I finished filling the pipe; put a match to it; got it drawing and leaned back to blow smoke over my right shoulder towards the open window。 I didn't say anything。
  He leaned forward a little more and said earnestly: 〃I know being cagey is all part of your trade; but I am not guessing。 A little worm told me; a simple garaen worm; often trodden on; but still somehow survivinglike myself。 I happened to be not far behind you。 Does that help to clear things up?〃
  〃Yeah;〃 I said。 〃Supposing it made any difference to me。〃
  〃You are hired to find my wife; I gather。〃
  I made a snorting sound and grinned at him over the pipe bowl。
  〃Marlowe;〃 he said; even more earnestly; 〃I'll try hard; but I don't think I am going to like you。〃
  〃I'm screaming;〃 I said。 〃With rage and pain。〃
  〃And if you will pardon a homely phrase; your tough guy act stinks。〃
  〃ing from you; that's bitter。〃
  He leaned back again and brooded at me with pale eyes。 He fussed around in the chair; trying to get fortable。 A lot of people had tried to get fortable in that chair。 I ought to try it myself sometime。 Maybe it was losing business for me。
  〃Why should my mother want Linda found?〃 he asked slowly。 〃She hated her guts。 I mean my mother hated Linda's guts。 Linda was quite decent to my mother。 What do you think 
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